Transcript Background music: Announcer: Welcome to The Podcast To Be Named Later, where we explore the world a conversation at a time. Sit back and enjoy. Here are your hosts, Chris and Kelly. Kelly: Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of the podcast to be named later. I'm Kelly. Back in Wisconsin and Chris told me he's here and just returned from Hollywood. So Chris, I assume I should be getting that contract, just like Travis and Jason. Kelsey must have lined us up for at least 100 mil. Yeah, it's in the works, Kelly. So just stand by if you just wait. Wait by your mailbox, buddy. All right, I'm looking forward to it. You talked about wanting some new audio equipment, so, hey, man, I'll look forward to bringing this up to the next level. Yeah, I I'm in too, but let's. Chris: Do. Kelly: It all right. Welcome, Chris. I know we saw each other last week. Our family fantasy football draft, great to catch up with you. Obviously there had lots of fun. We'll talk a little bit about that. And let's jump in. Chris: To you, by the way, Mr. Ford, I I I want. I want to give you your your due. So it's. I don't know if it's 1012 years in the making or whatever. But you know you showed up with the plan to the fantasy draft and you actually implemented your plan and you stuck to it and you walked away with a pretty good team. So you know nice. Kelly: Man. Yeah. Thanks a lot, man. Yeah, set my budget. And I know I stuck to it this year. I. Chris would tell you every day before the draft. We usually have a little chat and I. I tell him, oh, I got this plan and then I get in the heat of the moment and get a little carried away. Spend a little much on early players, but. Chris: That was my role this year. I I mean, I had to shut it down in the middle rounds because I do not like being the $1.00 guy at the end. And then you got, you know, you you got to nominate your guy. Kelly: They got just. Chris: And then listen to one guy, say 2 bucks and then now you gotta sit and wait for, you know, seven more nominations. And then just. Hope, like all the next guy you nominate is you can have that everyone will let you have them and you know and then got to listen to all the BS in between. And so yeah, I do everything in my power to not be A1. The dollar guy for too long, right? Everyone ends up there in the end, but I I don't want it to be an. Hour man so. I blew. I blew a bunch of money early on and Patrick Mahomes and Christian McCaffrey, and then I just had to sit there quiet for quite a. Kelly: Yeah, I actually, I think I was the first guy to have a fully drafted team, if memory serves. So it was kind of a nice feeling. Chris: Yeah, you do great man. Your team team looks real solid and you know, yeah, I'm just wanna leave your own proud of you, man. You made a plan and you stuck to it and didn't got, like you said, get caught up in the heat of the moment. I mean, it's exciting and auction drafts in general. You know it's fast and furious, and it's easy to get, you know, caught up and kind of lose track. In fairness, you do. In the past, you know, sometimes have tracked things too. And I know as a guy who's, like, putting the stickers on the board and tracking the money and stuff, you know, sometimes it's hard to keep track of what you're doing yourself, you know, and and trying to, like, hey, man, how do I want a bunch of my team, you know? I mean, I kind of came in with a tentative plan as well, but, you know, let me let me relook at things. But, you know, in the moment it's, you know, it all happens so fast, sometimes it's hard to go and and kind of hit the reset button like. All right, let's see where I where I am now. You know, I I know I came in with a plan to start with, but I'm not sure if I'm on course or. Kelly: Yeah, and for podcast listeners, Chris obviously doesn't listen to the all the episodes of the podcast because he missed the one last week that I recorded by myself. Showing how I use my spreadsheet and Excel tracker that I built and have shared with people. So Chris, you got to always pay attention to that podcast Feed man. Chris: Yeah. Sneak attacked me, man. Yeah, I'll have to have to go. Kelly: Back and check it out. No. So I mean, yeah, no, fantasy football is one of those things for us. You know, we do it with a family members. It's really turning into a great week and it's always been a good weekend, but it's it's going from good to great. One family members got a really nice place on the lake turning into kind of one of those destination weekends. Hopefully we can keep it going for a while. I always look forward to it. As an adult, it's for me it's almost like. Speaker Yeah. Kelly: It's like the Chris, it's like Christmas for me, to be honest in that I don't need presents. Well, you know, like hopefully drop some good ones for myself, but it's really more about the togetherness and just hanging out. Chris: Yeah, I mean I I'm the same way, Kelly, you know, I mean, I, I, everybody likes Christmas, right? I mean, I, you know for sure. But you know, at this point, and I imagine it's the same for you at this point in my life. It's it's you don't get that exciting. Like anxious feeling like, oh, I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. You know it's, you know, we go through our our our lives and a lot of you know, adulthood is is responsibilities and have DOS, you know and and it's just like well, this is what's next on the schedule. This I gotta go to work. I gotta do this. I gotta do that whatever. So the opportunities that you had as a child. You get excited about something, get excited about, you know, a fishing trip or get excited about a ball game or get excited about Christmas or your birthday. That you know that you just get that you know that feeling, you have the anticipation, anticipatory feeling you have as something an event approaches and you're just like kind of giddy on the inside and you know, as an adult, I notice I I don't get that feeling quite as often. But in the couple of days leading up to, you know, the travel out to. Your brother's house. I'm just getting mad. Like I can't wait. I cannot wait to get on the plane. I can't wait to see everybody. Like I'm genuinely excited. Like true, honest excitement about the whole thing. And then, you know, every year, year after year, it never lets down, man. I mean, we, you know, it's just a great. Weekend man that for for me is is the highlight of my year. Most years. Kelly: Yeah, no, I hear you. Speaking of highlights, in anticipation if you already got us that 100 million, maybe we can go for like a Joe Buck and Troy Aikman money as well. On we're going to, Chris put you a little bit more. On the spot? Because why not? I've had an interesting thing baseball. Last night, I kept hearing headlines about. Shohei Otani's dog throughout the first pitch at a ball game and last I knew dogs couldn't throw a ball, so. Lol. Love to have you won't have sound for this copyright reasons and all the rest. But Chris, could you take us through a little play by play of what show? Hey, Donnies dog actually did. Chris: Yeah, I'm gonna get. This will be my very first attempt at a play by play. But you know, you did give me a a heads up as as we hooked up on here and and got the headphones on and started chatting before you hit record. And so I did pull up the video on you know on YouTube and and I got it in front of me I got the the sound pulled down but I'll give you I'll. See if I can walk you through what takes place. And give it my my first ever attempt at a play by play. It's a dog throwing out the first pitch, so I got a long ways to go, bud. All right, you. Ready. Kelly: You betcha. Chris: All right, let's fire this up. All right, ladies and gentlemen, today we have a special treat for you. Today, it's going to be a puppy pitcher on the mound show. Hey, Otani has met with this puppy, and here we go. The puppy runs the ball down the field to the 10 to the 20 to the 15, and it's a perfect strike right down the middle. High fives all around. Tony with the catch and the dog with the treat. So Puppy Puppy grabs the ball and. You know, just beelines it for Otani, who's playing catcher under this circumstance, and yeah, All in all, I would say it was straight as an arrow. Man, I'm puppy puppies. Got some, got a future in them. Kelly: So that's pretty wild, man. The dog was taken out to the mound, I believe. Chris: Yeah, yeah. You know, Tony carried, carried him out there, you know. And I mean, imagine the the poise that this, that this dog has. I mean there's, you know, 60,000 people all hollering and stuff. And then he stadiums giant and he was stayed focused throughout Kelly. I mean, I'm telling you he was there. All business had a job to get done, and the the puppy took care of business. Kelly: Hey man, new new angle for that dog. If you know she'll have Tony runs out of money, he can be the guy that takes the balls out to the players. Although my hunch is he carried it in his mouth. So there's something about that saliva on the balls. The umpires don't tend to like, but. Chris: Foreign substance. Kelly: Mary robichaux. Chris: Yeah, it's pretty cute, dude. Pretty, pretty cool moment, I imagine for, you know, for show. Hey and and. Pretty, you know, an experience the dog will never forget, I'm sure. Kelly: I mean, I'm more power to the the Dodgers organization and whoever else came up with that little bit of fun. And why not? And really, I know how to do. Think about that. I mean, just the training, even if it was in an empty stadium. But now do that with the like you said, you know. 50-60 thousand yelling people. Had to be quite the thing. Chris: Yeah. Hey, shout out to all you dog owners out there, man. It just shows. Put the time in with your dog, you know? Don't, don't you know they're not just in the corner. You don't just feed them every day, man. You got to spend some time with them and and you know, you could just tell the dog was so happy to to have you know. They've done this with him and I'm sure they spent plenty of time practicing ahead of time and stuff. So yeah, if you got a animal spend time with that animal or don't get one in the first place. Kelly: Yeah. So you know, practice is really over for college football. They've been practicing all summer, little summer had season week zero as they like to call it of really for me, what I've been looking forward to for many years for certain, as long as we've been doing this podcast and more. More of a playoff 12 team playoff, you know, week zero happened. This week, what are you excited about or looking forward to in college football, Chris? Chris: I mean, just the entirety of the season, Kelly. So you know, man, I mean, you know, 12 teams are going to make it. You know, you can slip up early and you know. The route they've been going for a while now is, you know, schedule the big games, you know, get get somebody on your schedule from another conference. That's a legit. You know what I mean? Don't don't just go play all the southwest Louisiana techs of the world, you know, get get a Georgia on there. And even if you lose, if you have a good show and you know, we'll still give you credit for that. And now with the expansion to. Well, you know, my hope is more and more. Well, you're not going to have a whole lot of choice but to play in a a big conference school because you know, we're gonna be down to four total conferences at some point. The rate we're going, you're going to be 64 teams in each conference. But yeah, I'm. I'm just jazz man. I mean, college football is. You know, we've talked about this before. I mean, you know, I love the NFL and I love fantasy football and, you know, obviously the NFL is the the pinnacle of of what these guys can get to. But for me, from just a raw sports standpoint, college football has always been right at the top for me. It's my favorite man, it it and. You know you you get an opportunity to see people from from different regions of the country and and you know different offensive schemes and defensive schemes and you know, just the. You know, it's generally about a 12/13 week, you know well, with buys and stuff. Maybe just a hair longer, but you know, it's just exciting, man. Every game matters so much. And you know, there's a, there's a lot of filler in there. I mean, there's a lot of division, one schools, but there's also just about every week, you know, some type of marquee matchup. And for me, I I just. Absolutely love college football, man. And you, you get everything you could want as a sports fan out of it. Over the course of the. Reason. Kelly: Yeah, I'm. I'm really surprised by a few things. I'm looking forward to some things I can't recall a time and just, I guess reflects the nature of how sports will goes today, but. You know, there might have been, but it doesn't jump immediately to memory where the head coaches of the two national championship teams were gone one year later. You know, Washington heads coach down in Alabama and Michigan's is down in your neck of the woods. Coach in San Diego. That, that's a change. See how those teams. You can respond. And. And then looking forward to still bum to see the end of what had been a premiere conference in many college sports, the PAC 12, I guess technically it's the PAC 2 maybe Wazoo and Oregon State, but I will be curious to see how some of these big 10 teams. Fair now with the bigger conference and. Still think college might need to work on its math? Because the Big 10 is now 18 teams, but I don't know when I learned to count. Chris: Is that Midwest education? Kelly: Bud, I don't know, man. Something new, because when I learned to count, 10 was 10 and like I didn't get to if I wrote 10 equal, you know, 10 is 18. That usually would have got me a bad score on the math test. But that's that new math, you know. Chris: Yeah, complicated. Kelly: Really curious to see though a lot of changes, you know both in TV coverage, conference alignment and more and. Without fail, every weekend in college football, there's. Good stories, and as you said, the exciting thing about the larger playoff is. You know, I I hope it continues to encourage teams to schedule those big games without fear of, you know, you lose that first game. We saw that happen last week. For a team that you know wasn't expected to lose, but it doesn't tank your whole season or opportunity, you know 12 is is better than four. So we're heading in the right direction. Chris: Ohh for sure. Florida State you know lost to Georgia Tech. I believe it was right. Yeah, in in years past, that'd be the end of them now. Now Florida states in a hole. Absolutely. I mean, it's gonna be an uphill climb for them. And it's gonna be and rightfully so, but. You know they're not dead, man. I mean, you know, you can go and win the ACC still so and and get your get your shot. But in years past, you know like especially you know when when it was just two teams. That's it. Your your season's over week one you're done done. So I don't care if you go in that the ACC someone else you know two other teams are are going to you know. Get an edge over you, right? But now you know. Firstly, isn't a hole absolutely like I said, but you know they're not. They're not done. I mean you, you know, you just you just don't get another slip up, you use yours on week one and and and even then they may need some help along the way. But I just like the fact that. You know, you're gonna have teams who, you know, stub their toe early on, but heading into, you know, December, you know, those teams sometimes are hot fire. Now, you know, QB change or, you know, they finally settle into the new scheme that's running there or whatever the case may be. And now with with the setup. And what it is you know, there's there's gonna be some teams that catch fire late that otherwise would not have had an opportunity to compete for a national championship because they stubbed their toe early. And now I think there will be a couple. People that you know, you you might you might not want to face at all in in, in the college football playoffs, you know, they might even have two losses and historically that that would just eliminate you entirely. But now and maybe not so much and and that team with two losses you know they might started one and two and then they rambled off you know ten straight and. You know, may not want to face that team, you know, come playoff time. Kelly: It will be also interesting to see where it's been going again. Got no problems with it, but the whole mill and transfer portal. I mean it's like open season for players moving around. It's always been that way for coaches as we just talked about the coaches of the two national championship teams last year, but a lot of player movement first of all and then. I I don't know. It's, you know, not always easy to find the money. I read somewhere that Ohio State's team might be a $20 million salary. Chris: Yeah, I read that too. And hey, man, there's always been haves and have nots, you know, and so you know it is what it is you, you know the states, you know where you're at and the kids do as well. So you know I I I like the free market. I like the the the ability for a backup quarterback who who's not going to. You know, get the opportunity at this place. Now. I I never believe in quitting or I never believed in taking. I have a lot of respect for the guys who suck it up and I'm continue to grind as well. But you know. Everywhere else you know, if I don't. If I don't like what target has to offer, I can go to Walmart. If I don't like, you know, Starbucks coffee, I I can go to Dutch Bros or somewhere else. Right? You know what I mean? Like, we have choices and. And I don't see why it would be any different for college football. And you have the movements crazy though, cuz. I mean, you could see the talent in some of these kids, right? But then to project it into. A whole new school, a whole new offense. You know what I mean? I you know, this guy might look great at Oklahoma, but you know. He when he goes to Ohio State, is he still going to be the same guy? You know, I mean, I don't know. You know what I mean? The weight room is different. The coaches are different, you know, I mean, there's been a lot of movement in 19 or 20 year old kids life. All of a sudden, are they going to adjust to that, you know? And yeah, I think it's exciting, though for me. I'm. I'm excited to see what happens. Kelly: I'm excited to see how it plays out. I think that, you know, I don't think we're done with any of this as to how it plays out in the long term, meaning we will see, you know, a lot of movement like this. But at some point, I think a little more stability will return. But I don't have a problem with the way it is because to be clear, I mean if you're playing at. Most Division One level schools, I mean in your, you know upper level player you have, you have goals of playing at the next level on Sundays. And if you're, you know, buried on the depth chart at the number three quarterback at some place like Alabama or wherever, you know, you might never get a shot to start. And you know, that limits your opportunities to go to the next level. And frankly, the number three quarterback at one school is probably still better than the starter at. 50 of them so. You know, there's things to be sorted out here with the finances and everything else and the the haves and the have nots and all of that. But I think that for the players itself, this is largely a positive. And you know, so looking forward to it and after this weekend, we'll have a little more information. I know my Wisconsin Badgers open up tomorrow night just down the road at Camp Randall didn't do as well as I'd hoped last year, lost one of their power running backs now. Playing for The Jets and Brill and Allen. So really just curious to see how they come out along with everybody else and I am really also like I said, curious how some of these PAC 12, former PAC 12 teams do in. Big 10 teams like Washington, Oregon, UCLA and USC. We'll see. Chris: Yeah, I don't. I don't know how it's going to go. I mean, I know at least historically you know the. PAC 10 PAC 12 has always been a little more high flying, you know, not not much emphasis put on defense. I mean, it wasn't quite the the, the the Big 12, but you know it and when you get in the big 10 man that's a lot more Smash Mouth man, you know, they got a little more beef on both sides of the line. Umm. You know, weather games are more a factor and I'm curious myself, man. I mean, you know, now you know, SC, Oregon, I mean, you know, Washington, these. These are legitimate programs. You know, they've they've been, you know, at or near the top of the college football landscape for many decades. So it's not. We know they can compete, but you know, on a week in, week out basis, you know, let let's see you know what, what you guys look like here in this new conference. So it's definitely a different style of. Man. Kelly: So yeah, it'll be a not a total wake up call because I mean, some of those PAC 12 schools did go to places like Washington state, where there was a winter. But I got to wonder how those young men from, say, UCLA or UC USC come about November. We're going to look forward to showing up at Camp Randall or the Horseshoe in Columbus. You know, Penn State or another winter destination going to be like. Chris: Really. Yeah. I mean, I left because I've I have spent winters in Washington state and I've spent, you know, winters in Wisconsin. Those, those, those two winters are not the same thing. Kelly: Yeah, I definitely. So really going to be interesting for that whole scheduling also with basketball, again same deal. You know, Monday night at home, at campus, out in Los Angeles, you know, 9th, 80°. Late January day. Get on the plane, show up. Because I've done that back in the Midwest and it's 20 below. I've often at family gatherings I've told the story of. Coming back to Wisconsin once for Christmas. We were aiming. Now we're living in Washington state, but we had gone down to California for Christmas and. Sitting in one of our brother, my brothers driveways on your dad's motorcycle, just chilling at about 8:00 in the morning and it was 85°. And got off the airplane later that day in Milwaukee, WI and it was 20 below. Chris: Yeah. Yeah, we'll see, man. I mean, those are the big ones and then you know, couple of Big 12 teams that are historically really solid programs. You know you're moving to the SEC, I mean that's that's big boy football out there, man. And I know you guys have been, you know, kings of your league for a long time and and you know, played in the national championship. Kelly: And. Chris: Games or playoff games and and all of that. But you know, you got to go through the rigors of, you know, Georgia and Alabama and and, you know, make your way through LSU and and on and on. Man, I mean, that's. You know there there there's not a single cupcake you know, on your schedule. If you're playing the CC's. So I'm kind of curious how those guys hold up, man, you you've only had to get up for two or three games a year in the past. Now you got to get up. For eight straight. Kelly: Weeks. You know? Yeah, sometimes, you know, be careful what you ask for. Because you might get it, yeah. Speaking of, be careful what you ask for. You know some guys last April, I asked to be drafted and they were, and I always think about this about this time of year, just the amount and it's happens in all sports leagues, but the amount of turnover in the NFL. In both two ways. First of all, you know Monday if you will. Most teams had 90 players on their roster. Come Tuesday, you know, they had to be down to 53. It's just an awful lot of people whose dreams just ended. Now little bit comes back because by the end of Wednesday, you know, they can have a practice squad of up to 16. So there's both that, you know, hey, I was drafted by whoever. Back in April or I signed a free agent contract and I've been part of that team for four or five months, you know, put every bit of work in I could. But you know, the Nat dream ends and then just also, even if we go to the draft. I mean, right, I mean the math is there if they're drafting 7 new guys, seven guys at minimum are probably leaving the team in some way. Just think about that a lot independent of the play on the field, just the human. Life changing events on all side. That is, you know, kind of the untold stories of the NFL, and I get it, play on the field. But just that. And so that's a way of, I guess transitioning us over to the NFL, at least a little bit in another week, actually a week from tonight. First game kicks off and then. Next night, Packers are down in Brazil playing the Eagles, so any initial thoughts on the NFL? Chris: Ohh. I mean just that I'm ready, man. I mean, it's, you know, I'm my off. Season's done. Let's, let's go. Yeah, I'm. I mean, I've been, you know, got my fantasy teams all all in place and you know kind of have some. Notions of of how I think various teams are going to do, you know and and some teams that I think are going to be better than expected or worse than expected and you know or there's just there's so many questions man. Like you said, there's all the turnover you know and and not just players. Man coaching staff I mean not you know it's just a. You know, every every year truly is a brand new season and you know the chemistry of a team is always altered to some degree. You know, however little or or or much of that might be and you know we we're speculating that Kirk Cousins is healthy. We're speculating that Aaron Rodgers is healthy. We're speculating that the Steelers are going to be a winning. You know football franchise because they always are. You know, all these things are are just speculations at this point. You know, we're we're using previous information and whatever data we have to to make a guess but. You know, at some point they're going to, you know, very soon they're going to put it on a field and then, you know, we'll start to know whether we were right or not. You know, is Josh Allen, Josh Allen, you know what I mean? Lost, you know, is 2 top wide receivers and 80% of the end zone targets. And on and on and on is is, you know, is he can he work with anything, you know, we'll see. You know, there's just so many questions. You know, and a lot of young. And Caleb Williams, Jayden Daniels. You know Beau Nicks all you know, rookie starting quarterbacks. Mayo said that Drake May is going to sit, which I really appreciate that of of them and sounds like they were very honest, you know, and, you know, weren't afraid to say, like, look, man, our. Offensive line is terrible and you know, I was listening to. Good morning football this morning and they were talking that, you know, Drake may won the starting job, but then the offensive line lost it for him, you know, and and I think what the Patriots are doing with him is a smart move. But, you know, some of these other guys, you know, like I said, Kayla Williams and Jane Daniels, you're you're in right away and there's high expectations for you right away. There is no learning curve. We expect you to perform. Right now and you know and there's other guys too, like, Will Levis and you know guys that. You know are still young. I mean, you know, he's got a year of football under his belt, but, you know, he's still a very young guy and then, you know, you got guys. So I I you. Kelly: Well. Want to talk about sorry. Chris: And I. You want to discuss? Kelly: Talk about high expectations. I'm not sure there's any higher expectations than on the guy. Just couple hours up the road at 1265 Lombardi. Chris: Ohh yeah. I mean they're, you know, it's just fully expected that like, hey, you know, the last nine games of the season last year, that's who you are. And you know they they. Kelly: And you were just paid like. That. Chris: Correct. And so, well, he's not the only one. A lot of people got a bunch of money, but yeah, he. You know, he's got nine good nine good weeks under his belt, you know, and and but he finished with a a trajectory that looked really promising and then he got a grip of money, you know, and we had this discussion at the draft over the course of the weekend. Stuff and you know, you know my my stance is pretty simple like this. This is what it is, man. You know you you want to buy a coffee at Starbucks, you know, it's 5 bucks, dude. You know you you want to make your own coffee at home, cool. But you know you won't. You know, this, this the market dictates. Right. So. If you wanna, if you want a quarterback, you gotta pay that kind of money, that's what. Kelly: Yeah, no, we and. They cost. We had this conversation offline, but we, you know, we have it here too because like it is. Like. Your you know, unless you can get that rookie quarterback on, you know, even a first round money, you know, which is I, you know, over four years I think about 32,000,000 like the salary for a quarterback is what it is in the NFL and. Do you wanna do you wanna have a chance at that or not and like? Going with something that doesn't have that you know you, you you got little to no chance. So you got to pay. That's what you got to pay to play. And hopefully you make the the best choices. I think the other thing that I'm you know had this discussion but what's fascinating to me. Is. How you know, I know we've said this in in different ways and it's not my original quote, but. You can't even find 32 guys who can play starting quarterback in the NFL effectively. Chris: I just had. Kelly: A question, all right, it's a question or comment either. Chris: One, no, you can't. I mean, we see it every year there, there aren't 32. So you know there, there's always going to be the Zach Williams or Zach Wilsons and the drew locks and the guys who you know Desmond Ritters and and the guys who just can't do it man you know and and you know. Each year it's going to churn over and, and those teams who didn't pay Jordan love, you know, 220 million their. Good luck. You know, that's the IT is what it is, dude. Like, you know, you mean you? You know you you're you're paying obscene amount of money on the hope. But the other side of it is. You know, you know, look what the Washington Redskins have had to deal with and look, you know what the Atlanta Falcons have had to deal with and and just, you know, go team by team, by team who don't have 1/4. Back you can't win, so I get that. If you spent, you know, give someone $55 million a year, you also might not be able to win. But short of, like you said, when Russell Wilson was on his rookie deal or when, you know, Lamar Jackson was on his rookie deal or, you know, those guys, you know, Patrick Mahomes, right. You know, there there's a couple out there that you can get lucky. And, you know, put a team around and they're good right from go. But most of the time, you know, it takes three years before the guy even gets to a point that you can even see what he is. And by that point, it's time to, you know, pay the money or let him walk and. Yeah. I mean, it's not ideal. I I, but I don't know how you fix it, man. It is what it is. Like I said, the, the the NFL's not hurting for money at all and we all know quarterbacks, you know, drive the bus man. It's it's what it is. So the Packers are in that spot. I think they're lucky to have found love. I think they have as good a shot as as anybody on hitting on the quarterback. That they have in, in, in in their building, but it's certainly is no guarantee by any means man. Kelly: Yeah, I think that, you know, just when you break it down and just think about, you know, really it the. The combination of. Cognitive ability, physical ability and leadership traits to do this well. You know, it really is a rare combination. It's, I mean, sports is always interesting in. You could say that about acting or anything where you know when you find that elite group of people who can do something. Amazingly well, just how scarce that talent can be. You know, probably, you know, who knows what the total number is, but probably find, you know, a fair number of guys put them, you know, line them up and say, hey, go tell me what this defense is going to do. You know, what would you change a play to in the 1 1/2 seconds or whatever they have from the, you know? But now you got to say, OK, but now I also need you to have the physical traits to throw the ball or do all those other things. And then the leadership abilities to exude confidence and get really ten other guys to look to you and believe in you 100% that no matter what's happening, you know, you're the magician that's going to make it happen. And so that is why I think. You know, you probably take any certain jobs and break that down, but I'd say quarterback is one where it is. Of. People that can do the combination of tasks for a sports position, definitely one of the smallest populations. I mean, just look at baseball and then, you know, you can probably find more people that can. Again, we're talking. Very small numbers, but people that can be a starting pitcher is probably more than can play quarterback in the NFL. Chris: Ohh, agreed. And you know you you can find more hockey centers or shooting guards or you know you you, you know NASCAR drivers or or whatever man you can you can go through the list any given week you know 150 golfers show up for a tournament and yeah. I mean in the NFL you got like on a given year you got like 20 to 25. You can do it competently. Kelly: And I I'd argue you, you probably have. Chris: That's it. Kelly: You know about eight that can do it every year at an elite level, correct? Yeah. You probably got 8. Chris: Correct. Yep. And everyone's looking for those guys. Everyone's looking for Patrick Mahomes, man, everyone, and even it's not Patrick Holmes. They're they're just. They're looking for Dak Prescott. You know? Give me a guy who can do this, you know, and and, you know, reasonably well everyone's going to make mistakes. Everyone's gonna throw interceptions, you know. I mean, there's there's going to be, you know, things here and there, but just, you know, who can do it? Kelly: You know, generally effectively at a consistent level. And yeah, you're talking. Yeah, I mean it's it's, you know probably under under 20 human beings on the planet. Yeah. I mean I kind of figure about 25% of the league at any given point, you know, can do it at an elite level then, you know, probably half the league. I mean can do it at a. A functional level, again functional in the NFL, is pretty high function. And then there's another eight or a quarter or so, you know. The only reason they're starting is cause the team doesn't have anybody else, but they're. Immediate candidates for replacement, and I want to be clear, even those guys, I mean, obviously they're elite talents in, in a way, but it's the nature of such a a business and so. Chris: Yeah. And that's why they give $55 million a year, like you said, I mean, you know, Tom Cruise gets a lot of money. You know Hugh Jackson Jackman gets a lot of money, Taylor Swift gets a lot of money to sing. You know what I mean? These guys are, you know, these are rare talents. They're, you know, elite at what they do. And yeah, you get paid for that. Kelly: So Speaking of getting paid, it's early on, but predictions Chris on who's getting paid at the end of the year, Super Bowl, what are you looking for to come out of each? You know, I know when we were young and boisterous on this podcast, we went division by division. You probably won't do that, but what are you looking for? Who are going to ask today? Who do you think are going to be, you know, the leaders of your top two or three teams out of each division? What are you looking for? Well, I mean, you know, I wish I I wish I could. Chris: You know, go out on some limbs here and I wish, you know, I had some hot takes for you, Kelly. But you know the the teams that I like this year heading in, I mean, I got a couple. I I wouldn't say they're dark horses to win a Super Bowl, but a couple of teams that I think are being. Or have potential to be better than what other people seem to think that they're going to be like the Tennessee Titans, I think are a team that you know, if things break well for them, I feel like they could be significantly better than than what the masses seem to think of them. The Chicago Bears, I think, can be really good there. There's a couple, but. If you're talking like who, who do I like to win the Super Bowl? It's gonna be the usual suspects, man. It's the Kansas City Chiefs. It's the San Francisco 49ers. The Lions are right there. You know, the the Bengals are all. Health related and you know, personnel on the field, if they are at full strength, they're right there with anybody, but they haven't shown the ability to to be at full strength. I mean, Jamar Chase ain't even like practicing. So and Joe Burrows coming off of. As far as I know about surgery that no one's ever had done at the quarterback position ever. So, you know, those are the teams, man. I mean, you know. Until the until the king is dethroned. Dude, I mean, I don't know how you don't go with the chiefs savvy. They're they're just the most dominant team. I mean, they're the new New England Patriots, man. I mean, they just they. They win every year, they're in the hunt, you know, every year. So you know for I'm picking A-Team. I'm picking the Chiefs, man. I mean, they're two time defending champion. So you know, I wish I could come in with some hot take. I mean, obviously I'm hopeful on the Packers. You know if they can continue to build. On what they had going at the end of last year, then, I mean, they're right there, man. I mean, they give the 49ers all they wanted. They went in and and whooped on Dallas and, you know, went to San Francisco and came up short. But man, they they were right in that fight. I mean, they were equally matched with them, you know, so, you know, obviously the Packers are one I'm hopeful about. But yeah, dude, I mean I I wouldn't have a whole lot of variations, man. You know, the Ravens are going to be right there. The Lions, you know, the Ravens, the Ravens. And the Chiefs, I would say in the AFC are my probably MY2 front runners. They're they're they're built top to bottom, have the experience been there. And then in the NFC, I'd probably take the the Lions and the 49ers Eagles are. You know, a dark. I mean, I wouldn't call him a dark horse. But you know, they're they're a team that it seemed like they gave up last year. They just quit and. It wasn't cause they didn't have enough talent. You know, they they have all they need in terms of talent on that team. And they've shown that they've been in a Super Bowl recently. And so, you know, they have, they have what they need. But like I said last year, just seemed like they just quit for whatever reason. And I don't know why, but. If if they can stay motivated and put it together, I mean losing Kelsey is is a big loss. But you know the rest of the pieces are all there, man. And so they're another team that you know should be in contention. I mean, you know, you know how it is, dude. At the end of the season with three weeks to go, they start coming out with all the math equations and if. If they win, if they win out, they're in. If they, if they win and the and the Bengals lose, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So you know, there's gonna be 12 teams in each conference that have a path to the play. But right now, you know, pretty week one, if you're asking me to pick teams, I mean those are probably the ones I picked, man. And like I said, I wish I could go out on a limb and give give you some some hot take about, you know, this upstart. But in reality, man, and I genuinely believe the teams that were good last year are are just going to be good again this. Year. How about you, man? What's your thoughts? Kelly: Sadly, I don't know. You know, I could make up a hot take myself, but I and this year, as much as any, I don't. I don't. I don't have one. Because just looking at. What teams have done, what they haven't done and who they've drafted? I don't see any reason to think right now why in the AFC, the Chiefs. You know won't be back where they are. If I had to say anything, I do think that the time in the Sun for Buffalo might be waning, but I'm not sure there's anybody else in that division that's going to really. Jump ahead of them, but I just think that maybe they're, you know, window as they want to use the term, it's closed a little bit. NMC. You know San Francisco, just before we started recording, got a a news alert that they resolved their contract and I didn't catch the numbers, but with Brandon Mauk, he they did sign him. I think I've heard a four year contract. So you know that's one of the distractions not both as a distraction to. Chris: 120 That's what he got. Four years one. 20. Kelly: You know, and that's about the going rate for that position. So that's that's resolved. You know. So now they've locked that up. I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be one of the elites, you know, man, my hearts with the Packers. If anything, they've got the one thing they've got is yes, they're young. But, you know, they got they. They've got a pretty good young. And relatively inexpensive wide receiver core. So I'm curious to see how that comes out. Really curious to see you know, nothing too original, but how Jordan love comes back the second year and then? I'm really curious also to see what happens with the Detroit. You know, if you go back to some of our podcast up. So I've always been this guy that's all over Detroit saying, you know, their coaches really got him motivated and they want to play for him. I still think that's true. We'll see how that shakes out. I guess I'm more curious to see how certain stories will play out. Really curious what's going to happen in Minnesota. I mean, you talked about a team that went from first to. Worst, almost in the course of a year. Yes, they've got Justin Jefferson. But you know, they lost their good quarterback. And then one of their draft picks, you know, McCarthy got hurt. He's out for the year. I don't know that Sam Darnold's. Really all that? So we're going to, you know, I'm really curious to see like what happens there. I'm also immensely curious. Because I really think the jury is out here. What Caleb Williams does in Chicago. You know, it's that age-old does what he was able to show in college, transferred to the NFL and. How do you respond to being the guy? I really gotta believe. I really think for a lot of people, you know that. It's an awful lot of pressure. I don't care how much skill you have to be the guy as a rookie. Chris: Yeah. I mean, I think if anyone's, you know geared for that, I think Caleb Williams has as good a shot as anybody. The kid does not lie, lack confidence in any capacity. So you know mine is, I don't know him personally, but my understanding is he's an incredibly hard worker. He absolutely loves football. It's infectious, you know, a little bit of that. Kind of. You know Brett farve. You know, if you will, I mean, you know, farve is obviously one-of-a-kind, but you know that that like, hey man, I just love being here. I'm so happy to be at work today. And that can be really infectious now. Yeah, they'll be learning curves. I mean, you know, you're not going to come in. You know, as a rookie and lead your team to, you know, a 16 and one record or something, dude. But you know, if anyone has a chance, I think he's the guy that bears have equipped him with. What? You know he needs. I mean, he's got how they they locked up DJ Moore for for a long term deal. I think Keenan Allen's likely just kind of a a one or two year. You know, rental at the tail end of his career, but I think he should have a great impact on Roma dunzo and that wide receiver room. And I I think. That I I I mean I'll go on record. I think Caleb Williams is going to play great this year. Now you know, mistake free. No Patrick Holmes? Absolutely not. You know Josh Allen, you know, absolutely not. You know what I mean? Like that. That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying I think you'll he'll he'll be, you know, pretty close to as advertised man. You know. And you'll stop it still from time to time. I mean the guys in the NFL are quite a bit. Faster than the guys, you know, playing for Oregon State, bro. So you know he'll he'll learn that and and you know, have to make adjustments along the way. But I think he will be successful right away. Kelly: Yeah, I'm curious. I I I, you know, obviously emotionally and fan wise I'm no Bears fan as a football guy or fan or interest. I am curious and and want to see what happens. I think that you know they've they've really given him the tools to have success I think that. You know, yeah, locking. I think one of the. Great things they did. Yeah. He might be at the end of his career, but getting Keenan Allen there for him. I mean, it's just. You know one of those disguise you can try. Chris: Yeah, 100%. I think what they have in place for him is as good as as good as he anyone could hope for. So it's not very often, I mean you know the the Bears fell backwards into that pic. You know what I mean? They were not first overall pick kind of team. You know, the New England Patriots are first overall pick kind of team the last year the Carolina Panthers. We're a first overall pick kind of team and they, that's whose pick they got. So you know through moves they made the year previously, you know when Carolina moved up for. You know Bryce Young, that that's how they fell backwards into this. But Caleb Williams is not going. He as the first overall pick, he is not going to a situation that most first overall picks go to man. So you know, I mean like I said, I don't expect him to come in and win an MVP or anything. Dude like I I. But I do think he will be successful. Right away I do. I do. Do not believe he's going to fall on his face. I think he's, you know, have. He'll have some bumps in the road and you know and, you know, we'll have have some challenges throughout the season and he'll learn and and develop and you know, have to work at some things, you know. But I I think he is. You know, I think he's going to be able to handle it just fine. I'll tell you the ones that I'm more curious about, you know, I mean, you know, I love to see what's going to happen with, you know, Jane Daniels and Bo Nix and all that stuff. But the ones, you know, I, I, I love what happened for Gino Smith in Seattle. And he's come back down to Earth a little bit, I think. Sometimes expectations dictate. You know, perception and results a little bit. And when a guy like Geno Smith goes to a new location, it's kind of like Sam Darnold going to Minnesota. There's no expectations. You know, I think we know what Sam Darnold is. He's not that good. Well, we thought the same thing about Geno Smith, and then he went and revitalized his career, got a fat contract. You know what I mean? He's he's he, you know, it's just a great story. You. And you look at Sam Darnold in Minnesota, you look at Gardner Minshew in Las Vegas. You know, these guys that we think we know what they are and and many, many times. You know the Marcus Mariotas of the world and and the the Josh Mccown's and and the, you know, the kind of the retread. You know, they always got a job, but they they you know they're they're they're never the answer right kind of guys. Well every once in a while like you know Smith showed us or Baker Mayfield last year in Tampa Bay showed us like hey man I know you. You guys all wrote me off. You all thought I was done, but I didn't. And, you know, look, man, I I I had a year. I revitalized my career. I I, I I can be the guy, you know. And I'm wondering if one of these guys like the garden of men shoes and the Sam Darnold of the. World maybe revitalize their career. You know, I maybe not. Maybe none of them work out or, you know, it's probably not gonna be all of them. Right. But but maybe one of them does. Maybe Sam Donald shows something and you know he's got all the tools in the world to work with. You know Jordan Anderson, Jeff, Justin Jefferson. I mean, dude, you, you know. Yeah. Aaron John Jones coming out of the backfield. I mean, it's. You know hopkinson's out for a little while, but he'll be back eventually. And you know, for a dude to try and revitalize his career, it's not like he the cupboards bare in terms of weapons for him. Kelly: Yeah. No, I, it's. Again. If you've got a chance, there is that opportunity. I'm sure you know, likely one of these guys will do something and that's, you know, the other piece of the NFL looking forward to the first week. Like I said, the week from tonight, we'll we'll game should be kicking off so. Chris: And this year should be pretty interesting too. I know we probably gotta cut loose here pretty quick, but. I the NFL's not. You know, they're taking full advantage of a seven day week dude. So you know it. You know, you look at the schedule this year and that's one thing that that I think you even made mention of it is is man there are there's no shortage of games scattered throughout the week. So. We got, you know, Monday games always Sunday games always, you know, Thursday games always we got Friday games, we got Wednesday games, you know, I mean it's, you know Tuesday is like the only day they don't play football I. Think dude so. Kelly: Yeah, I. It's unreal. I think I and I I think really because, you know, they're hey and they're getting people to pay them. Part, I mean, Netflix played him pay, played paid them whatever they pay. Them to, you know, show two games on Christmas. So and I believe that's a Wednesday. I don't know that there's a Tuesday game this year, but there are games every other day of the week. At least. Chris: One. So yeah, I think Tuesday is the only day that as we go through the 18 weekend NFL season there, I don't believe there are any games scheduled for Tuesday, but who knows? Man lightning shows up somewhere and you know they postpone and play tomorrow. That and we we may have it but there are scheduled games. You know, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Throughout the year, you know, scattered about. I mean it's not. Kelly: Yeah. And over there, you know. Chris: Every week by any means but. Kelly: For whatever they they have figured out basically about as close to either how to print money or have a money tree in your backyard. Chris: Well, and I think it's funny that that player safety is is paramount to all things and you know that's that's our priority and you know there's ten teams I believe I could be misspeaking here, but it's something like this. There's ten teams that play three games within 10 days. And. I I've never played NFL football before, but I can tell you this there is a reason why there are seven days in between games. So, you know, Monday morning, when those guys wake up, they don't think they're ever gonna walk again. And you know, they they go through their their training and you know, obviously they have the the best equipment, the best staff and and all the latest and greatest in. You know, assistance, but in terms of training and stuff. But you know then Tuesday they start to loosen up and Wednesday it's like well, I think I'm going to survive. And then Thursday it's like, you know what I think I can do it. I think I could play again and then Friday, it's like, yeah, yeah, I'm good. I can practice today and all right, do the walk through on Saturday and play again on Sunday. And then you wake up Monday morning thinking you're never going to walk again. And you just do that so the. Fact that the NFL Slam 10 teams with three games in 10 days? Man, that ain't that is not that. Consider it for player safety at all. Dude, you know, I mean I. I'm my legs. Still purple, you know, from from from last game. I mean, you know, the human body. Unless you're The Wolverine dude, they don't heal like that, man, you, you know, like I said, there's a reason that they. Take a week in between games. You know it's not basketball, man. It's not baseball. You can't just show up the next day and do it again. Dude, like the the, the, the, the toll it takes on a on a human body to do what these guys do is is as difficult as anything in all of sports, right. So. Yeah, the NFL. You know, it's funny they they care until until the check arrives, and then and then and then player safety, you know, takes a back seat to the money. Kelly: Yeah, I I you know, we don't have time in this episode to get into that. It is, I enjoy football and. It's one of those interesting dilemmas. As a sports fan, you know, I like to think about things, and I definitely don't like that aspect and. You know, I guess at some level we could all ask. Is it OK for people to put themselves through that for our entertainment? Chris: Well, believe me, Kelly, if I if I got so you know we we all make choices like that, buddy. I mean I you know it's well documented. I work in roofing, you know on occasion you know, throughout the year I put my body through a really you know rough couple of days sometimes you know with with elements and and travel and you know the labor. Kelly: I guess. Chris: Associated with my job and I do not get a $55 million contract for what I do so. You know these? Yeah. These these guys know what they're signing up for. And and I don't feel bad at all. You you've you've made your choice and you are very well compensated the same way you know, someone out on an oil rig or someone on a fishing vessel or some. You know, there's there's lots of jobs out there where you're putting yourself at risk for for money. And these guys know damn well what they're signing up for. So I as a fan. I don't have one ounce of guilt about that. You know, you are very handsomely compensated for. You know what you're doing. And so, you know, like I said, you, you know, you don't like it, man. You. There's. Plenty. You know, Amazon needs delivery driver for. Kelly: And I I know I wouldn't say that I have guilt. It's just one of those things that I think about, you know, and there are guys that have walked away and said, no, I'm not going to do that. I remember a few years ago, former Wisconsin badger, Chris Borland, was a high draft pick and walked away from the NFL after I think one or two years. Chris: Yeah, Andrew Luck walked away. I mean that this is an option available to you, man. You, you don't have to be here. So there's 150 people lined up waiting to take your spot. So, yeah, I mean, you know. Kelly: So. Chris: NFL is kind of the controlling body and stuff, and you know it's just a little bit, you know, they they they're a little politician sometimes. You know what I mean? They kind of talk out of both the both sides of their mouths a little bit and. You know it. Is what it is. I mean, you know, I think it's the, you know, one of the greatest sports in the world. And and I you know. I love it, man, and I'll take as much of it as I could get. Kelly: Well, hopefully our audience will continue taking as much of the podcast to be named later as they can get for this week. We're about at our closing. I'll just say I'm still waiting for that check. I would have thought the FedEx man would have been interrupting me while we were recording this, but that didn't happen. So. You know, if you need to, Chris, get back down to Hollywood and work on that $100 million. Let's become both with Travis and Jason Kelsey. But in all seriousness, it's always good to catch up with you. And thanks for this again, thoughtful conversation. Chris: Yeah, always enjoy it, Kelly. Thanks, man. Kelly: And thanks everyone for listening to another episode of the podcast to be named later.