Transcript Background Music: Announcer: Welcome to The Podcast to be Named Later, where we explore the world a conversation at a time. Sit back and enjoy. Here are your hosts, Chris and Kelly. Kelly: Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of the podcast to be named later. I've got my co-host and Ford family Fantasy Football League 2023 champion Chris with me. Chris, congratulations on taking the championship and welcome to the podcast. Chris: Thank you very much, Sir. I was. Thanks for a little a little props there. I I wasn't expecting that coming in but Congrats to you as well. You won your game. You actually outscored me on the week, so I'm lucky I didn't see you in the championship game you guys put up a a heck of a. Number in the in the final week. So yeah, fun season man fun. You know, you and all your brothers, you know, it's just. Well, the draft is, I've I've said this many times. The draft day that we have for that league is is, you know, probably is right up there with Christmas. I actually personally kind of think it's better to be honest at this point in my life. And you know the the the fact that it gives us an opportunity to kind of banter throughout the year and I you know. I think you and I made a successful business arrangement. You know, we had a trade about halfway point of the season that I think was mutually beneficial. And you know, it's just fun, man. It's fun to to have that time, and it's a little bit sad that it's come to an end. But you know that such is the way and we'll just have to wait till next August to fire back up. But yeah, fun season, man. Kelly: Yeah. No, it's I, I love it and looked up. I mean, I've been doing it now for a long, long time. Another enjoyable years in the books and. You know, August, September, whenever we do the draft won't come around. Till a bit, but I'll be looking forward to it. Let's jump over, though. We've had the first weekend of our. College playoffs. I think there could be some ultimate irony on the year. The PAC 12 gets laid to rest, if you will. If Washington pulls it out. But what's your take on what we saw yesterday, the 2 championship games or playoff games? Chris: Well, the, yeah, those two games, man, you know, I got, you know, as we were getting ready here, I kind of said, I mean it's it's it's what I love about sports, you know and. I had texted a buddy yesterday after the games were over and and I said I don't regret the time that I sacrificed one bit for for these, you know so often, you know, we sit down to watch a game. You're you're giving up your Thursday night or or your Monday night or whatever and and you know, throughout the NFL season at least a lot of times it's it's been like man. Why you? Why you giving me this trash? You know, I mean, I don't really wanna watch the Panthers and bears play on my Thursday night. You know, why can't you give me some bills and chiefs, you know and. So you know we we do make a sacrifice to to in order to, you know, watch these games and and you know, this is a choice we make like, hey, you know, this is what I want my entertainment to be for the evening or this is where I want to spend my time. And yesterday was so rewarding and I felt so satisfied with you know what I saw. And there were four. Really, really good football teams matched up evenly both games. I mean the the Alabama, Michigan game went to overtime. I mean two very, very evenly matched teams throughout and you know different strengths, different weaknesses. You know there there was mistakes made that were that that were you know could have been game changing and and. And but the product they put on the field and the way they played was it was just it, I mean it was everything you hoped for. You know, at this point in the season, these teams have been playing for several months, you know, and if you factor in training camps and and preseason and stuff like that, then you know you should be at the top of your game right now and. Both games, all four teams, I would say with the exception of maybe Texas, offensively they they looked a little bit sloppy and and and had looked much better at different points in the season. The rest of it you know all all aspects. It looked like these teams were dialed in and yeah, I mean, you know. Kind of. It's kind of nice, man. So we got a couple different teams in the championship. Michigans had opportunities and and falling short of getting here the last couple of years. Washington, man, it's, I don't know how the alignments going to work, but am I wrong in Washington went to the big Big 10, didn't it or am I? Wrong about that. Kelly: Yeah. No, they're. Chris: So this, this, this championship game could be a prelude to of, you know, a lot of years to come. And it sure looks like you know, obviously they're in the championship game. So you know what they got cooked in there and at UW is looks pretty legit man. And and and I I hope for the sake of college football, you know Washington is is that right. So it's been a lot of the same usual suspects Ohio State. Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia you know it's it's been a lot of the same teams and I would love to see a couple of new people. You know, Oregon looks like a really, it's always been a really good program. It it they fell short of making it to the playoffs this. Year Washington got in their way twice, and you know, it'd be nice to see some some new characters involved and and with the expansion to 12 teams, you know, I'm I'm really excited about the state of college football right now. Kelly: Yeah, I thought. I thought both teams yesterday were quite good. I said before we started recording. To you. You know Michigan's defense and the way they got after Alabama. It just shows what what intensity in teams days are on both sides of the ball because normally, man, if you can, what I think it was six or seven times sack the opposing quarterback. You should be running away with that game, but you know, went to overtime. And really going to be curious to see how Michigan's defense steps stacks up against Washington's offense, and if they can put that pressure on Washington's quarterback next week or not. Chris: Yeah. Well, that that was something that occurred to me as I was watching, you know, so the Michigan, Alabama game was first. And I like that so much. I mean, there's there was some games I can remember back. You know, over the last years of just true, there was two that LSU and Alabama played. I believe one was for the national championship. Maybe I'm mistaken about that. But there were high stakes games at a minimum, right. And maybe it was just the SEC championship that I'm thinking of. But I want to say it was. 9:00 to 6:00. Was the final score and it was an amazing football game. You know when when you have a Michigan's defense is legit, so is Alabama's. Actually, you know, both of those defenses are legit defenses. But when you line up for like a third and 1 1/2. And you truly have a doubt whether that team's going to be able to get it, like how this place goes is in question. The defensive front is so strong, it's very possible that they're not going to be able to get this yard, you know, and that makes for fun football, you know? So so often, like, when the Philadelphia Eagles line up for a third and one, it's a foregone conclusion. You know, there's a little little hint of, like, well, maybe this is the one team that will stop this play. And no, not again and right. And so just keep running it. Well, there's no drama. Or if you have a weak, a defensive front, like when you get those third and twos 3rd and threes 3rd and ones. Hey, you just feel like in all honesty, man, that the the defense isn't going to be able to stop them and especially if they go for it on 4th down, then they're definitely not going to stop them twice. Whereas that game with those defenses, the outcome was definitely in doubt, man cause guys were getting penetration, guys were shooting through the line, blowing up plays. And that for me, when you're seeing that kind of football where the defensive front actually has an impact on the game, that's the kind of football I like, man, that, that. That, I mean you seen it on the final play, which I don't necessarily agree with the play call myself, you know, I mean I think you're based on what I saw throughout the game like and he had a long ways to. Go wasn't like a yard for. Kelly: No, I needed three yards, man. Chris: Right. And against that defense and what they had been doing to you all game like really you just want to run it right up the gut like that that I don't know about that. So but yeah credit to Michigan they stepped up their defense is you know world class man and. You know, they'll get another opportunity of a really tough test because here, here's the thing. So got a little long winded in this. I'm so excited, man. The games were so awesome yesterday and I had so much fun watching them and I'm excited about the matchup, so this is what blew me away about panics. So Michael Penix junior was under pressure in that Texas. I don't think he was sacked, man. So. All game long there, there was the Texas defensive front was getting there and there was a guy or sometimes two guys that was beating their man, getting to pennix and he would just shift around in the. Took it and they couldn't get him down. And then, you know. And and now, now he's extending plays and wide receivers are getting separation and those wide receivers are unbelievable. I the only drop I remember seeing was actually by. #20 Rogers the I think he's a freshman. For for you to and he he dropped like a little swing pass in the flat. Other than that and and these were contested challenging catches throughout the game and that that I remember it was the only drop in the whole game. Every every ball that was thrown to receiver they caught it. Every time man you know and and if it hit their hands anyway, right and. So if Pennix can move around like that, I have no doubt Michigan's gonna get pressure on them, right? They're their defense is is probably the best in the country. So they're gonna get. They're gonna get through that offensive. Line from time to time. Bill a pennix showed in the Texas game is he, you know, that's fine. I'll just move and you won't you. You'll get through. But you aren't gonna tackle me. And. And occasionally he took off and ran. And you know, for a dude who's had two ACL surgeries and a couple of shoulder surgeries, he's fluid in the on the move. He doesn't run much, you know, he's he's pictured as just a pocket passer, passer. But the reality is when when he got free and ran, he when he was good at it, when he chose to. And so if he can be that mobile again and and shift around in the pocket and buy himself more time, even though I do believe Michigan will get, you know, through the line a little bit if he can do what he did against Texas, it's not going to matter because they're not going to actually sack him. Not not much anyway. So yeah, it should be a interesting matchup. And with the receiving. Or that Washington has now, I don't think there gonna run the ball probably at all. And especially if Dylan Dylan Johnson's hurt, which look, you know, he left on a car that that last play was a big one that he that he carried the ball on and got hurt on I don't think going to run the ball much at all. Against Michigan, but. But if you can throw it like he did against Texas, man, I mean Washington. 'S got a. Kelly: Real shot. Well, I think I think the game opened up at Michigan in 3 1/2 point. Favorite. Maybe some places had up when I was looking just now 4 1/2. I think that your analysis is pretty spot on and I don't know, I mean Michigan. They their defense was really impressive to me in getting after the Alabama quarterback repeatedly, and I I really enjoy those kind of games myself as well. I don't just want to offensive showcase and I don't. I don't also don't want. A team to be going three and out because of offensive ineptitude. That's not entertaining, but you know, I mean, I was thinking about this this morning when I was telling somebody or something, you know? I mean, football's an odd sport, man in that, you know, you got all these adults running around after this ball and. Really. But then I was thinking about what is it really? And it's really kind of a combination of this, you know, not almost wrestling on the line of brute force against brute force with mixed in with this kind of. Athleticism, and I think when you see all those things executing well together, it makes them entertaining and that Alabama, Michigan game had an awful lot of that. A few little errors here and there. And I mean, some of them could have been amazingly costly, but teams recovered from them. I just. I can't help, but I'll repeat myself here. I was really. I won't say surprised, but I'm like, yeah, this is, you know, why they play the. Team to see how much they got out after the quarterback and the game was still that close is a testament to what both of those teams were doing. Chris: Yeah, I mean, well, those are evenly matched, even style. So Michigan is what the SEC has been for a long time. I mean they they obviously they just played so you know and. When they have matched up against SEC teams, they they've gone toe to toe with them, they're built that way, you know, and they are, you know, big, strong, powerful and they have, you know, like you said, the the athletic skill position guys and that's, you know, SC's been the pinnacle for a long time and and that's why they they just are. Bigger, stronger, faster than the people they play against for the most part. Well, Michigan is on par with them now. You know Michigan is is equal or better than. I mean, they just played a game. So you could argue they're better than. And that style, I mean it it, it's always going to translate and you know the fact that they had two teams lined up that were similarly similarly built made for a really entertaining and competitive football game with a lot of drama. You know, all all the way right up till the very end. Kelly: You know, and the the, the other game, the. I'm really. I am really curious to see. I mean, Washington's got a track team for an offense man. Chris: Right, right. So you know, if you wanted to compare them to an NFL team, it'd be similar to, like the Dolphins, you know? I mean, they're just, they're hard to keep up with, man. I mean, they're all fast. Kelly: Oh yeah. Chris: They're all talented. The wide receiving crew I text my buddy who has the game. What's going on? I said bet. I bet if you asked. Patrick Mahomes he'd he'd trade his whole wide receiver corps for the Washington Huskies wide receiver Corps right now it's, you know, sight unseen. Do you know no questions asked? You just give me all your guys. I'll give you all my guys and I'll. Just I'll take. What you got, and I think Mahomes would be stoked to have Macmillan and no doomsday and those guys on his team right now. Because you know, they're making the the difficult catches look routine. Team and you know the all the routine stuff is they just, they just never drop a ball, man. They catch everything thrown their way, their body control, their body position. You know the, the, the way they get their hands up late and then it was just play after play after play. As long as penix get got him got it close to him they they caught it. It seemed like every time. Kelly: You know in Pennix himself. Interesting story. You know, four years at Indiana back here in the Big 10, you know, but he gets hurt every year. So we really never saw what he can do until he, you know, his five years, five and six out in Washington. And when he's been healthy, I mean, he's pretty, pretty, pretty talented young man. Chris: Yeah, I mean I, you know and. You know, man, that's a lot of that's a lot of beating on your body, dude. You know, two ACL's, you know, 22, I think 2 shoulder, shoulders, man. That's a lot to put your body through. But I'll tell you right now, well, in my opinion, I mean point blank, he should have won the Heisman. I believe the success. Of his team as a whole and what Washington accomplished in a really competitive. PAC 12 this past year and the the fact his team was winning. And then, you know, he didn't have the rushing numbers. I mean, Jane Daniels had had pretty ridiculous like stats. But his team didn't have the same success, and and Pennix was the reason why Washington is what they are right now. I mean, pent pennix is that is that team they could not do that with any other quarterback in the country. So I just yeah, I feel like man the guy should won the Heisman and and if you look at how he's playing right now, I just he's the best quarterback in the country man. I mean, he's playing like the best quarterback in the country better than Caleb Williams. Better than Drake. May better than some of these, you know, all world NFL prospects. And the reality is, man, he's putting his team in a position to win week after week after week, and I don't know what else you could want from that position. Kelly: Not much, no. I think that he's. You said it. I mean, Washington wouldn't be where they are without him. And I suppose you can say Michigan's done the same, but Michigan's been, you know, climbing this mountain for a bit. Washington. I mean, it's been a long time since Washington's been at these levels. Consistently and they got it going on up there in the Pacific Northwest, so. I always joke with people because as you know, I mean, I went to the UW and I always joke mines, the real real UW. But in football right now, the Washington Huskies I. I am really curious to see how this game goes, you know. We always hope for the best in, you know, a lot of these games get really hyped up. I think this one has the potential to live up to the hype so. Chris: Well, and is is contrasting styles right and so I the historically man I always bank on the more physical. Football team. So you know, early on in the Texas game, I mean, it was very early on there. There was a play. It wasn't a big deal. But you know, we talk about these scrums sometimes and the push in the piles and and you and I have talked about on this podcast before, you know, about what that looks like. And it's one of my favorite plays when a running back. And he kind of gets stood up and then here come all the offensive line and then it turns into this rugby scrum where essentially the the ball carrier becomes the ball himself, you know, and and and and it's just push fest to see, you know which which way you can move the pile so early on in the game. You know, Washington ran a play, got about a yard yard and a half, and then he was stood up, but not down. And then here comes all the defensive guys trying to push from one side. And here comes all the offensive guys trying to push from the other side and the defensive guy shoved him back six yards from that point. And it was like, oh, wow, you know, as a team, clearly. You know, Texas is the more powerful and. As the game went on a little bit about halfway through the first quarter, you know each team had had the ball. Now a couple of times and and it was like very evident that Texas had the bigger weight room and Texas had the better strength and conditioning program. And it's like, oh, man, well. Historically, the team that wins the line of scrimmage usually wins most football games, and it's hard to overcome if you're not the more physically dominant team. It is very challenging to to win a football game if you're at a deficit in that department, and I would say Washington was at a deficit in that department, but they were, they were much faster. I mean, that was obvious. And and just more skillful and and and executed better offensively. And so that was enough to overcome that. Hey man, we aren't as as big or as strong as these guys, but we're just going to do it better and that that doesn't happen very much. And and I think Washington is going to have to do it again because when they show up to Michigan, you know, Michigan is a Texas. You know, super sized, right? So Michigan is going to if if you couldn't stand up physically to Texas, you're definitely not gonna stand up physically to Michigan. So now you have to execute even better. You have to be even faster. You have to be even cleaner because you're not gonna have anywhere near the time. You're not gonna have anywhere near. Push and man for man. You're not going to be able to out physical that other team, so now you gotta out skill them. And so that's going to be interesting to see how Washington holds up. I I mean I'm. I'm I'm I'm pulling for a man. I mean I I think. You know, you kind of, you kind of said it. I mean, you know, we expected Michigan to be here. I mean, they've been knocking on the door for a couple of years, Washington, you know, really kind of came, I wouldn't say out of nowhere, nowhere. But I mean, I think they thought they'd have a a good competitive team this year with what they had, but not national championship caliber. I don't think most people thought no. Kelly: I mean, you know. I lived out there for a lot of Husky. Tales of woe many years you know the. Don James here is pretty old now and it was just rough. I I I'm a big 10 guy, so you know, I'm got mixed emotions on all this from the emotional side, like to see the Big 10 win. I guess ultimately they will. No matter who wins. But because Washington's coming over, which I just love man, hey, at least you know our my conference is in the. Championship game. I don't know. I'm really torn in that, which is great. I think I've said, you know, I like those stories in sports and you have a rooting interest. And I think that the two contrasting styles, I think we're going to see some really good tests here, like, hey, can that Michigan defense take it to that? Next level against the quarterback. That I don't think has really been. I'd have to go look up the totals, but I I I think that he hasn't really been beat up that much this year. And so can they. Put it this way, if they do what they did against Alabama, I I think that Michigan will win by at least 10 points because I don't think that Washington has the defense to counteract. And stop Michigan's offense like Alabama could. On the flip side, I don't know if if Michigan's defense has encountered a Michael Penix before to say, yeah, you might. You might chase me around a little bit, but I'm elusive enough and my receivers are fast enough that that's fine, because we'll still play our track game. Chris: Well, I mean, it's really gonna boil down to. You know, errors Washington, in my opinion, Washington is going to need some type of break where it's got to be a turnover. It's got to be an an error which they, you know they they showed they they were ball. I don't know how many balls they tipped man. It felt like 7 balls that that you were trying to throw and they were tipped at the line of scrimmage. And they were constantly getting their hands up and and and getting hands on the ball and and breaking up passes. Now if one of those turns into a tip ball interception, which is happens quite a bit, actually, when you tip a ball at the line of scrimmage, I mean, you know, that's interceptions happen quite a bit on there and. If they can get one of those, but if they just line up and go possession for possession, if they both get, let's say you know, 10 possessions in the game or 12 possessions in the game or whatever, I don't see how Washington can hang with them because even Texas gutted them with the running game. Texas was breaking off huge runs, man. I mean, they were just controlling the line of scrimmage, pushing the defensive line back, creating creases and the running backs were running wild and. If you let Michigan do that, I can promise you this. They've shown it from what game was that? I want to say it was the one before the Ohio State game, but they came out in the second-half and ran like 21 straight run plays or something. Something crazy like that. They didn't throw a pass coming out of halftime until like the fourth quarter, I think. And Michigan don't care if if you let us run the ball, believe me, we will just run the ball so. Kelly: Yeah. No, we talked about that last week and that's what I said last week. I said they don't care like they're the other, they are fine if they run it 30 times and 1/2. Chris: Right. And so you know, with Blake, Corum and Edwards, if you know if you let us get 3-4 or five yards of Gary, Fine, we'll just keep doing it and doing it and doing it. And we don't. That's one thing I actually love about Michigan that I wish more teams were like that dude, if something's working, just keep doing it. And Michigan is one that absolutely would be perfectly happy winning. National championship if you know. JJ McCarthy goes, you know, 3 for three for 46 yards. They wouldn't care. They wouldn't bother them one iota. If they ran the ball 51 times for 385 yards, they'd be like, fine. Sounds good to us and. Kelly: Yeah. Yeah. No, they sometimes remind me of, you know, back it's probably about 10 years now, 10 years ago. When the Wisconsin Badgers, because it's always about Wisconsin for me. You know. But I don't know if you remember back when the Wisconsin Badgers had their little run with to the final four. No, I'm talking poops. But they were. They were little scoring man. They didn't care. Chris: Jonathan Taylor. Speaker Oh, OK. Kelly: They might win the game 50 to 48, you know, and run every play down to the end of the as long as they can because that was their style and they didn't care. They don't need to score 100. Chris: Right. Kelly: Right. And when I watch Michigan, sometimes I, I feel that they're fine with that too. They'll do. They'll do what the game dictates and what they need and. But unlike teams that go to this, we don't want to lose mentality because this is where you, you know, when they go to, hey, we're going to run it 30 times. They they know they're still going to. Get first downs. Chris: Right. And well, and and that's where the challenge is gonna come for Washington is, I believe Michigan, you know, is going to be able to do that at will. I think Michigan is just gonna be able to break off 7/12/15 yard runs over and over and over. And so it's going to it's going to come down to. Yeah, they're going to take, you know, four and a half, 5 minutes to get down the field running the ball and then they're going to score a touchdown. Kelly: What I. Chris: And and what's gonna boil down to for Washington is they'll have to work so much harder on offense. They need multiple plays to go right. And constantly be trying to trick Michigan and and trying to catch him off guard and hit him for deep shots. And this and this and this, there's a lot more variance in that and a lot easier to have a couple of things go wrong and have to punt. Whereas when you're running power football right at you, it's hard for things to go wrong, you know. Michigan, you know, they get a holding penalty and pushes them back. OK, maybe Washington get a stop. The big ones gonna be turnovers, you know? Can we get them to fumble, or can we get a tip ball on the pass as they do throw? And can we? Or sometimes you can just have that. You know, score at the end of the half, get the ball to start the second-half and that is like an extra possession at that point. Then you know and. And so if they could time out the scoring right with the, with the game clock, sometimes that's enough, you know, where you just have the ball last, you know and and but I think Mitt Washington's going to need something. To help give them a boost, a little power up in some way. Either it's a, either it's a turnover or a back-to-back score, or some type of you know. Something that derails the Michigan scoring machine that I think is going to exist. I think Michigan is just going to be able to to drive the ball regularly down the field and by the fourth quarter that Washington defense is going to be exhausted. So you better have a lead and and be rushing the passer because if you're behind and your defense is exhausted. Then then that's where it's gonna be almost impossible for Washington to win that football game, cause Michigan's just gonna be pounding on that 4 yards of. Clip, you know, repeat. Kelly: Well, sure, when you're depends exhausted those five and six yard runs become 10 and 12 yard, right and I think. You know you've played ball. I've only watched it, but I think probably given up those. Look, the big pass plays are demoralizing, but I think the big running plays are even more demoralizing just because you know it's. It's just not what happens in football that much anymore. And when the guys break them and they start just getting the big chunks, you know, 10/12/15 yards and and it's all on the ground, I think that, that and then you realize, wow man, there's nothing like we just cannot stop this we we we're not at the same level. I think that can quickly. And I've said it many times, a lot of sports, I think is emotion and I think that can take your emotion out of the game pretty quick. Chris: Well, and it has a double effect because not only is the especially that defensive line which which is the the, you know, the heart of of the the run stopping ability, right, the the the down lineman the the nose tackle or the tackles. You know if they're just constantly getting shoved back four or five yards and slammed to the ground repeatedly time. Time. Yeah, it's demoralizing to them. And then the double effect is the offensive line feels amazing. They're pumped. They want to do it again and again and again. And so you got the defense going one way emotionally and and and losing power, losing power, losing power. Meanwhile, the offense at the exact same time is powering up. And feeling better and better and better and and yeah, so the gap becomes even greater and that's why, like you said, the those those four and five yard runs turned into 12 and 15 later in the game, it's just like one, you know, one team is completely busted up and broken down. Down and you know, we'll see, man. I mean, there are contrasting styles. I mean, it's a national championship game. I don't think there's going to be any lack of effort or heart from either side. I mean, you know, and from what I saw from pennix. And that receiving crew. The you know they could play with anybody. I mean, Texas was in on them. Texas was the more physical team. So, you know, if Penix had two 2.1 seconds to throw the ball against Texas, Texas, maybe he's gonna have 1.9 to throw it against Michigan or something like that, right? I mean, you know, I think Michigan is even even better at getting to the quarterback and and and controlling the line of scrimmage. On the defensive side. But you know, it didn't seem to bother pennix in that game. He he was mobile enough and fluid enough that he was able to shift around. And if he can continue to do that and compete complete passes and and do what they do, his downfield passing ability is just unbelievable, man. How accurate that dude is is unreal. I mean. He did he he puts it in the bucket every time. Kelly like, you know, every pass. He they gave a starter in that game that his completion percentage. On throws over 30 yards was 53%. So I mean that's incredible man. And and and he's they said his, you know his overall completion percentage was 66% which isn't great. You know what I mean? But but dude you have to take into consideration like every other place throwing. Kelly: It's crazy. Chris: At 50 yards, so you know the fact that. You know they're not Dinking and Duncan. So yeah, his complacent percentage isn't fantastic overall, like in terms of all passes he throws. But dude, if if every other throw you make is 50 yards and you have a 66% completion percentage, that's pretty damn impressive. And I'm telling you from watch and I've watched other games too, you know, I watched both the Oregon games that Washington played. I watched the Apple Cup. I've watched, watched them play definitely probably 6-6 times this year. I bet. And it blows me away how accurate that dude. It's like, you know, you watch other guys throw deep balls. Even Patrick Mahomes. You know who who most people would consider the greatest quarterback on the planet? You know, he's off on these deep throws from time to time, man. You know what I mean? He miss. He misses by a few yards from time to time on the deep ones. It's hard to throw a ball 60 yards and be accurate with it, right. You can't drop it in the trash can from 50-60 yards away all the time. And I'm telling you what man panics his balls. I don't know if. It's the adjustments his receivers are making. You know, I don't I don't it's, you know, it's it. It's a combination of things that go into this and he does have amazing, amazing wide receivers. But I'm telling you now, he lets that ball go and he chucks it down the field that it lands in the receiver's hands. Like at almost 100% rate, which is unbelievable. It's it's pretty crazy to watch. Kelly: You know, you mentioned you keep mentioning 60 yards and one of the things that always I do in my mind when I especially in football because the numbers are I think you know because they use yards these distances, you know and a lot of times we think in terms of feet obviously the math. That these numbers are cut in 3rd of what they are as far as. Feet. And when you think about it, like a dude that's throwing about 60 yards of the field goals, that they're kicking him 55 yards, you know? That's 180 feet, man. Yep, right, you know, and I, I don't know. I got. I got a room in my basement. Here. Dude, that's 33 feet long. OK. So I mean, you know double that. Chris: More than that, yeah. Six times that yeah. Kelly: And you know, yeah, double it. And you're only talking 20 yards, right? You know and. Then I think about. Especially when you hear when when the guys are getting down in the Golan area? And you know, and then then in this little area, there's 22 people. Trying to make something happen. Chris: It's crazy. Well, and that's why it becomes so challenging. Almost. You know, there's been games I've been watching where a team got down in into the Reds, you know, in inside the 10 or inside the five. And they got a penalty or something in my mind, I'm like, oh, sweet. OK, that's better. Actually. Like they have a better like a team like Washington would exactly be that team. There's there's no way that they're going to be able to run it for 9 yards against, say, like, Michigan's defense. That's right. But I think they have a better chance of throwing it from 15 yards than they do running it from 9. Right? So sometimes when I'm watching a football game and A and A and a team backs up or gets sacked or or has a penalty false start or something, I'm like that was actually a benefit. Now they got more space to work with, you know, now now. They now they have to throw it, which they are probably gonna bang their head against the brick wall trying to run it and would have wasted plays. Now that they're backed up, they're not gonna waste those plays. They're better off taking three schlacks with passing plays than they are, you know, wasting a a run or two in there and I think. When you get down against a really good defense that can control the line of scrimmage. It you know, everything's condensed and so there's just no room to do anything. You can't trick anyone, cause everyone's right there anyway. So these end arounds and some of some of these, you know, plays where where maybe you would have a little more space. There's only so far the cornerback can go and the and the safeties can go. You know, a lot of times, like in too deep, the safeties. Be 15 to 18 yards. Well, that guys gotta run 18 yards to get to the line of scrimmage. And if you're at the two, the deepest you can be is 12, right? And that's if he's standing on the back line. Right. So now all these guys are closer and they can get to everybody faster because they're not as far away. They only have to take seven steps to get there instead of 27 and things like that. So, yeah, against good defenses, man. You get down on the goal line. There's no guarantees. And I know you're close, but you know you're farther than you think when you add up all the additional defensive guys that can make plays all of a sudden. Kelly: All right. Well, I've got two really important questions for you, Chris. And and the first one before I get your prediction on the game. This this is probably the most profound question I've ever asked you on the podcast to be named later. So I'm sure you've read all the stories you know at the end of Super Bowls or other championships, you know, they've got T-shirts printed up for both teams winning. And the stories are always that the ones that for the team that you know didn't win, they send them off to another country as clothing and things. So someplace in the world, you know, you can find whatever you know. Chris: TCU Championship T-shirts. Kelly: So, but here's my question, and I just I both games yesterday, they talked about the amount of confetti that was raining down. At the end of the game, well, obviously they must load that up with the confetti for both teams. Right, So what do they do with the confetti that they. Don't never drop. Chris: The stuff that runs through your head, buddy, I I really don't know, man. I have no idea what they're doing with all that burnt orange confetti. Yeah, I don't know, bud. It's a great question that I have never contemplated ever once in my life. Yeah, your your brain is a special place, Kelly. I I don't know, man. I don't know what they do with all that. I'm. I'm not sure what the use for a bunch of cut up paper and it's got to be a lot, dude, because it's a big football. Fields are big. So it's. Yeah, it's gotta be sacks and sacks and those of that. So I don't know, put it away and tuck it away for. Next year, and if yours come back or they got Arch Manning there now. So I don't even know if yours will definitely 100% be the starter or not. But Texas has got a really good football team. They got a good football program. They're gonna have a real tough road to hoe though, so you know they're they're part of that. Move around and welcome to the Big Boy Club. So we'll see how they hold up, but. Kelly: Yeah. I wonder how all these teams that moved into the Big Boy Club are liking it. Man are gonna like it. Chris: Well, it's not gonna work out for everybody. So you know, there's only room for one champion at the end of the year, and now there's room for a couple more people to get into the tournament. Now, with the, with the expansion to 12. But there's not a lot of margin for error and you know, you're not gonna have a whole bunch of Kansas is on your schedule going forward, Texas. So good luck. Kelly: Going back to this profound confetti question. Chris: I wish I had an answer, but yeah, I don't know. Kelly: And I know a football field's big. I mean it's 100 yards by 53 yards. Yeah. Again, multiply that by 300 feet by 100 and 159. Chris: 300 feet. And 59. Kelly: When they do drop all this confetti is the field pretty much all covered? Chris: Yeah, yeah, pretty much. I mean, you know it's it's condensed in little areas and stuff. And then obviously kind of it's kind of like a you know when you have a snowstorm in Wisconsin and you know it, it falls evenly everywhere. But then when you look at it, it doesn't look even anymore. It kind of the wind kind of blows it into piles and things. And so as you know, all the fans and and. Staff and players and everybody move about it kind of gets, you know, condensed into various areas. But yeah, I mean. Kelly: How deep would you say? It is. Chris: Ohh not very dude. I mean, you know when it falls, it doesn't fall evenly either. Again, man, I think the the snow analogy is pretty good. I mean, you know it's it varies. You know what I mean? But less than an inch I. Mean it's it's it's not like. Kelly: OK, well, when you see it falling, I get it. If it's a Dome stadium, they can drop it from wherever. But the Rose Bowl is an open stadium. How do they get it out onto the field? Chris: Yeah, I don't know. That's another good question. I didn't really notice that part of it. So I it's possible they shoot it out a little little baby rockets or something. You know, they got those like T-shirt launcher things. Maybe they got bigger versions for confetti that are lined up on the sidelines and they. Fire. You know, up in the air like. Kelly: A firework. Well, you got some homework to do here, buddy. You got to watch the confetti drop at the championship game in. See. Does it fall straight down from the sidelines? We want the ends and. Chris: Notes. Well, they're playing in Houston. Is it? Is that the? Is it at the Texan stadium? Is that? Kelly: Yeah. So I know that's a covered one, but hey, we'll start there, man. I'm not gonna. OK, if you run some extra here, you want some? Chris: Where they're doing. Right. All right. Extra credit? Not really, dude, you you know, historically all this homework only ever gets me in trouble. Kelly. Like, that's what happens is you give me homework, then I don't do it. And then I gotta explain why I did. Kelly: Do it. So here's your bonus. How you can recover it all. You go back and watch a the end of the Rose Bowl and you get us all the stats and facts of how the confetti fell. What was the angle of descent? Chris: Alright, I think I still have. Those on DVR. So I recorded all the New Year's Day games. I I can't remember if I deleted them or not, but I'll have to go back and see if they're still my DVR and I'll I'll give. I'll give you my best effort. Kelly: There you go on there. Chris: Well, I got the Internet at my disposal. The internet's amazing. So I it's it's pretty, pretty hard to not be able to find what you're looking for on the Internet. So I'll I'll have to dig around a little bit. All right, let me let me. Kelly: Make a note for podcast listeners that also follow some of my other Internet writings. You know that from time to time I like to ask unique questions to some of these. Do AI things Googles Bard and Bing and open AI ChatGPT. Ah, you can guess what I'm going to ask him about, and we'll see if any of them know a thing about it or not. Chris: I I put on my my my To Do List confetti, angle of descent homework, so I will. I'll give her my best shot Kelly. Kelly: There you go. All right. Second important question. What's your prediction? Chris: I mean, you know, I'll. I'll be rooting for Washington, man, but in reality, I just have been watching football for the majority of my life. Michigan is the more physical team now. I don't. I don't think they're as skilled on offense, but I I historically dude the the team that wins the line of scrimmage just wins more football games and I don't have any doubt that Michigan is going to win the line of scrimmage. I do not see based on the two games I watched yesterday, I don't see. Now, there's no way you can compare the Washington Husky defense to the Alabama defense, physically speaking, and really even in their secondary, you know, they've had a lot of losses to the NFL over the last couple of years. They're secondary. While they do make some big plays and they're they're fast, man, they're really fast, so they can get to places that you wouldn't think they could get to. In the shorter amount of time than you would think, but physically speaking, the ability to tackle. I I just don't see how Matt Washington can match up. Dude, I just. I feel like Michigan's just going to overpower him, and I think Washington be able to score some points, man. They're just too good. They they can just heave up deep balls repeatedly and and catch a fairly high percentage of them. And so I think Washington's going to be able to score, but I I know Michigan's going to be able to score, man. Unless JJ McCarthy goes out there and just absolutely falls on his face. I just don't see how Washington is going to be able to hold up for four quarters against that offensive and defensive front that Michigan is going to bring to the table. So I would pick Michigan. I I think they, they probably kind of dominate. Man if if I if I'm thinking logically here, it kind of hurts my heart to to say all this but I I think that's the way it goes dude. You know if I'm thinking logically. And I I think. While Washington, you know, Will will be able to put up some, I'd say it's probably going to be somewhere in the like 40 to to to 24 range, something like that, dude. I just, I think Michigan's going to be able to just drive down the field and score, you know, pretty regularly with with that running game and mixing a couple play actions here and there and. Get some plays so. That'd be my prediction, man. I think they're gonna be able to score some points. And like I said, I think Washington skilled enough to, to, to scrap out of a few touchdowns over the course of the game and and, you know, find some big plays to do that. But yeah, it's just going. To be a A. A physical display, I think by Michigan and and you know that's how I think it goes. So I'll my final score prediction would be 40 to 24. Kelly: OK. You know, I think. I would have to agree with a lot of what you said in that if it's a straight up game, you know nothing odd happening in Michigan. Probably going to hand beat Washington with relative ease. I think Washington's, you know, keys to victory, if you will. They'd be well served by Michigan having some early errors and jitters that let Washington get a a easy touchdown or two or touchdown in the field. Go early on. The other thing is that we're they're going to struggle as if Michigan does get into this, we're going to run it 20 times in a row. Kind of deal. The opportunity for turnovers or things like interceptions are so much less that I think that that's the real risk. Washington faces, you know, they. For every seven points they score, maybe wash or Michigan ends up getting 10. Chris: All right. Kelly: Throughout throughout the game and. That I think it's probably going to end up being myself. I hope it isn't this this bad, but I I I'm going to say 35 to 24 Michigan. Right. Chris: So I mean, I think we're both in agreement the the key now I will say this, if Washington and and. I can't think of his name. What's what's the head coach's name at Washington? Deborah. Yeah. So uh. He's aggressive too, and I do believe that if if Washington is within a score. At the you know as time is winding down with with four minutes to go or whatever, you know, something like that. I definitely like Washington's chances of being able to get down the field in a in a in a have to do it kind of situation better than I like Michigan's. So I mean, pennix is night and day better than McCarthy. So if you ask either one of those to have to throw the ball to. In the game Penix is, you know, 4 levels up for McCarthy in in that regard and McCarthy is much more likely to make a mistake than panics and less are accurate with the ball and and just less poised. I mean everything about Appendix is is amazing man and and he has. Been all year so. If if somehow. Washington can hang with them and keep it close and be within a score. I I wouldn't put it past Pennix being able to drive them down and I wouldn't put it past the border to go for two to win it. You know, in in a situation, if it presented itself that way, you know what I mean? He's aggressive. Go for it on 4th down kind of thing, I mean. You know, he's he's shown, he's not afraid to gamble and especially if he feels like he needs something to to take a chance in order to win a football game. I mean, he did. It was that Oregon in the in the PAC 12 championship game? I think he went for it on 4th down from like they're 30, something like it was something like that where I was like oh wow. This guy's. He ain't scared of nothing and so. You know, they've shown that an, you know, if you're successful on those gambles and those kinds of those kinds of choices even can put the other team on its heels, where one. You know, it's almost like being in a fight with somebody who's got nothing to lose, man, or you know what I mean? Like, if you're up against somebody who is like, I don't care, we're, you know, it. It puts you when? When you're in straight attack mode the the opposing team all throughout the entire roster can feel it. Like oh man, these guys are coming. Dude, they are not scared of US1 IOTA and. It it kind of puts you on your heels a little bit in, in a defensive stance. And I do think devour is great at that man like he, you know, he's gonna let you know, hey, we're coming. And if you if Washington can keep it close. And you know, I have no doubt they would go into straight attack mode where I do think Harbaugh is more conservative and would play it more like close to the vest and a little more like straight laced where Devore would be a little more of that. Like old like Boise State mentality. Like let's just all hit, let it all hang out. You know what I mean? We're going. I think in those situations advantage goes to the aggressor and the one who in in most competitions well in life in general, to be honest with you the the the person who's who's acting without fear and the person who's going after it aggressively and being on offense. Generally has a slight edge and. You know, it ends up getting better results. You know what I mean? If if you're in, if you're in attack mode, I I think you end up with a little bit better results in life than if you're on the defensive and trying to not lose and trying to not fail and trying, you know, if you're if you're that way and that's one advantage. I think Washington has, I think hardball would be more likely to. Play it safe and I think Deborah would be more likely like to just say screw and I'm we're going for the win and that I think is a slight advantage to Washington in that way. But they gotta have they gotta they gotta be within striking distance, right? They can't be down 17 heading into the fourth quarter and be able to do those things. You know, they have to be. You know, close enough. Kelly: Yeah. And the only other thing I would add is that. If it is like that, they had the other strength that goes along with what you just said for Washington is for them. It's really not playing with recklessly to to do that because they're used to throwing the ball downfield and things like that. So unlike A-Team, that's kind of. Playing that way out of desperation where they don't have a lot of experience with it, which if Michigan had to do that and they decided to for some reason that's more like what they would be doing. Washington would be better suited to have. I'd like their chance of significantly more because it, you know, would mirror what they're used to. So I don't think it's, I said. It's going to be an 11 point and I don't know, man, I'd really. Love to know. I mean I, you know. They they studied this all the time. It's amazing how close Vegas is so often about all this. You know, they say it's going to be a lot closer than either one of us did. So we'll see. Chris: Right. We'll see. And I hope it is, man. I mean, you know, the semifinal games were amazing. I mean, just awesome, awesome football games, high quality football throughout. I mean, there were some mistakes. I mean, the inability for guys to field kicks blew me away and I don't know how many punts and kickoffs were fumble, but it was just like, holy cow, you guys like, come on, man. I mean, this isn't a challenging thing, I I mean. You know, I don't know if your heads not in the game or what, but you know, I feel to punts and. It it's not. That hard dude especially. Kelly: You ain't doing it with 80,000 people young. Chris: Right, right. Correct. But you know neither. But these guys have done it with 80,000. People all year. So dude, there were multiple fumbles on kicks. Kelly: You know, I mean, I do wonder about it when it when it happened. So I mean like you. Know no, they. Chris: Didn't go in the stat sheet as fumbles and a couple of them. So Washington got to the point where they were squib, kicking it every time and that was a pretty cool story too. That kicker, you know, earned his scholarship this year. And, you know, really cool story, man. But the. You know what? What? Washington ended up doing because Texas was taking off and running it, and that kid couldn't kick it deep enough for them not to take it out like Texas was taking it out of the end zone every time. And and for the first, you know, 3 kicks or whatever. And and they were gashing them, and it looked like they were just, you know, a cut or two away from breaking one, like multiple times. And so Washington said, well, they're not kicking it anymore. Like that. So they started squibbing it. And just launching it low down the middle of the field and and letting the ball bounce the way it does. Kind of funny and stuff and Texas really struggled trying to feel that. And so they had two, like, fumbles on kickoffs that didn't count as fumbles because they were able to pick it up and and go. But and then, you know, there was a fumble, a huge fumble in the Michigan. Game on a punt and then another huge fumble in the Washington, Texas game on a pump that that was that were actual turnovers. So yeah, maybe watching you get one of those, you know? Kelly: Yeah, I don't know. It's got to be a. I don't know. Some jobs in sports are probably pretty lonely at times when you're going back there to be the punt returner kickoff returner. It's kind of you against the world, man. Chris: Yeah. And I mean, there's guys running at full speed from, you know, 4550 yards away from you. And you know, you gotta have your eyes up and and you know, you can still kind to see that there's bodies come and you can see the colors of the jerseys and stuff. And they're getting closer and closer and closer. And you're like, come on ball. Come on, come on. Come on. I. You know fall. Faster and by. The time they get to you, they're at top speed, you know, in full helmets and shoulder pads and everything else. So yeah, now it's. It's pretty scary. Kelly: Well, we'll see before we call it a show, we got one more week left of the NFL's got a lot of playoff positions up for grabs. Any anything jump out from, you know, over this past week, independent foul games. Chris: Well, I mean, you know more and more man as as the seasons progressed, I've just more and more solidified my. You know position that this this year more than any year I can remember where games are played and and like what the weather looks like and some of the the setting of the playoff games is going to matter more this year than ever that I can remember in the past. You know the the discrepancy between teams. HomeAway splits and they're how they're built. Specifically, I'm thinking, you know, some teams like the Ravens, I think can travel anywhere and win. I think the 49ers can travel anywhere and win. So some teams, it it, it matters less too. And. Those teams who it matters less to actually have the home field advantage, so it doesn't even matter at all like so. So it's, you know, the Ravens would play a similar type of game whether they were home or away anyway. But a team like the Dallas Cowboys are night and day different. I mean, they are almost unbeatable at home and they are. Of an average team at best on the road, the Miami Dolphins are amazing at home and you know, averaged to below average on the road. You know the conditions, you know some teams aren't going to play as well. In the snow, the Lions are another one that you know at Ford Field. Although the Packers handled them there, the the Lions are generally significantly better in controlled weather environments. Goff is significantly better when the weather is under control and not having to deal with conditions that that are less than ideal. So. You know the teams. Have home field advantage. I feel this year are at a significant it's going to be really uphill battle for someone to go into Baltimore and win a football game and and same thing, although hopefully you know this this week coming up. So I just tried to make my picks this morning, right. So it's the last week of the pick them and you know we're we're trying to make our picks and I'm going to the games in the. Man, I don't even. I don't know who's playing for all these teams, so you know it's going to be very important to the point it was so bad this year that I almost considered like looking at the settings and see if I can end the pick them in week 17 because. Is it it? Is such a crapshoot and you know, like in my league, that I run. I do a year end payouts right for for the people who finish first, second, third, fourth, whatever. 5th. I think it goes to like sixth this year and and well, you know, I mean there's it's pretty group pretty tight up at the top and it's gonna determine who wins this thing and who finished. The second and third. And this week is just it's like preseason, you know, for a lot of these games where I have no idea how long the starters are gonna play or if they're gonna play at all. And, you know, paying attention to what the coaches have to say. And I liked John Harbaugh was pretty good. About it where you know, he said. Hey, I'll let you guys know, like I'm not going to keep it a secret. Like I haven't decided yet who's playing, who's not, what are what our course of action is going to be, but I will. I will let you know. And, you know, for people who you shouldn't be playing fantasy Football championships this week, if you are, if you're in leagues, you shouldn't do that. You. Should change that because this is what happens every year. And especially it seems even more so when they move to this seven like single single by 7 teams make the playoff kind of thing. So much of it is solidified. The Chiefs are the three seed no matter what the 49ers are the one seed the Ravens. Of the the the. The one seed you know on and on and on. On where there's just not that much up in the air. So you wonder what these teams really have to play for and and will they put their their key players at risk in a game that doesn't have any meaning. So. But there are some games that do matter and UM. Kelly: Yeah, one at Lambeau Field. Chris: You know, obviously. The yeah, that that is a huge game. The Bills and Dolphins is depending on what happens earlier in the day. I mean you, boy, you talk about like a swing. So you know the bills are either depending on what happens. You know, it depends what happens in the games earlier, but it could very well come down to and I think it probably will based on information it's going to come down to either the bills or the two seed and get two home playoff games and people have to go to Buffalo to play the. Or the bills aren't even in the playoffs at all. That's man. That's a pretty not a whole lot of safety net there, dude. So it's like, holy cow talk about, like, a a swing, right? You know, either. Either we're the second best team in the AFC or we're not in the in even in it. And so, you know, the. So Steelers are gonna play at the Ravens and have everything to play for, and the Ravens might be playing Huntley and and sitting everybody. You know what I mean? I I don't know why you wouldn't. Why would you risk Lamar Jackson? Why would you risk what you've what you've earned? You know, I understand beating the Steelers feels real good, especially for the Ravens. You know what I mean? Like knocking the Steelers out of playoffs would feel real good right to them. They they, those two teams do not like each other one iota, but not at risk of our Super Bowl chances, right? And not at risk of, you know, hurting our MVP quarterback in in some of our key players and stuff, you know. So I I think the Ravens likely sit everybody and and kind of lay down for the steel. And now you're asking the the Ravens JV team to beat the Steelers varsity team. That's that's a tough ask in the NFL, dude. You know, teams don't have enough money to. It's not like Alabama, where they can put their their second string in. And it's like, oh, there's not that much of A drop off in the NFL. If you take your starters out, those are the guys that make all the money. Those are the those are the best players. And the drop off is significant. Plus, though, the guys haven't been playing, they don't have the reps, they don't have the timing. You know what I mean that that they're just not in a as positioned to to succeed as the starters are so. In those games where there's a team that has everything to play for and the other team plays their JV, it's going to be really tough for that JV team to win that football game in. The NFL. So. I you know, I think the Steelers get a win and and. Looking at the schedule the Texans Colts is a gigantic game. And obviously the the the you know, how nervous are you about the Packer game, dude? Cause the the the. The Bears are not what the record says they are. The Bears are a good football team, dude. Kelly: Ohh, the Bears are a good football team and you know, like, OK, the Packers have a little bit of math. You know, they clearly looked like a better team than they did before, but you think the Bears wouldn't like to go into the offseason taking the Packers out of the playoffs. Chris: Ohh 100% and and the the Bears might be a better football team than the Packers dude right now. The the as they sit offensively and defensively. Yeah, they're close, man. Those two teams are close, and I know the Packers are fighting for a playoff spot, and the Bears are not. So you would think, oh, the Packers must be better. But that's if you watch football. That's not. The case those two teams are are very even than that. Kelly: No, that ain't the kiss at all, dude. And the Bears are fighting. The Bears are fighting for respect. And again, this is like the oldest rivalry in the NFL, dude. And I guarantee you, I don't care what they say. The players know this and they would like nothing more than to take the Packers out. And I'm sorry, but. The Packers defense just because they had a good game. I ain't seen enough of that to say that those wolves are solved and they've had too many games where they've just let teams have record setting days against them. So you know, as a Packer fan. This is not a Gimme and I'm. You asked me how nervous am I? I guess in my sports part of me, I'm pretty nervous. Chris: Well, as a mine man and I, and I'll tell you straight up like this is a scary, scary scenario in which one team. Has nothing to lose. They're coming in absolutely free and loose, and they don't care, and they they absolutely want to beat the Packers. They're absolutely playing all their starters and going to give everything they have to knock the Packers out of the playoffs and the other team has everything to lose. And so if one team's going to be loose and free. It's the bears, and if one team's gonna be tight and nervous, it's gonna be the Packers. Like Ohh man, we're at home. We're supposed to win this game. We're fighting for the playoffs like, and the Bears are just gonna come in like, you know, there was. We don't got a lot of time left. I don't want tell this whole story, but you put it this way, if you got one dude who don't care and he's just like, you know, let it all hang out. Sound like I was talking before. Man, that is a terrifying scenario for the Packers, where you know the the other team just it doesn't matter. Honestly, if we lose the game, it's kind of not even that bad for us. Locks up a better draft pick for us, but we wanna win. So we're gonna show up and pull out our trick plays. We don't need to save anything for the playoffs. We all of our fake punts and all of our two point conversions, all the stuff we've been working on and didn't get to use. You're gonna see all that stuff, so. Kelly: You know, on the flip side, I will say this and you could say this too, right? It's a, it's an opportunity for the Packers to say and showcase who they've become through. About the year, I mean the Packers offense in particular, I mean basically taking guys off the street pretty much to play wide receiver and they're still scoring points with them. So you know, if I was the coach of the team, I'd be going in there. And I guess my speech, if you will, would be. You know, look, we've got, we've got this. We we're just just we're going to just show what we've been doing all year. So just play your game and execute like you. You've learned how to do and. Let's just become that. I mean, that's what you want to get to as a team is to be the team that can just execute it all the time. I don't know that they're there or not, but I mean. I'll just say that's to me, the other spin you can put on it. Yeah, when I think. Chris: The Packers are either on schedule or slightly ahead of schedule in terms of where we thought they would be like. I'm I'm pleasantly surprised I'm. I love our wide receivers and I'm I'm happy with love, OK, you're not there yet. Dude like you, he's still he's throwing off platform all the time when it's not necessary. He spent too much time with Aaron. Where you know he's he's throwing balls at. You know, he's running backwards when he's throwing balls. He has the arm talent to do it. He's strong enough to do it, but you hold on to your mechanics, kid. Like dude, you put your, keep your feet planted, step into your throws, make good throws when you can. Now if you have to throw off platform and you know throw side. Arm and throw and throw from various arm angles. Great. That's awesome that you have the ability to do it, but don't be doing that stuff for no reason, man. And that's that's what Jordan love is doing way too much of. So hopefully when they go back over the film and they look over the season, however, this ends. The Packers, they they you know, they go back and clean that up and say, hey, listen, we love that you can throw like a shortstop, but you don't have to throw like a short stop every play, you know, we know you can do it. Why don't you why don't you work on your mechanics, clean up your footwork. Get yourself into a good throwing position so you can consistently make accurate throws and then you know when plays break down and you need to use your athleticism. But at this point, I hope that the Packers show up with that mentality that, hey, we're free rolling. You know, we weren't even supposed to be here. Let let's you know, let let's us break out all our fake punts. Let's us break out our fancy two point conversions. Let let let's us, you know, play like we got nothing to lose. And if they do that, then I think the Packers. Will beat the Bears. I just hope that they don't show up tight and you know, with the mentality, like, oh, we're almost there. We just gotta win this one game and then we get in the playoffs, you know, go out and and earn it. You know what I mean? That's what I hope I see from them is, is that they play fast and loose and aggressive and they're like, hey, man, if we get it cool, if we don't, we get cool. But the point is, if you're a playoff. You need to be able to beat the bears. The Bears are not the Eagles. They're not the Cowboys. They're not. Certainly not the 49ers. These are the teams you're gonna have to play man. Like so you know, the bears are not that, that team. And if you all want to compete in the playoffs, you would definitely have to be be able to beat the. Bears at home on the final game of the season. Kelly: These are the games. Like if you're, if you're going to take that next step, this is your. This is your field, your game. You've got to win it and. Honestly, the number one thing that still concerns me about Green Bay because I've just watched it for years is the defense man. I like the the stats don't lie, man. Just right. Time and again, teams have had record setting days against them and. It's these huge plays, long runs, unreal passing so and you think Justin Fields wouldn't like nothing more than to light it up in Lambeau. Chris: Ohh well, he has everything to play for too, so his his. You know his his whole future is up in there now. I think Justin Fields is finding a landing place. No, no, no problem. Right. I don't know. You know, it's a tough call for Chicago, you know. They have the 1st overall pick and there's a couple of really good prospects available. And there is you know it's been. Zone time and time again, there is a lot of value in having a quarterback on a rookie deal to be able to make a championship run. You hit on that quarterback and get that five years of discounted pricing. Now you can build a team around that well. Fields is deeper into his contract. You don't have as big a window for him, I I believe. Chicago would love to keep fields, but I also believe they know that, hey, man, starting over, it sucks, but. Man, there's a lot of value in having a $1 million quarterback or a $5,000,000 quarterback as opposed to a $40 million quarterback. You know that that or the 35 million buys us a lot of wide receivers and defensive lineman and cornerbacks and you know, it allows us to build a team. And so fields is playing for. His overall value, you know what I mean? Like, hey, dude, I'm getting close to a contract one way or another. Whether it's with the Bears or I get traded and I go somewhere else like quarterbacks. You know, make 200 to $500 million cons on contracts, man. So fields has everything to play for you. You you think you don't want to showcase what his value is in the league and yeah, he absolutely wants to say hey man I'm I'm elite and you know the Packers are exactly the kind of defense. That he could. Show that against. Kelly: Well, that's, you know, I mean. Just we'll see, man. We'll we'll see. Like Kristen. And thanks everyone for listening. Once again Chris, one last time, congratulations on taking the Fantasy football title. Probably if we go back through the archives, it probably means I owe you another dinner or something somewhere. Totally forgot about that. So congratulations and thanks everyone for listening to the podcast to be named later. Chris: Hi. Thanks Kelly.