Transcript Background Music: Announcer: Welcome to The Podcast to be Named Later, where we explore the world a conversation at a time. Sit back and enjoy. Here are your hosts, Chris and Kelly. Kelly: Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the podcast to be named later back in the old recording studio with Chris on the West Coast early morning on a Sunday. Chris, thanks for getting up early. Chris: Yeah, not a problem, Kelly. Happy to. Kelly: Dude. You're a real gamer. Chris: Too, what needs to be done, my friend? Kelly: It's football season and Speaking of being a gamer, just before we started, it sounds like your starting to put your son cash through the paces and turning him into a bit. Chris: The gamer? Yeah, he's going to be playing his first year of organized football this year, and yesterday was our first practice, I joked, joked with his mom. That that's that's nice, man. He's it's cool, he's playing football and I think he'll enjoy the, you know, the practices and the games. And what his coach has put him through, but the world works. Gonna be this weekend when I get my hands on him so. You know, I've I've. I've been through it, man. I understand what it takes to be successful. And I can remember the coaches that worked me the hardest. You know, I might not have liked them in the moment, but long term, looking back, you know, though, there were some of the people who helped mold me the most and so. And him and I went out and and ran some routes and gave him some homework, wanted him to memorize his route tree. And so we went out and and had our first practice and really proud of him, man. And he worked so hard. No whining, no complaining. You know, Angie was out there and I could see the concern on her face that hey. You know, he's just a boy. And and so you know, my mentality is well, we're turning into a man. So suck it up, kid. Get back out there. Run it again. Yeah, he does have hands, actually. But it was really productive, though. So we learned. Kelly: So they got like. Chris: We tried to do some over the shoulder basket catching and that's something he could use some work on, but he does have ans man, he's you know, it's going to be a work in progress, but I was very impressed with with where he's at right now and he's he seems to like it and that's the big thing, you know, I mean I I wouldn't do it if he didn't enjoy himself. Yeah, I'm pretty excited, man. For both of us. Get Me Out. Get me active. You know, I'm certainly never going back on the gridiron again at my age. But you know, if I can be a part of it in some way, I. It makes me. Kelly: Happy. Well, how accurate was the QB in this little practice session, Chris? Chris: He was killing it. So I mean, honestly, based on the drastic set practice session, you know, the Arizona Cardinals can use some help. I'm thinking about, you know, at least just walking on, just showing up, see what they think of. Kelly: Me. Well, there you go. Well, Speaking of father and some combos, yesterday was college. Football and. I'll say this. Dean Sanders backed up what he said he'd do with his son at Colorado. Pretty impressive start for that team. Chris: Dude, I I I I could go on this. We could do a whole podcast on this on so many levels. I'm so impressed with with Deon Sanders, man. I mean it just it's him, you know? And I I got nothing but positives. I didn't have a problem with what he did. You know, some people think he well, even going back to his playing days, he's too brash. You know what? He's too arrogant. And if you really break down what he says, he is just honest and he speaks his mind plainly. And then yesterday, you know, he's he's a man who shows up with the plan. He's unapologetic. About it, he believes in what he's doing. And he goes after it, man. And and and then has to answer questions along the way. Are you sure you're doing the right thing? Are you? Uh, you know, no one's ever done it like this before. I I don't know. I don't know. That'll work, you know? And and on and on and on. So he's got to deal with the doubters while he's doing his plan. And then for you know what? Validation yesterday man to started out their season that way. I I don't know how the rest of the year will go but in very short order I mean. That team was historically bad, Kelly. You know, just last year and and the year before, I mean they they were a joke, the Colorado Buffaloes and you know, overnight he's turned them at at a minimum, he's turned them into competitive. Kelly: I don't have a problem with Deon Sanders. Look. Yes. Has he got some flash and pizzazz? Yes. Does he back it? Yes. Is he accountable for what he what he. You know how he is? Yes. Is he different than the average? I'm not say anything exciting. Kind of coach. Yes. But you know what? There's a couple things and I watched most of that game yesterday. He took a team and and built it in a relatively fast period of time. I've frankly never been done before at that level in college football and he showed how. You can unify a group of people. You know, to A cause and. Look, he I think is showing what happens when you get people that believe in themselves and the greater good. I get it. It's football but and I mean the fact is they came out and they did it and they backed it up on the field. And so you know, well, who knows what will happen. Maybe they're, you know, they've got a tough schedule they're after this year, you know, they're going into a tough league again, but. I'll just say this. They showed up and bottom line, it was I watched a lot of college football in my life and it was an entertaining game where the more entertaining games I've seen again, you know, I I get it. You know, defense wasn't obviously the top. Well, welcome back to the Big 12. Because that's how they always are. But they they showed up and I really didn't know a lot about his son, but he. Guy had 510 passing yards and then they had going back to the old days, a two way player that played more than 100 snaps on both offense and defense and played it well. And Travis Henry. Chris: Yeah, you know, he came out afterwards and said, hey, I I, you know, I don't know how you could not say I I have two. Heisman Trophy candidates. You know, based on based on one game, right, obviously like and you and I kind of talked off air about this, you know some of the preseason rankings and preconceived notions and like, oh, you know, this team is going to be good and this team is going to be good and stuff. I I'm a fan of just show it on the field. You know what I mean. Just start fresh, you know, don't come in with any bias. Don't come in with any preconceived notions. Just watch the games and then make decisions from there, both with rankings and and heismans and everything else, and based on what happened yesterday. He's right. You know what I mean? Like how, how could you argue that these guys aren't shouldn't be considered two of the better players and like now it's one game, you know? I mean, a lot of time, we'll need to pass to get through a season, but you know, they should. They should be on the list. You know what I mean of of of the two of the better players in the country based on what happened yesterday. I'm just. I'm blown away, man. By him and. And so impressed by him. I I have no fault with no in another way Dillon goes about his business is not how I do you. You know, and a lot of other people, you know what I mean? You got to be who you are, man. And I think that's a testament to to and a lot of people can learn a lesson from that. This is who Deon Sanders is. And again, you know, I mean, I I would speak differently. I I I'm not Deon Sanders. But I also don't have 14 years of NFL experience. I'm not an A Hall of Famer. You know what I mean? I'm not widely considered the the great greatest player at my position. You listen to all time great quarterbacks. You ask Brett Farve and he makes no bones about it. Deon Sanders is the greatest cornerback that ever played football and. You know, so he gets to be a little flashier, man. He he gets to stand out. He's earned that, you know, through through his career. And so, you know, he goes about it his way, rubs some people the wrong way. But I can tell you flat out, I do not have a problem with it. I'm all. I applaud someone who accepts who they are, finds their path in life and then just works it to their fullest ability. And that's exactly what Deon. Sanders is doing, and Colorado. So should be. A national power team. I mean, they, you know, I've been. I've been to that campus. Colorado historically has been an excellent football program and they've fallen on hard times, not the, you know, not the only ones that this has happened to. And Michigan went through this and now they're back, right. I don't see any reason why Colorado can't get there as well. They have the resources and they just, you know, just need to put it all together and I think they. Found the right guy. Yeah. Hey. Kelly: I obviously you know, I couldn't talk the way Deon Sanders does, even if I tried not my style, but. I have no problem with it and I'll say this it's it's not that he's putting other people down. If you listen to what he says he it doesn't, it doesn't. That he goes and attacks other people. What he does is he makes no bones about telling you what traits and skills he or the teams that now that he's coaching have and what he believes in. And you know, I think he challenges why, you know, why do you doubt me? And I got no problem. I have no problem with that. You know. Now, if he falls on harder times, we'll see how he reacts. But again. We've talked about this in different ways, but I think one of the challenges and responsibilities of a coach in particular is to get the most in any kind of manager is to get the most out of the people and he took a roster. You know, I forget the number, but it's at least I think it's. Think it's 68 or something like that. New players came in. Brought them together, got them to play as a team and. Say what you want about TCU, but then I'll talk about why I think this. This is is, as we talked off air. An example of why rankings are just plain bunk ahead of a season, but they they, you know, and they did what I expect a a good team to do. They had adversity in that. Name and you all you know. Hey, man, it's all easy to win. OK. Oregon. Winning 81 to whatever I. Chris: Mean about that? Kelly: OK, not sure they faced any adversity in that game. Chris: Portland State. I think they they routed. Kelly: Yeah. So has 81 to 7 over Portland State. The guy who had the most adversity was the Oregon Duck mascot that had to do all those push-ups. I think it was like I read when you add it all up because, you know, I always think about that. The thing people got to know about these mascots that do the push-ups is they have to do them after every. Group of scoring. So when they score seven, they got to do 7 when they score 14. Now they got to do 14 or 21 total. So that the the duck mascot. Ended up being more than 500 push-ups. Chris: She earned it. Speaker It's good stuff. Kelly: But here's the deal, man. And I do think preseason rankings and all of this are especially in college football, where the rosters have so much turnover, especially even now with the transfer portal in all of this, you have no idea what team is going to be what. Yes, you can make some guesses, obviously. But OK. TCU, I believe was #17. And Colorado wasn't ranked. That's not right. After what we saw yesterday. Chris: Not 100% and well, and my other beef is like if you want to rank, if you want to have power rankings for the NFL on a week by week basis or if you want to have them for basketball or baseball or any any of the other pro sports. I don't have a problem with that because they don't matter. You know what I mean? Like at the end of the day, they're going to have a playoff. They're going to decide. Down the field with what upsets me about college football is the the way the playoffs is set up, your rankings affect who even gets to make. Now you are actually skewing the the criteria for who even gets a chance to win the national championship. That's the part I have a beef with is, you know, college football doesn't have, you know, college basketball. You know, if you're, if you're one of the better teams, you're going to make the group of 64 or 68 or whatever it is now. And, and you're gonna have a crack at it, right? You, you run the gamut and, you know, make your way through the tournament in March. You get to be national champion. And if you're a good team, you get to make it in college football. You know, a team that started out as #1 might be completely equal to. A team who started unranked and by the time the season wears down, that team that was unranked has no margin for error. You know, if the if the number one seed loses a game at some point, they're going to be like, well, that was a fluke. And if a unranked team. Loses a game during the season. They're gonna say the other six were a fluke, you know? And and it's it's not fair. It's not right. I mean, we should be waiting until, you know, they get into the. Heart of their. Conference games, you know, preseason and some of these out of conference games that take place early on when Oregon's playing Portland State and and all of that. You know, we shouldn't have a ranking for at least six weeks and then now you have a little. Now you have some data points. Now you have a body of work. You can look at and then the first season, you know, they they do that with regards to the Bull Championship. But those things are so flawed too. You know what I mean? They're they're taking into account the rankings. They're they're biased. Kelly: Well, they're taking into account the very rankings that are fought, yeah. Chris: Yeah. And and I I agree with you 100%, Kelly. I think we should just wait. Let's see some games, you know. Wait till week five, Week 6 and then put something out there. I just think it's really hard to. Kelly: Put it this way, it's harder to get yourself into the club, meaning a ranked team than to get kicked out if you start out in it. Chris: Well, and that's that's kind of you, you know it touches on what how you were talking about Deon Sanders and what he's he's going through. You know that club that you speak of, he's not in it and so you know you got your your Nick Sabans and such that you know they're just established guys and and and they've earned it. I'm I'm not saying he shouldn't be and he's he's absolutely earned it he's proved it on the field repeatedly. But Deon Sanders isn't in that category. People don't believe in Deon Sanders. He's a a guy who's still trying to prove himself. And so, you know, he he just doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. And the fact that he doesn't do it like everybody else does. It Deon Sanders can't recruit the way Nick Saban does. He doesn't have the body of work, you know, he doesn't have the reputation. So he has to do it a different way. If he tries to follow a Nick Saban's footsteps, he's going to lose because Nick Saban's the best. Nick Saban, the. This is Deon. Sanders can't be him. He has to be somebody different, and he's and he recognizes that. And you know, we universally, Bill Belichick is considered one of the greatest football coaches of all times. He's in the conversation for the greatest of all time and. Bill Bill Belichick is famous for skirting the the lines of you know and and even crossing over from time to time. Of what? The rules that are set up and Deon Sanders in a different capacity, not necessarily. The rules on the field, but the the rules regarding transfers in the transfer portal and and what you can do in terms of recording, recruiting and NIL and and on and on Deon Sanders played within the rules said OK, I'm going to redo my whole roster, you know, I mean, you going to let me take kids from other schools? That that's exactly what I'm going to do. And that is my best chance. To compete and I love it, man. I love that he, you know, said OK, what can I do to turn this program around as fast as possible and and? And then he went out. Kelly: And did it I listening to you talk about that and you know how he has to be himself and you know, Nick Saban is the best Nick Saban. One of the thoughts that ran through my mind, Chris. In no way at the level like TN centers, but it makes me think of how my day business accessibility works, and I've been fairly outspoken at times about accessibility issues and things and. I know sometimes people will say, well, you can't say that or. It's like sometimes you're expected to put up with all the nonsense and just be patient and play by the rules, but I I get it where you say no, I'm not. I don't. I don't know that I agree with those rules. And if you're not going to treat me right. You know, I'm going to do it my way. I have to be me. Chris: Yeah. And I I applaud anybody in life now. You know, he's not stepping on anyone else's toes. You know what I mean? He's he's just doing the best he can for him and his people. And dude, I got no problem with that at all, man. Like I said, if you're, if you're stepping on to someone else's skull to get ahead, that's a little different. Now, if you're ruffling feathers. That's those are probably feathers that needed to be ruffled in the 1st place. Dude, you've been wrong in the system for years. The the system that's in place in in place is by. Biased and you know, it's not fair. And so, you know, I'm, I'm not playing by your rules, man. I'm playing within the rules that are set up by the governing body. And I'm sorry if you don't like it. Kelly: Yeah, I mean, well, it was a definitely a good weekend of college football to kick the season off. I I will say I really enjoy. I enjoy the pageantry and the stories and the. Unexpected surprises of college football. I think it's always a really dynamic and there's always some cool stories that come out of it. Chris: Well, and I and you and I have talked over the years and I, I mean, I think you and I both are, if I could only watch one, I'm I probably would pick college football. It's hard to give up on the NFL, but the NFL, you know, if if if being completely honest is the fantasy and and you know some of the other. Activities that are available for it that make it more interesting for me. Some of the gambling and and. You know the pickems and you know some of that kind of stuff that that really draws my attention to the NFL. But as far as the game on the field, it's hard to. It's hard to put anything ahead of college. Kelly: Football, I can tell you this man in a heartbeat. If I had to pick between one of the other, I would definitely pick. College football. Yes, the the pros overall obviously played a much higher level and a talent level. But the other thing I'd say about. And maybe it's this. There's just some really bad play in the NFL as well and some really bad teams. And because of the small size of the league. You're exposed to that a lot more often than I guess you are in college football. I mean, not to say there's. Not bad teams in college football because there are teams that you know, that's just not their main thing, but. Independent of that, there's enough other things going on every weekend that you can usually find you know, 5-6 seven good games every weekend. Chris: Yeah, and. And they do a really good job, man. I mean, like you said, if you if you only have, you know, a three hour block of free time on a weekend, usually you know, if you have some flexibility in your schedule, you can. You can find a really high quality game to watch. Much. And then as the season progresses and we get deeper in and and things start, you know, all the dust starts to settle and and you know it's kind of like you're you're sifting for gold, right. And you got a pan full of dirt and rocks and you know, you're shaking it around and eventually, you know that that that quality and that cream and wherever you want, you know, whatever. Analogy you want to use. It starts to rise and then usually. The the rivalry games, although those are getting shook up and I think they'll still be there. But some historically great rivalries, you know that that can kind of define A-Team season for them, you know with all this movement is you know they're they're being devalued man and it's kind of too bad. You know Washington, Washington state, the Apple Cup, and I'm sure they'll still play the game and everything, but it ain't gonna. It's not going to be the same, you know, UCLA, USC. You know, they're on and on. There's just a lot of. Long time, I mean multi decade rivalries that are with all the the movement you know between the different leagues is is I think being devalued and it's too bad. Kelly: I do think we're seeing some losses. I think the challenge I have is that overall. UM. College football, as great as the sport itself and the games on the field. I think that it suffers from a true lack of leadership. You have all the individual conferences, but I don't. I don't see anybody who, again, like a good coach, gets all of those conferences and everybody else to work together for the greater good of the overall system. I would have expected the NCAA to do something like that, but they've clearly shown in my mind years and years of ineptness at running the sport. In so many ways they they could have solved half the problems that we have or, you know, took them forever to come up with the the transfer portal stuff that we have now, which I think is fair to the players. Might not always like it that a player can bounce around as a fan of my team, if they, you know, it goes both ways though it brings in some guys and it doesn't, but it's the same thing coaches have and it's what everybody else has the opportunity to do. And then this whole name, image and likeness stuff. I mean, they've had their heads in their. In the in the sand over this for years. And why shouldn't the player be able to make money and you could have set some stuff up instead? You know, it's basically just. Become arms race so. Again, there's no. Overarching leadership and that what the NCAA has had has just been these arbitrary, draconian rules that make no sense, I mean. Let's just also be honest, man. I mean, I'm not saying, like, just stop this myth of student athlete, yes. Yes, I mean, again, I don't, I don't know that you can compare the. Badminton player at whatever. To the starting quarterback at Alabama as far as what they're looking to get from college. Chris: No. And then if you take it into basketball, it's it's, you know, even exponential exponentially more evident. You know the the one and done players that go into basketball, they're there for one purpose cause they have to. It's either they go play in a G League or they go play in Europe or or somewhere else for a year. They got to kill a year or so. And that's, you know, basically what they're there for. I'm going, I would be going to the pros if the pros had different rules, but right now I just gotta. I gotta find a year to to waste somewhere and so I'll go to Kentucky or I'll go to Duke or whatever. And but I'm. I'm not here to get an education and I'm not. I have no intentions of finishing my not my come back someday. You know and and work on it later, but you know, I'm here to. Get to the. Pros and. Kelly: So you know, and just don't. Hey, I have no problem with that. I mean, in the sense that if that's the path that the pro leagues have defined and I have to do. And the, you know, the colleges for all this talk of ohh student athlete, they don't care about that, right? They get their. I mean, there's coaches and I've seen both sides of it. There's coaches that excel at the one and done kind of players you know and there's other coaches that they build for the long haul and. You know, we don't hear about all the. Ohh, this is hurting the student athlete in that. So just. Just be straight up about what you are and what you're about. Chris: Yeah, and and it's fun. Kelly: I think it's fine. I think that you know the best thing you could do is. Chris: So yeah. Kelly: Even if you, I mean, let's be honest, man. In college basketball, you know, it is truly like one year. I mean, the kid comes in in September and he's the season's over by. April, obviously, you know. Chris: Yeah. And then he's he's training for for, you know. Kelly: I mean. Chris: So anyway, we'll we'll have a lot of all year to talk about college football and we'll see what. Develops over time. Kelly: Yeah. And so eventually, I mean in the football space. You know. Top X percent of them, you know, they do GoPro. And so we're done with all the preseason and the first NFL game kicks off in a bit before we get into that. I just want to acknowledge because I think about it every year. You know. For a lot of players, I mean, I realize for a lot of players they're just beginning their dream and then for a lot more. That dream is either never getting a chance to materialize because they got cut. You know, we go from 90 to 53 and then 16 on a practice squad or for some players, you know that dream is coming to an end because you know they've been cut from an NFL team. I won't pretend to know what it's like. To have your dream and in some cases before it started and in other cases to be told you're no longer welcome, but. I'm sure that's tough on all the players so. More power to all of them for the entertainment that they provide for us. Chris: Yeah, I can't. I can't imagine at this level. And then and and you're you're not only talking about your dream, which maybe maybe is #1. On this is probably something you've been working towards your entire life and and it's not like it's over over, it's just, you know, it's a much bigger hill to climb now for the people who didn't make it on the first round. I'm just practice squads available, you know, Miles Gaston got cut and then he got picked up by the Vikings and there's some movement opportunities will present themselves as the year. Goes on. More players will be injured and you know roster spots will open up for guys either on the practice squad or free agents and but. You know it's it's a. It's a big payday too, man. You know, it's not a lot of places that you can go get a job with, you know? Hey, I run AA4440 and and can catch anything thrown my way. You go out into the workforce and there's not a lot of positions where you know that that skill set is needed, right? Yeah. How many words a minute can you type? Well, on not not so many but but I, but I catch a mean deep ball, you know? And so you know these. Is for all they've put in a lot of times. There's a major financial expense associated with the training itself. You know you have nutritionists and and personal trainers and everybody that you know you've done everything you can to put yourself in the best possible position. You're hoping for a contract that will set you up and and help take care of you financially. And and then when you don't get it, where do you go from here? You know, it's it's tough. Kelly: Well, Speaking of best possible position. A lot of if you go back and look at starting rosters from a year ago to today, a lot of interesting movement in the NFL before we even get into all the teams. But obviously the big one for Packer fans, #12 has become #8 and his home is now. I guess technically New Jersey is where he bought the house, but it's not Green Bay, WI. So Aaron Rodgers off to The Jets Jordan love there beginning in Green Bay. It's not the only change you got. Derek Carr is down in New Orleans. Jonathan Taylor, you know out who knows if he's really ever going to play for the. Colts. Again, a lot of other movement happening. Chris: Yeah, the the Jonathan Taylor one is is made more complicated by the fact that it's hearsay and he's about as stubborn as they come. And so I don't know what's going to turn out with that dude. We have plenty of track record that this does not end well for the player. I don't know what this situation is. I mean, there's talk of his ankle. And and this and that and you know it's hard to know what you can believe and what you can't believe and. You know the a lot of it is is pure speculation by us, the fans and even the people in the media, the the movement, you know, some of it. I I think you know the the. Aaron Rodgers move I I think it was just something that just kind of had to happen. I mean that that his time in Green Bay had played itself out. I think for all parties involved. Obviously is a Hall of Famer. I mean, one of the the greatest quarterbacks of all times and I I don't think you can really deny that. But you know, sometimes man, you know, relationship just gets tired and and I think the fans and and leadership within the Packers organization and Aaron Rodgers himself, I I think everyone just kind of. Felt like. All right, man, it was a really good run, you know. You'll go get a fresh start somewhere else and we'll get a fresh start here. I'm actually really optimistic about Jordan love. You know, he's got to work. He's, you know, he's got a long ways to go and a short time to. Get there but. I I don't know, man. From the little bit that I've seen of him, you know, they really haven't taken the reins off of him. You know what I mean? They really we really haven't seen him. Just free to be his best self yet. So it's it's been a very cautious obviously sat for three years. I mean you can't get much more cautious than that and then you know even to this point. With with his playing time in the preseason. And and you know the plays they chose to run and everything about it, I don't think we've seen his full potential unlocked yet. And from the little glimpses I've seen, boy, he sure looks like he has a chance to me, man, you know, he just looks smooth when with the way he moves the way his body moves. He just. You know, if he can get his confidence up and and obviously you know, he's got to work on, you know, technique and and you know there's a lot of passes need to be thrown to wide receivers before they can get dialed in. But I don't know man I'm hopeful for for love I I think he's got a real shot man at at being a good quarterback. Kelly: Yeah, I mean, you know, we've talked about this in different ways, but hey, for me at this point, obviously if you're a sports fan, you like your team to win the ultimate and championships. In this case, the Super Bowl. More importantly for me is, hey, one be competitive and to be entertaining, the Super Bowls are are great. And I'd love to have had more of them out of fire, but Rogers and hopefully we get a couple out of love. But you know at least be entertaining and be competitive cause. I still am always going to remember the Packers of the 70s and 80s and as a football fan, there's nothing worse than having a bad football team to root for because it just becomes it's like this. I don't know, maybe it's becomes drudgery in that. You want to hope. But you, you know, so you have wasted some Sunday time watching part of the game and. But you realize it's just the teams are not very good so. Chris: Yeah. For me it's it's, you know, the entertainment is nice and all that. But for me, what I care about is are you improving? I don't care where you start. I really don't, you know and and. I'm dealing with this right now with with my son starting football and and here's where he's at. He's actually, you know, he's got some skills, man. We've thrown the ball around a little bit over the course of his childhood and, you know, he's not starting at 0. But you know, I I don't care where you start, man. Start. You can start at the very, very bottom. You be the janitor at at at at at Microsoft. You know what I mean? I I don't care. As long as you're improving, as long as you're making strides in the right direction, then there's a chance that eventually you'll get there, and obviously what we want is a Lombardi trophy at the end of the year. I think realistic Packer fans don't expect this to be that year. It's not impossible. I mean, you know, stuff happened before, but probably unlikely, highly unlikely. But here's where we're at. Here's the team we have. We have young, talented receivers. We have a young, seemingly talented quarterback, you know, right now we have a good offensive line. They're aging and and our our running back situation also is aging. But but you got some nice pieces around you that should keep you competitive. We have an offensive line that that can do a good job and then we. Have two high quality running backs that could take some of the pressure off while the quarterback and receivers continue to develop. Obviously the. Franchises responsibility to replenish offensive lineman to keep the defense strong, to continue to add pieces over through draft and free agency and things. But. What I care about more than anything is, are you getting better? Are you better in week two than you were in week one? Are you better in week 10 than you were in Week 2? On and on, and then we'll go through this season and then in the offseason get better. And as we've seen with the Colorado Buffaloes, if a group of men come together. For a common cause and dedicate themselves, it's very possible in a in a short period of time to transform your identity and. You know any football team can do that if if they have the right leadership and and they want to motivation man. And So what I care about this year is just improve throughout the year. The NFC is pretty wide open. I mean you got a couple of powerhouses, the Eagles and the 49ers have shown that they're they're going to be a competitive, they're going to be competitive. Franchises at at this moment, but right now, you know, there's a lot of room to to slide into the playoffs in the NFC. If you can show up next year as a much improved team, you can kind of have the. Like Jacksonville Jaguars kind of feel you know that that there's a lot of hope in Jacksonville, you know, and and they did it in a very short period of time. There's no reason the Packers can't have that feeling heading into the 2024 season, in my opinion. Kelly: Well, Speaking of getting better, let's go through the divisions and let's start with, at least for me. What I think of is is we'll get better as we go on. I think of as probably the weakest division in football all up and that's the NFC South. Chris: Well, First off, before we get too too fired up here. What what are we planning for, Buddy? Because we're about to make some picks and there needs to be repercussions for your poor picking. Kelly: Oh, I see how you are, Mr. Hey, I got you dinner. I think I took care of you. Chris: Last year. Yeah. Yeah. But this is a whole new year, Sir. Kelly: Ah, well, your name is. Chris: I I like to. I like to. Eat every day, Kelly. Ohh. Kelly: I thought you're once a year kind of guy, man. Like a bear, you know you. You name it, you name it, buddy. What do you wanna play for? We can't. Chris: Play for pink slips because no dinner. Dinner sounds good, man. That's that's that. That we can do anytime. And so I like it, man. Let's, we'll we'll set up a a bit of a point system and but I I went through these ahead of time. I knew we were going to do this and. You know, there's not gonna be a whole lot of surprises in my picks until we get to the Wild card version. I mean, there's, there's obviously a lot of room. For movement in the wild card, but. You know, I don't know how different we'll be. We'll find out in a second. But I'll say when I did him, man and I I I tried to find some. Some Flyers and man there, there weren't a lot of available, in my opinion, at least not to the division winners. So we'll run through it. We'll see how each other feel. I'll. I'll track these down and then we'll be on the hook for some stake down the. Kelly: All right. Well, let's pull it up and AFC South. Chris: NFC South this actually is one of the more interesting wide open divisions so. Kelly: Oh, this actually is one of the worst divisions in football. Chris: Yeah, but but to me, you know, it is absolutely, undeniably, and a lot of it centers around the question marks at quarterback. But as far as competitiveness and who so one of these teams is going to the playoffs. So all you got to do is win your division, man, and that's that's where it starts. And if you ask any coach in the NFL that they're going to start. With that right. So that guarantees you a spot. And the Atlanta Falcons are really. Really interesting to me, man. And they're a throwback and they're. Just not something you see very much anymore and we'll see what the play looks like on the field, but they have a very strong offensive line, at least on paper. It looks like they're run run blocking. Offensive line is one of the better ones in football. And if Atlanta has the ability to run the ball, that's exactly what they want to do. If they run 65 plays in a game, they'd be perfectly happy. If 45 of them are runs and I don't think they want to put Ritter in a position where he has to win a lot of football games and they're going to give. Every effort towards running the football, they got one of the better prospects coming out of College in a long time and you know, Algier had shown last year that he's capable of carrying the load. So they got two dudes who should be able to, you know, carry the rock for them. And if they can block and get 3 yards in the cloud. Dusk and continue to matriculate the ball down the field. That's exactly what they want to do and I I and their defense should be improved as well. You know, they they had a full rebuild on that side of the ball. So I think they're interesting. You know, obviously the Carolina Panthers, you know, starting a rookie quarterback and then the Tampa Bay Bucks, you know, rolling with Baker Mayfield. I think we kind of know what he is. So the the between Ritter young. And Mayfield trash combo. I think the Saints who picked up Derek Carr in the offseason are actually, by default the the in the best position at the quarterback. And so for that reason, I'm going to go with the Saints. I think all things being equal, you know, roster construction throughout the the South is is comparable. Give or take here and there, but the quarterback in New Orleans is, I think, the the best of the bunch. And so I'm going to. Go with the Saints. Kelly: Yeah, I think this is interesting. You know, I guess we're going to find out what is Derek Carr. You know, we thought he'd come together in Las Vegas and it didn't happen there. I think on paper anyway, the Saints are the strongest team in that division. I have serious questions at quarterback at every other team in that division. We just don't know and I don't know. I I hear very mixed things about Bryce Young. You read some coverage and I'm seeing that. Oh, he's everything we wanted. And then I'm seeing other people say that he's potentially not going to be that good. Chris: Well, Tom will, so I mean he gets to prove it on the field. So you know this, it's all speculation up until. Yeah. And they're gonna start playing football and I think you you would expect some bumps and bruises and some some. You know, there's gonna be some learning involved. So he doesn't have the same level of talent relative to his competition that he enjoyed at Alabama. Kelly: Oh, definitely. Chris: So you know, while he looked great in his time there, you know, he had the benefit of one of the best rosters. In all of college football. All to to help him. So it covers up any weaknesses pretty easily and they they're they're not going to be in that position, you know, they're his roster relative to the NFL is one of the weaker. So we'll see, you know, everything else is just for print and for blogs and for talking about, you know. Kelly: It pays the bills, right? I mean, the NFL. No, but I'm I. I think the Saints win that division. But I I don't. I really I'd be surprised if anybody is higher than 10 and six in that division or 10:00 and 7:00 in that division. Chris: Yeah, man, I get it. But. He'll get a chance to prove it. Yeah, I I and that's kind of my feeling on the Falcons is like, you know, the style of football that they're gonna play, the brand of football is, they're they should be competitive. In most games, they'll be close, you know. And I think if a team is 7 and 7 heading into the, you know, their final three games, they're right in the fight, you know, depending. On you know who they play and you know some other factors that might be, you know, you have to win out to get there. It might be, you know, you can lose this one, but you gotta win those two kind of scenarios. But I I think you know the Saints, the Falcons will both be kind of in that realm and then it's just going to turn you know who has developed the best who who gets to win. In football, at the end of the year will determine who wins that division. But agreed, dude, it's going to be, you know, right around that 500 mark, you know, and if you can just get slightly above that, that'll probably be enough to get you the, you know, get you in. Kelly: All right. Well, we're in agreement on that division, let's. Let's go east and let's talk about the NFC East. Chris: Ohh. The NFL's favorite division, you know. So anytime I watch network TV, it's like, hey, here, here's more NFC East football for you on in prime time, you know. Kelly: Well, the. Yeah, you know it, man. Chris: This man. But anyway, that one is actually really interesting. So the Eagles, you know, obviously were were in the Super Bowl last year. Jalen Hertz looks like a premium quarterback in the league. And then there's no denying that their roster is top to bottom as no, they did suffer some losses. Anytime you have success, you do. But still they're from top to bottom. Stacked kind of revamp the running back room, you know running backs are are pretty interchangeable in the NFL anymore, but the offensive line should be one of the best, if not the single best in in all of football. And you know they still. Have one of the best defensive fronts, some movement in the secondary, but they were so stacked they they could afford it. And yeah, there's no reason to believe that the Eagles aren't, you know, one of maybe the premium team in the NFC and be fighting for another trip to the Super Bowl again this year. Cowboys, you know, are the Cowboys. Everyone's really excited until they start playing football, you know, they're they're they're the best team that never wins and. Kelly: I see. No. I see no reason to think the Cowboys are going to be any better this year than. Chris: They were last year. Yeah, I know. But everyone seems to love them. And you know, for me that they're not better than the Eagles and then see, then you got the Giants and the commanders who both could go almost any direction, man. And, you know, the Giants added like 47 wide receivers in the offseason who kind of are all the same. Guy. So we'll see how that plays out, but. Daniel Jones got his contract, Daniel Jones took a a a big step forward last year and you know, there's something to be said. You you said it already coaching matters and you know you look at what Josh Allen did and and the the progress that he made and we all consider him one of the best quarterbacks in football now. And you know, to be honest, if if if you're being objective, you could say Daniel Jones is kind of following that path man and and now he's got a whole nother season, you know, in the same system. So now the problem with the Giants, the big problem is their offensive line. And it's hard to move. Without an engine, so you know we'll see if they can get that shorn up and and. But the skill position players, you know, Barkley is one of the best in football. Daniel Jones. Looks like he's moving in the right direction. They do have while they have a lot of lead receivers. I mean, there's some skill in the room. So offensively they, you know, they should. At least have a chance to be better, and then the commanders, they have a lot of good skill position players as well. They got a great defensive front and then the big question is just how you know, I mean they they seem to be rolling with them they they seem confident and you know actually looks pretty decent man so. If he's good. Then I mean, the commanders could definitely sneak up on people at the end of the day, I'm picking Eagles to win the division, but the other three teams all could be in contention for wild card spots. Kelly: Yeah. The biggest unknown to me both just cuz I hadn't really followed them in. Knowledge is how for the commanders. I really don't know what he's going to be. I don't know that anybody does. But I look at this division as Philadelphia's to lose, and honestly, I expect them to probably be at least two games better than anybody else. Dallas will be what they are. I just. I don't see how they've gotten any better in the offseason. So and whatever, they're always I've, you know, I'm call it snake bit, but I'm going to call it Jerry Jones bit because he, you know, hey man, it's his team, he can do what he wants. But he's up there as the owner of that metal too much and. Think he knows more than his football guys and I just don't see them. Doing any better than they did the Giants, I think you're 100% right on Daniel Jones. The thing is, and this will be a case of. And I think this happens more than we realize in the NFL. Maybe, right? You need that, especially in today's game, you need that offensive line to be able to protect the quarterback, to let things happen. And I'm not sure that they're strong enough there to let Jones develop, and I really think that quarterback gets beat up too much man. And then you start to get the happy feet and the nervousness. And that once, once that falls in, it's hard to overcome. But I if I was. You know, picking this which I. Again, I think that I think it's the Eagles by at least two games. Unless you know you got to show me otherwise because they're pretty much firing on all cylinders. I look for the probably the Giants to be the wild card. The commanders are Cowboys are still. Just to I got to see more before I'm going to be on them at all. Chris: All right, where do? You want to. Go next. So far we're we're splitting dinner. Kelly: It's kind of an interesting one here, NFC West. Chris: Well, I I don't know how interesting the West is. So this the, the Seahawks are interesting to me. The Geno Smith, so they're they're stack talent wise and they picked up Zach Chardonnay, talented running back out of UCLA. They by all accounts, Kenneth Walker is healthy. Who he showed to be a dominant. Or so on the ground. And then they drafted Jackson Smith and Jiga. Who was maybe the best prospect in this year's draft? One of them, definitely one of the best. And then you put him with DK Metcalf and you know Tyler Lock gets a little older now, but. You know he. Still, one of the more talented wide receivers in the league, and you know Ken, Ken. Gino, do it again. I mean, he did it all year last year. You know, we were waiting week after week after week, you know. Ohh. Cute story. Look at you know, played good. In Week 2. Oh, look, he did it again, but by the time he did it for 18. Weeks or 17 games it was like OK dude, you just got to give the guy credit, man. He just is good. You know, you didn't get lucky 17 times in a row. You know what I mean? And so now he's had an offseason and I think you and I, he was one of our favorite stories last year and I want him to do it again. And you know, the defense is. Is thin. I mean, they brought Bobby Wagner back, which is awesome for you know, I mean, for the fans and everything. And I'm sure he'll play great. I mean, you know, he he wouldn't be there if he couldn't, but. Defense defense is not what it used to be. You know there, there's no legion of boom. There's, you know, there's a there's a lot of not there's on defense. So you know. But I I believe in Carol, I believe in his ability to coach the defense and so if he can get the defense to catch up a little bit to the offense and. You know, the offense basically boils down to Geno Smith, you know, is is can he do it again and if he can, then the Seahawks should be competitive because there's no shortage of talent on the offensive side of the ball. They should be able to put up points with what they have at running backs and wide receivers. This is going to be tough. For any defense to match up with them, skill set wise, you know, you leave DK Metcalf one-on-one. There's not very many corners that that can handle him physically and. You know, with Jackson Smith and and Lockett running around, he still got no fan and then you have, you have to pile up to stop the run as well, which is what, you know, they they ideally would want to hang their hat on. So from a match up standpoint and a schematic standpoint it's you know it's tough to match up with the Seahawks. So they're interesting but. You know the again, this is very similar to the East where there's there's a team that's clearly better. The 49ers are built to win a Super Bowl. People uh. We as fans got robbed in the NFC Champion Championship game of what could have been a very epic football game. You know, they changed the rule in the offseason to allow for a third quarterback no matter what and. You know, they, they, they were on par with the Eagles and and actually. Even with not having a quarterback put up a a a pretty good fight. So I think there's no need. 49ers are clearly the class. The orders on the Cardinals are are tanking for, you know, Caleb Williams. And you know they're in a full full rebuild and then. Why am I? Why am who? Am I missing I'm? The Seahawks, the 49ers, the Cardinals. Ohh, and the Rams. Also, the Rams are a bit of a dumpster fire. You know we can say the same story that we said last year about them, you know, they went all in on the Super Bowl, they got it. And then, you know, this is the price you pay, man. And there's, you know, that price isn't one year that price is multi years. And and they're they're in year two of paying the price so. Kelly: Has to be some interesting conversations around the Stafford dinner table. Chris: Yeah, I I mean some of the reports that came out about, you know, you know, his wife had had posted something saying like, you know, he's having a hard time connecting connecting with the young guys. He can't get them to get off their phones. And, you know, you got the old man at quarterback and and trying to deal with these 22 year olds who are worried about developing their brand. And you know, I I I can just imagine what a 40 year old and a 22 I mean, you know, it's got to be a challenge so. I think they're gonna struggle, man. And I think Stafford is is already regretting, like, not pulling the plug at, you know, at the end of last year saying I forget it. I'm, I'm done, you know, and now he's committed. And you know, good luck buddy. Kelly: Yeah, I think the best thing for I think he's again, I think the best thing for him. Would have been to ride off into the sunset after they got the Super Bowl. He got a little bit of redemption after all the years in Detroit because again, they went in, man. So I think the interest why I said this is a little bit interesting, I mean because I think San Francisco's more a little interesting in that Shanahan and Lynch a little bit. Are playing for their careers here. And I say that because and I have no indication that won't work out, but. You know, they obviously called the big audible from the quarterback situation. You know, you had three good ones. Two are now not with the team. So they are definitely all in on Barack Purdy. Obviously. We talked about them a lot last year. A good story seems like, you know, he's the guy. But if it don't workout, you know that's probably a. Not going to be good for their careers in in San Francisco. Chris: No, you you can't win without a quarterback. So, you know, even teams that have won the Super Bowl with what we would consider you know below average quarterbacks while in the year that they won the Super Bowl, that quarterback played to the best of his ability and. You know, that's what it takes. So you you can't win without one in that, not in the National Football League. So you know, I mean, they have a incredible roster. They lost mcglinchey. He was sniped, you know, in Sean Payton's rebuild and you know, that's a big loss. One of the better tackles in football and. And so, you know, we'll see if they can. You know, find a way to, you know, still have an offensive line that can do what Shanahan wants him to. But yeah, you're right, man. I mean, you know, I think the credit to them, you know, on the and, and I feel so bad for Trey, Lance and, you know, a couple of buddy of mine buddies of mine of mine were kind of pile on him. And you know, to me, I told him, I say Montreal ants and Jordan love are are not that dissimilar in terms of talent. They were both going to always be projects. They were athletic and needed development. And one guy, you know, went later in the draft and, you know, one guy, they traded a bunch of picks to move up and get. And so now all this pressure gets put on trade lands to be something better than he ever was was, you know, and Jordan. Of hopes are high, but there's no pressure on him, you know. No, no one. The expectations are not anywhere near the same as they were on trade lands and in. In all reality, they're they're very comparable players. And then they went to very different scenarios. One got to learn behind NFL MVP and. And all time great and and just kind of sit and learn. And the other one was like, hey, why aren't you ready yet? Why aren't you ready yet? You know what I mean? Oh, man, he's a bust and it's like. He was never supposed to be picked there in the 1st place. The 49ers, he he was a second or third round pick man and they they moved up to get him cause he had great combine numbers and you know, tested off the charts and everything. And then why I say credit is like hey man, you know we. We made a mistake. We can't undo it. We can't go ask for our draft picks back. You know what I mean? We we can't pick somebody different, you know, from two years ago in the draft. You know, it just is what it is, man. We we made a poor choice. And you know, I think for all parties. Let's. Let's give him a fresh start somewhere else. Let's try and recoup some of our losses in terms of draft capital. I mean, they didn't get anywhere near back what they originally paid, but you know, someone makes a mistake in life, man, and you own it and you move on from it. I I got respect for that. And I feel like that's what happened with the train Lance scenario. And I feel bad for Trey Lance because he didn't do anything wrong. You know, he worked his ****. And put up great numbers and did everything he could to increase his draft stock and and get the best contract he could for him and his family and all of this and that. And then, you know, the byproduct of of him doing so well and getting picked where he did. Was a bunch of pressure that he probably didn't shouldn't have had. Kelly: And I think that in the NFL world, right, given the importance of quarterback and all of that, you you see this challenge time and again, right? So teams and you know we've seen two different versions of this play out here. But so many teams they you know. Mortgage so much. And then they've got to play that, you know, top quarterback, right out out of the gate. And I don't care who you are. You know, that's a challenge. Chris: And and we've seen it work and and fail both ways. There's no, no, there's no right way to do this. Kelly: Yeah. And that's the challenge. It's not that there's a magic formula, right? But I mean, being a starting quarterback in the NFL, there's a ton of stuff that goes with that, that it's not just throwing the ball and handing it off. It's right. You are expected to be the leader of the team in multiple ways. On and off the field and all this other stuff and you're still learning the game at the NFL level. And some guys make that transition instantly. We've seen it happen. Other guys, you know, they need some time and. The thing is that if your team isn't good, especially your offensive offensive line, I don't care what skills you have. You can find yourself on the ground a lot and that messes you up. So I'm actually going to go out a little bit here though, because there's another thing. Chris: You're such a Homer. There we go. Let's go. Let's hear it. Say. Kelly: It I'm going to well because I was going to say the other unknown we don't know is a little bit of how Christian McCaffrey plays and is if he doesn't get hurt, it's how San Francisco also goes. Now he finished the year outstanding and you know, wasn't hurt so, but I'm going to go off. The board a little bit. I think San Francisco is going to or not, San Francisco. Seattle is going to pull this division out this year. Actually, I think they did enough in the offseason and they've got enough going on. I think, Sam, this is going to regress a little. I'm going to pick Seattle over San Francisco. Chris: Yeah, I I you got a soft spot for them. Seahawks all them years, you know, up, up, working in the the Northwest. I you know I. Hey man, I don't blame you. There's going to be movement. You know what I mean. And I I knew I was real generic with my picks. Kelly: We have braids. Chris: And and that's never gonna work out, right. There's gonna be moving the NFL problems. I don't know where it's going to be. And you know this. This is very, very plausible, man. So. Kelly: The other thing that's interesting to me about this division, so. Arizona's kind of tanking, they just signed that other quarterback to that multi year contract. Chris: You talk about. Dobbs, no. Calamari. Who who design? Ohh well I don't know how that was structured. I've learned a little bit about the NFL and contracts and stuff that those things can be deceitful. Kelly: Well, that's the guy that had they wanted him to do homework you. Chris: Know. Yeah. Get get off the PlayStation. Kelly: I thought they gave him like $225 million. Chris: Yeah, that was. You know before last year. Kelly: Though not the show, he still got years left on it. Chris: Dude. Yeah. No, I understand. But I, yeah, I I I think they're just looking for a way out on Kyler Murray. So Arizona is, you know, it's it's in the running. They're right where like the Texans were last year. Not one of the worst. Kelly: Well, I think they're in the running for being one of the more poorly run franchises. Chris: Yeah, and. And you know, you're right about that. And they, you know, they're bad on all levels, dude. I mean, it's rare that you don't have some strength like, you know, the Washington commanders even when they weren't a very good football team, they could hang their hat on the defensive line. They had a front floor that was as good and terrorizing as anyone at football. You know you can go team by team, by team. They got some strength somewhere and you go to the Cardinals, man, and they're weak everywhere. I mean, they're thin at running back. They got Connor. Who's OK? He's fine. But, you know, he's certainly not, you know, Christian McCaffrey or Saquon Barkley or Nick Chubb or anything. Right. And so. You know their wide receiver core is is unproven and and I mean they're they got a terrible offensive line, a terrible defense, you know, at at at all three levels. You know the the front, the linebackers and the secondary is bad. I mean I don't know maybe their kicker is good. They might be able to pump well but they got they got nothing that looks great. On paper. Kelly: All right. Well, let's go north and we won't do it last cause, but we'll do it last of the NFC, NFC North. Chris: Alright, you take. You take the lead this time, buddy. Who you like. Kelly: You know? Uh. I'm actually going to pick Detroit here. We saw them come on at the end of last year again, you know, maybe it's that story and they've suckered me in, but I think I think their coach has got that team playing. Oh well and. The Packers are too unknown. Minnesota, they could be it as well. I mean, you know, if I was. Truly being not going on any emotion, I should probably pick them, but I think that I think that Detroit, they got enough going on there. The team's pretty good and I think that their coach is going to be the difference. It's not about the players on the field as much as. The minds of the players, and I think there's still at least what you read, is that they're all in. So I'm going to, you know, go with Detroit. It's probably going to be Detroit and Minnesota getting the wild card out of that division. I think the the Bears are still too much of a mess, I think, and the Packers too unknown. You know, I look for Detroit probably to go 12 and 5, Minnesota, probably 11 and six. And we'll see, I think right around 500 for the Packers honestly would looking at their schedule would be a success in this first year under Jordan Love and the Bears, I think about the same. Chris: Well this this is going to be this is this. This is similar to the South in the NFC that it's pretty wide open. So all all teams have question marks. You know, the funny it's funny because the the question mark around the Detroit Lions is just their uniform. And it's just that you're the lion. And you know, it just reminds me of the Clippers or like. Kelly: So break it down, give us more of a description of these lines. Uniforms. Chris: No, I've I've saying that that like it's Detroit and they just historically don't win. So you know something uniforms per say, you know what I mean? The colors are are are the design I'm talking like, you know it says, you know if you if you put the Patriots uniforms. Kelly: That's OK, I got you. Chris: On them, you know the talent level and everything the hopes would be really high. It's just hard for me to believe in the Lions period. I know they're different last year, you know, they looked really good and actually. Goff and Geno Smith are very similar. To me, you know, they kind of have similar stories and different paths, but but similar, you know what I mean? Not identical. And you know, hey, you went to a new location. Things didn't work out at the last spot. Things hadn't worked out really well to this point in their careers. They went to a new home and then all of a sudden shined and like, hey, man, this guy can play a little bit and. We might be able to do something with this retread that we got, you know, from this other team. And if Goff can continue to progress and continue to make strides and and be the quarterback that you know, originally he thought he was going to be able to be and and what they show glimpses of, then the the Lions should be tough. To be so you know, they're right in the middle of the pack. Defensively they should be competitive. They're not going to be a sieve. But you know, they're not world leaders either. It should be good enough. And then offensively, they showed last year that. You know, they they put up some points. So at the end of the day, you just need to score more than the other team. And even if you're giving up 2224 a game, you know, if you can score 27 that that gets you wins. And so I just have a hard time believing in the lions. And then the Vikings, you, you, you know, you describe the Vikings. While you were talking about the Cowboys and they did nothing to get better in the in the offseason, so they got they're running back this the same guys they ran last year. And didn't really add much. And then they, you know, if they weren't the luckiest team now, I believe they earned it from all their bad luck they had gotten in the past, you know, missing. 20 yard field goals in the playoffs and and all the last second losses that they had accumulated over the previous five years. Last year they got them all back and they won in the most miraculous of fashions. Repeatedly, week after week after week, and it's just hard for me to believe that they're gonna get the the coin to come up heads as many times as they did last year. They easily could have been, you know, a a six and 11 football team last year and instead, you know, they won all those nail biters. And this year I think you know, there's some regression. Back where you know, hey, these 5050 games are going to be closer to 5050, not 9010. And I don't think the the Vikings have a very good roster. Cousins is getting older. You know, I love Justin Jefferson and Dalvin Cook is like, no joke as a running back and and he's gone and I, you know, I understand, you know what I mean? Like, you got to make financial decisions. I don't think they didn't like them or anything. I think they just, you know, you can't pay everyone and. I think the the Vikings take a significant step back. Kelly: This year, Justin Jefferson can't play defense, and he needs the the Vikings are, you know, again, as I said when I was talking about about them, in theory, you know, if that lock holds out, maybe I should be picking them, but. I just. Don't. I don't see that they improved and they don't have enough around. You know it's you. You need more than one elite player, especially if that elite player is on the quarterback. Chris: And then my feelings on the Packers is similar to yours, man. I'm a realistic fan. You know, I'm just hoping to see improvement. I'm hoping to see some groundwork. I want to see the connection. I think Christian Watson is incredibly talented. I think Dobbs is good. They added Reed, you know, to the receiving group. They're all young. They're all you know, first, second, third year. Players in that receiving and then you got a young quarterback, you know, if they can come together, they got a young tight end that that people seem to be thinking very highly of in Musgrave. So you know, it just takes time, man. You got to play together and. You know, realistically, man, that, I mean, you know what we can expect from the Packers, we'll see. I hope they surprise me. That'd be amazing. If they if they're learning curve is shorter then then you know normal then that would be amazing. But you know, 500 like like you said would be. I'm just be competitive man and then improve like if you start out. You know two and six and then, you know, finish at 8-9. I'm cool with that, man. You know what I mean? That's you showed improvement. You got you you finished strong. And and what we're we're optimistic heading into next year. The team that I'm actually picking is the one I haven't talked about yet is the Bears. You know, they're the biggest of the wildcards, putting a lot of belief in. A. A big step forward and and Justin fields. You know, I'm a little nervous about it because you know, to be honest, he hasn't really shown it in the preseason. His ability to throw the ball. But I think that. DJ Moore, adding him is going to be helpful and I think that, you know, the Bears just seem to be competitive on defense, year in and year out. It's what they've always hung their hat on. And I actually think Khalil Herbert offers a little more explosiveness and then you couple that then then. David Montgomery did. And you know, you couple that with what Justin Fields can do. You know, I I just think the bears. Kelly: The Lions should be better on paper, but I I don't know, man. It's just the lions and I have a hard time picking them to win anything and see, man, the the Bears for me are a lot like what you said. I guess with the Lions, dude, it's the uniform at quarterback. They have just for whatever reason. Chris: Thing so. Kelly: Since the days of Jim McMahon have struggled to find a quarterback and they've had guys that were supposed to be good. Chris: I mean I, you know, I said I'm taking a chance here, bud. You took a shot. Chance on the Seahawks. I'm gonna give you a shot at, you know, a a division back. So I'm. I'm taking who probably shouldn't be the favorite, but I'm just going on faith. Kelly: Yeah, we'll see. I mean, you know, it's always interesting how these different teams go. All right, well, so. We're both the same with New Orleans. We are the same with the Eagles. And then we're different on two of them. I've got the Seahawks and you've got the 49ers, and then I've got the lions, and you've got the bears. Chris: Well, I'll tell you what you want to go through the AFC winners or do you want? To bang out some. Wild cards first finish off the NFC completely. Kelly: Let's finish off the NFC. Chris: Well, my you know, we picked our division winners and you know we've talked about just about every team in each division. So I won't take too much time in the NFC. I I I do believe the Lions are going to be competitive. You know, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they won the division, but I I you know they showed me enough last year that I think that they, I do like their coach as well. I I think they'll they'll be in the hunt. I I'd give the edge to the Bears in the end. But I'm gonna have the lions as one of my wild card teams. Who you like. Who's your first pick and wild card gonna be three of them. Kelly: I I my first pick in wild cards is going to be the 49ers. Chris: Yes, an easy one. If you don't pick them to win the division, they're they're they should be a good football team. Kelly: I'll just give my my second one. I'll I'll give you is probably actually going to be the Vikings as well. Chris: See, I'm thinking the Vikings fall on high times. They ain't going to make the cut. I'm actually gonna take the Cowboys. You know, I do think they have strong enough roster top to bottom to be competitive. They're. Division doesn't scare me. I I think the Eagles are the class, but they only got to play them twice and I think the Cowboys should match up well with the Giants and the commanders and and you know, McCarthy just seems to have a knack for getting into the playoffs and I think they'll do enough to get there. Kelly: Yeah. See, I think the Cowboys are gonna end up with a quarterback controversy, Chris. Chris: Maybe I mean. Kelly: We'll see. They're gonna if Prescott struggles at all, they're going to want their shiny new toy. Chris: From what I understand, of course, he didn't even want him. So, or at least he, at least he wasn't. Part of the conversation. Kelly: Yeah. Well, what McCarthy wants and is not what Jerry Jones wants. Chris: Yep, fair enough. Well, I will see. I mean, you could very well be right. And then the last one, man, I have a stack of teams. So you know I got the Giants, Falcons, Seahawks, commanders and even hopefully the Packers. I got them at the very. Bottom like you never know. Gosh boy, of those teams, I think. I think I'll probably go Seahawks, man. They should be able to stack up some wins against the Rams and and Cardinals and and get a couple of free ones in there. So I'll go with the Seahawks as my last playoff team. Kelly: So I gave you two of mine. I gave you the 49ers and the the Vikings. Chris: The and the Vikings. Kelly: Be hard pressed to figure out how I can. Do this, but it could happen. It's technically possible. My emotions speaking here, but I'm going to say the Packers are going to squeak it out somehow. We're going to have three teams out of the NFC North. Yeah, This is why I don't do this for a day job. But hey, man, why not? Chris: Yeah, this is. This is why I eat good. So. Yeah, I mean, I hope you're right, Kelly. I'd. I'd be happy to to buy dinner if the Packers can make the playoffs that that'd be much better than you know what I think either of us truly believe heading into the season. All right, AFC buddy, start us off where you want to go. Kelly: Well, through the the one that Packer fans at least probably are curious about the probably the more interesting one as well. Let's go out East. Chris: All right, go ahead. Bring this out. Kelly: I mean, you know, it's it's the big mystery. What did Aaron Rodgers and The Jets do enough to improve themselves, to beat the other teams? That's to me, what this division boils down to. Chris: You following Hard Knocks. Kelly: I haven't watched it. Chris: It's pretty good, man. And you know they believe so, you know, you said that before. You know, when we were talking about the Colorado Buffaloes and, you know, The Jets believe, man they they believe they are the number one defense in the NFL. And you know the only thing that hey and and then real quick and this kind of goes to. You know, been following the Hard Knocks and we we touched on a little bit with quarterbacks, you know Trevor Lawrence was thrown into the fire and and the first year was terrible, came back and seems like he's made a full recovery, you know, Peyton Manning was thrown in the fire. Troy Aikman was thrown in the fire and you know, they went on to have Hall of Fame careers, you know, other guys get thrown in the fire and they don't respond. Zach Wilson was one of those that you know, he was not ready to be an NFL quarterback. He was thrust into it. And, you know, in that jets, you know, that New York, well, new New Jersey spotlight and all the things that come with. That the added pressure, you know, based on location, he he just it just didn't go well for him. But now all the pressure is taken off. Nothing is expected of him now Aaron Rodgers is supposed to be the Savior and Zach Wilson gets to learn behind him and. And man, I got to tell you how he's carrying himself. And this is how it should have always been. You know, if if he would have come into the league behind somebody. And and learned, you know, had had some tutelage from from a veteran, he would have been in a much better place. He he, you know he had some talent and and some raw skills but it was unpolished coming into the league he should have gone to a location that you know allowed him to to learn. And you know, it's a little bumpier start for him, but man, he is handling it great. He seems happy. He, you know, the way he's presenting himself on, hard nosed is like a kid. It just, you know, Aaron Rodgers was his favorite player and and now he gets to learn, you know, and and and watch film with him and go out to dinner with him and, you know. I'm really optimistic about the potential for Zach Wilson. Potentially, you know, having another crack at it, you know, being that Gino Smith or Jared Goff, you know, like, hey, man, didn't start out so hot. But if you just keep grinding you might you might be able to get there. And he's a guy who, you know, 2-3 years from now. You know, might have another shot at things. And I've been really impressed with the way he's carried himself, you know, or at least the way he's portrayed on heart. Heart and ox. I wanted to pull up The Jets schedule because I remember looking at it and going, Oh my gosh, this is tough. So here's The Jets schedule to start. They will open the first game of the season on Thursday night with the Bills. Oh, I'm sorry. It's Monday night. Not the first game of the season. The Chiefs and Lions are first game, so they're the last game of Week 1, so they're gonna open with the bill. And then they go at Cowboys, patriots, chiefs at Broncos, Eagles, and then Giants at the Giants and the Chargers. So. Kelly: My recollection of looking at The Jets schedule is they could easily be two and six or three and five in the first half they got a softer second-half. Exactly. But and This is why I I think that. We're going to like, but it wouldn't surprise me in that first eight games if they come out of it at 2:00 and 6:00 or three and five, dude. Chris: Yeah, and and well. And then that's gonna be tough to overcome you. Kelly: Know and not only tough to overcome, but I mean, hey, let's put it this way. Not all cities are the same to play NFL football and. Yep, and the two hardest are probably. New York and Philadelphia, as far as the media. And I don't tell me that that you tune that out. You we all know that you say that, but it's it's not how it works. And though, I mean, come on, man, OK, it's everybody know that the Eagles booed Santa Claus. I mean, come on. Chris: The fans. Yeah. Yeah. Snowballs and and. No, it's rough dude, and they're knowledgeable fans and unrelenting they they expect you. To perform and when you don't, they let you know, but at the same time they were aware of their emotions on the on their sleeve both ways and and when it's going good, you know, they're all the way behind you and they're just as loud when when it's going good and as when it's going bad. Kelly: I mean, it could go the other way for those games in The Jets, too. I mean, you know. Chris: But yeah, I mean, they're the big they're, they're the true wild card man. I think, you know, everyone believes the bills are are one of the better. Teams in the NFL and and you know, I don't know if they're window has closed defensively, they've suffered some losses and done some aging. And so now the offense has to has to carry them. I think most people believe Josh Allen is capable of that, but you know, it's hard to say, man. I mean, you know they they were a. A real chic Super Bowl pick heading into last year. They didn't suffer a ton of losses. I mean, just a little bit of age and fun, fun notice opened up. Kelly: I think this narrative that I think this narrative that their windows closed is a little overhyped. Chris: Yeah, I agree. I mean, bills are my pick, dude. So I I think. Kelly: Well, they're mine, too, to be honest. Chris: The bills. So The Jets are the the real true unknown. I do think there's a lot of unknowns. I think we we also have belief. Kelly: Yeah, well, New England get more than one quarterback. Chris: Well, that's just it. New England has always been competitive. You know, they're like the East Eastern version of the Steelers, man. They just win somehow. They find a way to be competitive and win football games and be in the hunt. And you look at their, their roster, and you're you wonder how they do it. It's a lot of smoke and mirrors, you know, but they somehow they do it and then the dolphins. The big question mark on them is health, you know, is is, is waddle and hill and and and and most importantly Tonga by LOA you know are they going to stay healthy if they're healthy that's that's a good football team. So you know and that's that you don't know you know what I mean like. They looked great and then tungo bailo got hurt. And then they look like crap. And so you know that. Kelly: I mean top to bottom, I think this is one of the better divisions in football. Chris: Absolutely. Or has the potential to be, but you know with The Jets unknowns, the Patriots and the and the Dolphins, and then even the bills to some degree, you know, there's a lot of room for movement in this one. I'm going to go with the bills. I think that the class still, but man, I wouldn't be surprised at all if you know one or two of these other teams end up being. Really good. Kelly: All right. Well, we both picked the bills in that division. Let's jump all the way across the country and go out to the AFC West. Is anybody going to topple the Chiefs? Chris: No, not not. I'm not picking against the chiefs, so. Kelly: Neither am I. Chris: Yeah, I don't think we gotta spend a whole lot of time. I mean, they're just defending Super Bowl champion since Mahomes took over. I mean, they are a juggernaut, man, and they just pump it out year after year after year. I mean, they're the pinnacle right now, so I won't be picking against them. Kelly: I mean, I will be curious to see. Sean Payton can do in Denver, and I've I've always I don't know. Ever since I was a kid, I've had a soft spot for the Chargers. Justin Herbert seems like a good dude, so I hope they do OK, but. Chris: Well, and they, you know, they they swiped the passing game out of Dallas and and I think Herbert is the guy who can implement it. You got now Keenan Allen's old but he's still good. You know the health of Mike Williams and they got the new guy Quentin Johnson from out of TCU. They still have Gerald Everett. They still have Austin Eckler. I mean that offensively, that team can be an absolute jug or not and you know, could be contending for, you know, points scored in the league this year. But it's a new system. You know, it sure seems like the pieces are there. They just. Or right in squarely in the same category as the Detroit Lions. Like somehow, you know, Charger is going to charge her baby. That's that's they're just going to find a way to miraculous. Honestly, you know, ****** defeat out of the jaws of victory. So if if they can, you know, stop doing that man and and and find a way to win instead of lose these close ones. You know, they've been right there for a decade. Kelly: It is amazing how there are some teams that really seem snake bit in that way and you know in college football it's all the cooks cooked it again and. The chargers. So yeah, let's come N AFC North. Chris: So in the North this this should be one of you know right in in there is one of the most competitive and and it's competitive on the good side you know not competitive like the NFC South that hey they're all going to be right around 500 who's going to pull it out this is 1 where the Bengals have been knocking on the door they've been to a Super Bowl they've gone deep into the playoffs they've given the Chiefs. All they want and you know they're the Bengals are a premier team in the NFL right now, it looks like. Joe Burrow's going to be healthy and going to play week one, you know, I know his calf was cause for concern, but all indications are look, looking like you know he's he's right there for for being able to start the season. And I think by the time it's all said and done. Bengals have a defense Bengals have. Maybe, you know, are one of the best offenses in football. You know, they have all the pieces. They've been right there. Like I said, they've been, they've been to the Super Bowl, they've they, they're knocking on the door of of winning the championship. So for me, you know, I don't see anything that would knock them off, you know. You know the Ravens are always competitive and you know they're going to give throwing the ball a little bit more a chance this year. The Steelers are always competitive and I think from the offensive side of the ball, they're one of my picks to make the biggest jump. So I believe in Kenny Pickett and I believe he has the weapons. You know, I think George Pickens is a steel where they got him and he's one of the better wide receivers in football. And then they got Deonte Johnson on the other side. They got fryer mute. They got nausea, Harris and even Jalen Warren's pretty good. I mean offense. Hopefully I think they are in the running for the team that makes the biggest jump offensively and if their offense can match up with their defense, kind of similar to The Jets then I mean, there's no reason that they shouldn't be in every football game. Kelly: You know you have in this division, you have three teams. For the historically have been able to win for a long time, the charge or the the Cincinnati is probably a a step above. You know you know 1 to 1 1/2 games above those other two teams leaving out the Colts here because they're just a dumpster fire. Right now, the Browns. I'm sorry the Browns. I'm already thinking of the South. My bad. Sorry. Right. I still think the Browns. I'm still leaving them out because I think they're a step below all this. Still, I could be wrong, but. I think you know, Cincinnati is the team to beat, but I you know we'll we'll get to wild cards and I think you're going to see at least one if not two, wild cards out of this division as well and maybe maybe I'm a maybe I was thinking a little too far on the, the the South when I set the colt, but I still would say what I said. About the Browns, I just think they're a. A step below. Chris: Well, and I didn't even make mention to the Browns. I didn't even get to them. But they are another one that like you, you want to talk about roster? I mean, they have, you know, premium addressers they. They're stacked in the secondary. And then you got Nick Chubb running the ball, you got, you know, there's just so many question marks. Their range of outcomes goes from a three win football team to a 13 win football team. You know is Ken Watson. Find what he you know used to be, you know, all his rust and and how poorly he looked. You know, when you when you think about the off the field, things that took place and and all the distractions with regards to that he brought that **** on himself. But you know I mean it's just you know it is what it is I mean it existed but. He also showed that he could be a a top five NFL quarterback. You know, in in a previous life. So you know, can he move on from you know, what he's gone through and, you know, find the skills that he used to possess if he does. They have one of the best offensive lines in football and I mean it sure feels good to hand the ball off to Nick Chubb and and let him do his thing, right. And then he has weapons to throw it to, you know, and joke who's one of the more talented tight ends in the league, you know, like I said, Cooper, they picked up Elijah Moore, who's going to be kind of a A do everything guy for them. You know, I I really, I wouldn't be surprised if they won three man and I wouldn't be surprised if they won 13. There's just so many question marks with that franchise. You know it's it's just hard to know how if they can put it. Kelly: Together or not. So they're another one of those franchises that. Again, I think they're poorly run. Chris: Yeah. I mean, should you know the only fully guaranteed contract in in NFL history at the quarterback position for 230 million or whatever, like that one AG? Is, you know, still not clear legally. And it's like. You know, I mean, who makes that kind of choice, man? I mean, you know, when when Kareem Hunt got cut by the Chiefs after, you know, his off the field incident. You know who picked him up straight away? You know, the the, the Browns, you know? Hey, we'll take him. You know what I mean? Like, man, you just you you just never see the Packers or the Steelers. Make those kinds of choices you know and you know the Browns are are quick to make them repeatedly, it seems like. Kelly: All right. Well, it sounds like we're both in on. The Bengals out of this division? Yeah, so, so far, our dinner is coming down to just a couple of. Differences. Yeah, well, let's, let's go to the South. Well, I think you know, I've so I've already written. Off the Colts. Chris: Yeah. You know the colt. The Colts are a mess. I think that the Tennessee, ohh. While I love the coach and you know the heart and the grit. And I just think, you know, Derrick Henry has about 45,000 carries in the NFL and. You know, I think Tannehill has had every opportunity to to prove himself. And hasn't, you know they don't have a ton of talent. You know, they picked up Hopkins. He's 31. I mean, I still like DeAndre Hopkins, and I think he's a great wide receiver. But, you know, I I just feel like their their clock is expired and, you know, part and grit and want to isn't going to be enough when when you're at such a talent. So write the Colts off. I'm writing the the Titans off, and then the Texans starting a rookie quarterback. Still a depleted roster in terms of talent. You know, I think they're on the right track and and you know, they they did what they had to do. They they tore it all down and got a bunch of draft picks, you know, traded away their their. High-priced talent for and exchanged it for youthful you know. But they're not ready to to compete. Really. Yet. That leaves Jaguars, man, who, you know, gave the Chiefs a run for their money in the playoffs last year. You know, they he's going to be. It's going to be the second year under Peterson. You know, they have question marks too. Offensive line. Hate to have a question mark. There, if you're going to be a competitive football team and they do have question marks at the offensive line and then defensively they got a lot of question marks. But lucky for them, they're in a pretty sorry division and they should be the the best of the bunch in that division by by a wide margin, I would think. Kelly: I would expect the Jaguars to take that division by at least two, if not three, games. Texans, you know the best thing about them might be I heard they're going to basically wear the Houston oiler colors at least once this year. This year they did the right things about rebuilding in that, but there are a couple of years away and I think that Tennessee shows exactly what the challenges that's going on with NFL running backs. I mean, you know, yeah, Derrick Henry's good. But how many years can you bank on? You know. And we already talked about the Colts. So again, I look for the Jaguars here as well myself, and I think they could be quite competitive and give teams a run. Chris: Yeah, they. You know, they gotta make improvements on the defense and improvements on the offensive line, but you know, they were competitive last year. They they're not any worse than they were last year and they were, they were a good football team man. So with with the weaknesses now if they improve well, dude, they might jump right into the mix with the Bengals and the Bills and the Chiefs and all, you know, some of the other ones. And it's just, you know, you gotta make improvements in in your weak areas, but. They they showed they can be competitive, even not being strong in those last year. Kelly: So what do you see for wild cards? You can give me all three of yours. Chris: I definitely like the Chargers, you know, I know the charger is going to charge her and and you know that I don't think they can overcome the Chiefs. You know, a lot of question marks in the division. You know, I don't know how good the Broncos are going to be. I don't expect the Raiders to be good. But I think the treasures can rack up enough wins. To to get in and then I'm taking the Steelers, based on Tomlin's. Probably my favorite coach in in football. He's definitely up there and they just find a way to win, man. And I believe offensively they're going to take a a nice big, solid jump forward. And you know. Winners are winners, Man and and Tomlins a winner, and I think he just, you know, we'll find a way. To get into the playoffs now, my third one is tough, so I got The Jets, Ravens and Dolphins kind of listed. I think I could cross the Dolphins out. I just think they find a way to something bad to happen to them. They got too many, too many things that can go wrong and. That would boil down to can The Jets. Get off to a A a decent enough start that as they put things together throughout the year, you know they're not too far behind. Mathematically you know, like you said, they start out two and six or five and three or three and five or you know who knows, man and. I think they'll finish strong provided Roger stays upright, but you know, are you going to be in? Too much of a hole. I think I'm going to go with the. I'm gonna go with the Ravens man for my third, so I'm going to take two out of the north. Bengals will win it, and the Steelers and the Ravens both get in. Kelly: For my wild cards, I definitely like the Chargers coming out of the West. I think that they'll do well. I like the Ravens as well, and just to toss up for me because. Again, and I actually looked, I've looked at The Jets schedule a lot and I really that. The difference between to me anyway, the start of their schedule and like if their schedule was reversed and they played the second-half first, I'd have no problem saying that they were going to be a wild card team. But because of what they have to do to start. Either they're going to either they're going to come out of that like wildfire and. You know, could even win the division if they can win all those games or they're going to be having an uphill battle for the whole second-half of the season just to overcome the mathematical hold they put themselves in. So I actually like the Steelers from my third wild card team. So again, that's the Colts, the Steelers. Chris: And the chargers. OK, I wrote. Down Colts so. Boy, you got you got something going on with Indy, buddy. You they keep popping in your head for a team that. Should be horrible. Hey, Manny, Baltimore. OK, no, I already rolled down the Colts, man. Verbals, verbals binding. Well, we both have the bills, the Chiefs, the Bengals, the Jaguars. One in the divisions we both have. The Chargers, the Steelers and the Ravens. So dinner comes down to do the 49ers win the West. Kelly: Yeah, yeah. Chris: And Detroit and Chicago in the north. Pretty crazy. Well, actually, you got the Packers, so there is one. You got the Packers and the Vikings, and I got Cowboys and Seahawks. There's some. Kelly: Yeah. So dinner, I guess, is whoever gets the most playoff teams, right? Correct. Yep. Correct. So we have. Chris: Boy, not too many different buddy. I got the bears. Kelly: 3 million. Chris: I got the Cowboys. And you got the Vikings and Packers. I like my chances. Kelly: I like my chances, man. Chris: Anything else you want to cover, ma'am, before we sign? Kelly: Off big guy? No, I think we. Chris: You wanna do a? Who's winning the Super Bowl? Let's let's just bang it out real quick. Who? Who's you know who's your AFC championship game in your NFC championship game? Kelly: I've got the Bengals against the Chiefs and the Bengals are going to do it. They're going to knock them off. And in the NFC. I've got actually, I'm just looking at what I've written down. I've got the Eagles. Knocking off the. Thinking about this one. The Eagles are going to knock off even though they're my wild card. They're going to do it in the end. The Eagles will knock off the 49ers, and I got the Bengals going all the way to. They're going to be bringing the Lombardi home. Chris: Dude, this is, you know, not not. Not great, not great. Podcasting on our parts, but like we just are all all lined up man. So in the AFC I also have the Bengals and the Chiefs. I'll tell you what, man, I'll just for the sake of difference, I'll, I'll take the. So you know, I have the Bengals and Chiefs meeting up in an AFC championship game again as well. I actually was leaning Bengals, but you've you spoke first, so you you get them and I'll take the chiefs and then the Eagles are are definitely the clear class of the NFC. When I'm looking at these things, you know? It's a long season. I want to see a team, you know, who has the most margin for error, who can lose a guy who can lose a cornerback or receiver or even a quarterback for a period of time. No one can lose their quarterback for the season in most cases. But you know, the Eagles have the deepest, you know, thickest roster. You know, if they absorb a loss here or there, I think they're in the best position to overcome it and still be competitive and and find some wins, you know, got out a couple of victories while while they wait for hurts to heal or for A.J. Brown to get back from his ankle or whatever the. Whatever the season presents itself. And so when I look through this, you know, the Eagles are are in the NFC are are the team that. You know, it just has the fewest question marks, so it's hard to pick against them. I think they'll be hungry sometimes. You know, they talk about a Super Bowl hangover, man, and that has been a real thing. And teams coming off the Super Bowl loss historically have not fared well the following season. And I I. I'm thinking the Eagles. Kelly: See the Los Angeles Rams, please. Chris: Yeah, I think the Eagles are are are going to be a team that, you know, bucks the trend. I just think they're they're built different. You know, where they're hungry, you know. And then the 49ers is a solid pick. But I'll tell you what, I'll I'll talk about on the. Him way out on a limb and I'm going to I'm going to double down on my bears. Back and I'll take. Eagles bears for my for the team that may or may not even get into the playoffs, I'm going to have them. You know all the way to the championship game. You're welcome, buddy. And then I'll take the Eagles chiefs in a rematch of last year back-to-back. Kelly: Alright. Well, thanks for taking one for the podcast. The Eagles are in the the NFC, I think is interesting. You know, it goes cyclical, it seems for a while they they were the cream of the crop. But I really think overall that that NFC is is down when. I'm just thinking about all the teams and just running through all the all the teams in the NFC. Not a lot of good ones, man. Chris: No, I mean, all the powers in the arc right now, so and then I'll take a a chiefs center. Repeat, Man, 2023 is going to or I guess it'll be 2024 by then, but 2024 is going to finish the same way 2023 did. And I guess the way I've written it. Kelly: I mean, we'll see, I. Chris: Hard to believe that's going to happen. Kelly: Yeah, you can crumple it up, huh? Chris: I'm already crumpling up my paper. I'm gonna. I'm gonna start putting some, you know, 10 bucks a week aside for. Kelly: Dinner. We'll do a mid season readjustment. I mean it's the beginning of the year. We'll see how it shakes out. There's so many. Unknowns, I guess for me, Chris, the exciting thing is when I think about it, there's so many good young quarterbacks. That the NFL's in good hands as far as the quarter, pick position up and down the league should be a lot of good stories again, and there's a lot of wild cards here as well. I mean, I told you The Jets have a hard schedule, but I mean, they could also go 13 and three or some crazy thing. Chris: Well, they're a good football team, you know. Kelly: And Aaron Rodgers? I mean, look, man, there's no player when he's on, there's no better quarterback in the NFL. Chris: When he's on, you're right. So when he's on and you know we've seen what he looks like when him and his receivers aren't on the same page. You know, now, for whatever reason, man, you don't want to put that kind of work in, you know, with the Packers. You don't want to show up for voluntary. He's, you know, when he was a Packer and but, you know, now all of a sudden he's he's he's game for it. He's got time to throw balls. You know, after practice and and in the offseason to his guys. So, you know, yeah. Agreed man, if he's on. Hard to argue against them, but. You know, we'll see, man, he's, you know, been a long time in the league. I mean, he he's gonna make her break that team, so they gotta throw Zach Wilson back in there at any point. Good. Good luck. We see what we saw. What you look like, you know, with without a quarterback. So. Kelly: Well, all right, we'll see. This is week zero of the NFL. We got a game in a few nights here, and then it's. Games all until February, so we'll be back with our weekly coverage and still work in the audience on some other guests. So Chris, as always, it's great to catch up. That's an extended look at the NFL and a little college football, but it's great to catch up. Thanks for getting up early and. Hope the week's good. Chris: Yep, same to you, man. Always enjoy it, Kelly. Thanks. Kelly: Bud. All right, Chris, and thanks everyone for listening to the podcast to be named later.