Background Music: Announcer: Welcome to The Podcast to be Named Later, where we explore the world a conversation at a time. Sit back and enjoy. Here are your hosts, Chris and Kelly. Kelly:  Hey everyone, welcome to another episode of the podcast to be named later. We took a little bit of a bye week last week and I guess we can do that a few more times because we make our own schedule, but we're back in studio. I'm in chilly, snowy, likely soon to be blizzardy, Wisconsin. Chris is here with me off in Sunny Southern California. Hey, Chris.  Chris:  Hey Kelly.  Kelly:  So how's that warm weather out there?  Chris:  It's Southern California baby, 71 degrees and sunny.  Kelly:  Just in memory for me now that I was out there a little bit ago, but we'll be packing up the house and heading off to our summer in winter. Kind of deal where we head out to Florida for about a month, so coming up in about 10 days. Looking forward to that. Got a lot going on in the world of sports until we get there, but let me start off with both a bit of a happy memory and a a note, a somber note. You know, as you get older, Chris, some of your childhood athletes start to pass away and rest in peace and condolences to Frank O'harris family. He was a mainstay of sports in the 70s with that impressive Pittsburgh Steelers team.  Chris:  Yeah, they own they own the 70s man. I mean that that team is. I mean obviously it was. But see back then you know you got a team together like that and that team stayed together, you know? And and the guys you had on your roster, they that was your roster in my last year. You know 6-7 years and so you were able to. You have some of these, just you. Know I mean there's. You can go through each decade and and pull out a team maybe. To that that were truly dominant, and it's a little harder nowadays. I mean, I, I like it the way it's set up now for the parody. I like the fact that going into every season you know each fan base you know has some hope. I mean some more than others, obviously, but but you have some hope you don't know. And I I like the way it is. Now, but yeah, that that's 77 Steelers team now I was I was born in the 70s so I can't speak to first hand knowledge from watching them with my own eyes and and and following them. But you know, I know enough of NFL history to know that that was their decade.  Kelly:  I mean, I was born in the late 60s and. As we know, the Packers weren't much in the 70s, was pretty slim pickings, and actually one one guy who never really did much for the Packers but was really a a great guy. By all accounts passed away not too long ago, it's really honestly one of my first football memories the Packers had made a trade. For a quarterback named John Hall. And I remember there was a billboard or a headline or something. This one coach Dan Devine made a trade for him and it's one of the first football memories I have. Is this headline saying, has divine found a hadal in a haystack? A little plan that old cliche, but it didn't really work out for him and the Packers. And he just passed away. I saw in the news a little while ago. But I wanted to ask you, Chris and. You grew up in the 70s. You know what were some of your first teams that you remember. Kind of that you know, young boy, young teenager, where you if you're into sports at all. You know those guys are? I don't know if you want to come heroes or whatever, but when you really get into it, what were some of yours and I'll talk a little bit more about mine.  Chris:  I'd I'd say really I I, I more grew up in the 80s so I was born in 75. 5 and you know, I football is a part of the household, but you know, at five years old, six years old, it's pretty hard to even understand the rules or or what you're watching and stuff. I just, you know, I know my father's. Into it, but. You know and then around late 80s that you know as you approach your teenage years, you have a better, better handle on things and and. You know those were my early days of following sports and I was into sports. You know right from go for the most part you know and you know the one team that. I've I first. Started following, you know, you know we talk about all the time, how you and I are packing pack. Fans and. You know my. Status or or whatever you want to call it as being a Packer fan was was an an evolution of sorts. You know my father and the whole family for the most part are Packer fans and it's kind of bread into you. You know you get Packer jammies and Packer, toothbrush and and things like that, but you know when I was like entering junior high school You know I got the freedom to pick the team that I want, you know, and I'm kind of my own man now and I get to make my own choices. And the team that. I was really fond of, you know that right then the 49ers were in their heyday, the Sam wish 49ers Joe Montana. Just dominant teams, you know. And you know, I didn't want to necessarily be a front runner. Most of my friends were 49ers fans because that was that was who was good. And the team I followed was the Bengals and the and I wanted to, you know, pull through the Dark Horse and and I like that Sam which led you know, Boomer size and Nikki Woods James Brooks. I like that Bengals team. They were, you know, a group of guys who kind of did it a little bit differently. Kind of bug. Buck the system a little bit, you know, and you know I like them man and and and they were good. And they were. They were a good competitive team. You know that was winning and stuff and that was my first like choice for myself as far as. You know sports franchise to follow and that I decided on my own. Would you like when you were young then?  Kelly:  So you know when I was young and without getting into too many details, but you may or may not know because you know, we didn't see each other that much when you were growing up. When I was a young kid up until I was 18, I could actually see a tiny bit and so logos and colors of things were always because. Sports logos are pretty dynamic and vibrant. And I remember a couple of things that I was into because I would always go collect those little football humps you could and put 1/4 in the little machine. And you know, we I remember my younger brother, your Uncle Joel, you know that was a big thing. On Friday, we'd get 1/4 we'd. Go walk down to. The store and see what helmets we get, but I was really into the and this one made me. Also think about Franco Harris today when I heard the news I was really into the Houston Oilers and Joel was into the Pittsburgh Steelers bag. Then and so you know back in the backyard, we have played Epic Houston versus Pittsburgh games. You know, one-on-one. On one, I really like the Houston or Campbell that song they had back then where the Houston Oilers, Oilers, Houston Oilers #1 where the offense or the defense. I can't remember more of it, but. That was one of my teams growing up. You know, in addition to the Packers but the Packers, this weren't very good in the 70s. You know the other team that I really liked, and maybe it was combination of oh, just that California dreaming kind of exotic warm weather you know back again here in the chilly Wisconsin. Was, uh, San Diego Chargers with Don Coryell, and just that, excitement, Air Coryell and the Dan Fouts and the the passing offense. Those were kind of my two teams. I'd say outside of the pack.  Chris:  Yeah, and and I don't think you know some of the. Old school guys. You know could kind of take offense like like you know you root for your team and that's your team and you and you you know you're riding die with. Your team and. Stuff and it's like, well, yeah, that's great. Well, if my team's not good, are you telling me I have to stop following football like when the playoffs start? Like that kind of sucks like I still. Like you know I need to have a backup man cause my team's terrible and so you know I will root for them absolutely all season and then you know, come the three quarter mark and we're already mathematically eliminated. Well ****, I I I. Should have a secondary team that I can pull for because these this team's gonna go further. And I want to. Continue to pull for somebody, and that's kind of how my I mean. Fortunately for the last, you know 25 years the Packers have been a competitive team. You know, back-to-back Hall of Fame quarterbacks will help you with that and we, you know, have been in contention year in and year out, and so you're able to continue to root for your squad. You know well into the playoffs and and generally you know into into championship games. Yeah, so I've kind of floated around a little bit with some secondary teams. You know on on who I like. You know, I've actually been a Chiefs fan, you know? Or both of the Chiefs you know in the last few years. But now it's funny, man, they've gotten so good and so dominant. Like if you win too much. I kind of get sick of you man, and I was never a Patriots fan and and then when they were winning all the time it was just easy to hate them. You know, I want someone new so I'm always trying to find the up and coming. You know the Browns or the bills and. The Bills are now be established and we'll see, you know, if they they ramble off two or three Super Bowls. So I may get sick of them too and start pulling for the the next you know up and coming guy, but obviously I pull for the Packers first. I'd love if they win the Super Bowl every year, and if they don't then I I generally pivot to somebody else that I'm kind of going to follow through the playoffs.  Kelly:  So you are a West Coast guy and your family also. Was a little bit up and down the West Coast at different times and you had teams like Seattle come into the league back then. Any fandom of those teams?  Chris:  Yeah, well I lived in Washington for a good chunk of my life man and and that's funny that you bring them up because that was when. So I was living in Seattle and when Matt Hasselbeck was there and and they had a a very good team. Had a, I mean one of the more classic playoff games in my memory was the we want the ball we're going to score. A game well.  Kelly:  Ohh remember that one well we.  Chris:  Went to Jeff and Mary Ellens that day for to watch the game and I was really torn. I mean, cause I I lived in in in the Seattle area at that time and all my friends were Seahawks. You know the the Seahawks fans are very passionate, very knowledgeable and you know it's just easy to you. Know root for him, right? And so you lived up there too. I mean, I know you got a soft spot. For them as well. And so we're going to Jeff and Mary Ellen to watch the Super Bowl one year and it, uh, I'm sorry. Not a Super Bowl. We're going there to watch the playoff game that that game. And as you come in, you know TV, you know, set up for Super Bowl is a couple different TV's and the food's all inside on tables and and and countertops and whatnot. And then there was a sign that said Seahawks fan seating this. Away and it was a couple of folding chairs outside. You were allowed to look through the window so. You had to. You had to sit in the on the side of the house and and look through the window to watch the game. All the Packers fans got to sit inside on couches and recliners and next to the food and stuff. It was pretty funny. Well as I'm coming to that. Damn, I really kind of like both those teams pretty equally man like the Packers and the Seahawks. I I liked them both and I was like man really, really torn. I didn't know that this was gonna happen. You know I'm gonna have to choose today and as I as I pulled up and and and parked the car and and went walking up and everything. I I was I. Was legitimately on the fence and then just the at kick off the the emotion from the rest of the family from, you know, just the the flow of the game and everything I just found like where my heart truly lied and I just really wanted the Packers to win that game. I I from that moment on I knew, OK, I'm. I had two loves and and I was forced to choose and and the Packers was was clearly the team that I wanted to win in my heart. You know, as I'm watching that game, that's who I was pulling for, and I don't. Know if it. Was just cause they came with better seating and and access to the food. But on that day is when I I knew for sure that you know my heart. Was was with the Packers in the end.  Kelly:  You know you talked about the kind of playoff or Super Bowl memories. I got a few, but I and it's always interesting. When you don't. Really have a rooting interest in either side. I remember I was in college when the 49ers played the Broncos in the Super Bowl. And, uh, I was at a party and a buddies house and the party I went to. They were all 49ers fans. But the people that live below them in the apartment below were Broncos fans and I just remember the people getting. You know, some of them have little more partying than others. This was I forget the final score in that game. Something like 55 to 10 or something. Remember that Super Bowl, yeah. I mean, they were just getting silly and like jumping up and down on the floor. You know yelling, Denver sucks and just really getting out of you know it's having a good time with everybody but that memory. Of just that, raw emotion. Yeah, and fun in a Super Bowl party. Kind of atmosphere. Sticks with me.  Chris:  Yeah, and it's and it's great man. I mean you ride with that team all year and then you know you get the playoffs and all the teams in the playoffs. I mean there there's very various degrees of good, but I mean these are all playoff teams. The competition is stiff and and if you win this one, you're going to have to play somebody else who's even tougher next week. And if you win that one, you got to play someone even tougher the week after that, and on and on. And it just kind of. Builds and. Yeah, it's exciting man and it's cool for for those fan bases you know that that do advance and yeah you get get get the juices flowing a little bit right and tap the keg or or whatever you're into and by the time the game is winding down you're probably a little loose on the inside. You know, Speaking of tapping the keg or.  Kelly:  That emotion, or what I guess. More than a little bit of celebrating, going down on down in Argentina, World Cup finished up and Argentina call it a victory.  Chris:  Yeah, and and good for Messi and and I I followed, you know, the World Cup. You know, we've talked about this on the podcast a little bit and. You know, I dive into those types of. You know global competitions, and you even did a draft with three buddies. You know when they got to the knockout stage, you know four of us all all threw a little cash in a pot and and we drafted 4 teams each, and I actually had France was my first round pick, so you know, from from a financial standpoint I was pulling for France. But you know, watching that game man and and 1st off. How cool dude I. Love it when there's you know you wake up in the morning and there's sports already on you know those those early like the group stage matches and even actually in the knockout rounds the the games were scheduled at 7:00 AM my time. And you know, I usually wake up somewhere in that range. You know somewhere between like you know 5:45 and and 7:30. You know, depending on what I got going on that day, and you know the days where I didn't have to be anywhere first thing in the morning. Pretty cool man to to wake up and turn on the TV and you know, there's a a world class you know, you know, sporting event taking place but yeah, that final match man, you know Argentina in soccer. Man, you you go up two goals to nil and and that's pretty well death sentence at that point. And very, very rare that a team is going to come. Back, especially with the class of. Defense that that these you know teams have at this level and it's just hard to score a goal in soccer. Man, that's all there is to it, and so, but for France to fight back and tie it. And and it was just a really, really. You know you hear the phrase instant classic, you know, thrown out all the time. Instant classic and this one. It really was though. I mean, this really was a a just a you know for all the marbles you know. Two teams evenly matched and that you know they went the full distance through all the extra time went to penalty kicks and and Messi got that you know last piece to the puzzle that he needed. You know in what I'm sure is his final final match. You know for the Argentinians.  Kelly:  I think the World Cup is one of those things. That so I I find it fascinating. To see how much. Gets a a country behind A-Team I I don't think again. I don't live in the other countries, but from what I read and observe, you know, yeah, we get a we get a touch of that when. The US does anything a little bit good in something like the World Cup, but I mean. Some of the other countries they live and breathe this stuff.  Chris:  Oh dude, they they cut the scenes Kelly of like town squares or or you know downtown. There there's thousands of people, I mean thousands 10s of thousands. Man, they cut to you know these various locations in Argentina where I mean there's, you know, just hundreds of people watching like one TV. And you know, they show you the reaction. You know everyone just glued, you know? I mean, as far as I can see, there's just human beings, right? And they're all gathered together and. You know when when a goal score man, I mean just the elation and the just the you can just feel I mean just right now as I'm saying it, I can like feel it on my skin like oh man, that that feeling you get in that moment and everyone.  Kelly:  There is no chill.  Chris:  Around you is. Feeling the exact same thing that you are, you know, and you know. And then when France scores. And they cut to the same scene. But in France, you know, and and they're you know they're feeling of like, oh, we got a chance, you know, or when the time will happen and just, you know you can just feel that as a sports fan who's who's been on on both sides, you know the the the winning and the losing end and. That feeling you get, you know when. You know you hope. And hope is brought back to life and and all of that. It's just it's. Cool man, it's really cool to see. And like you said, I mean you know, especially Argentina. You know that that it's their life man that for that two hours there there's nobody doing anything but watching that game.  Kelly:  I think you know we don't. We don't get too much into politics on on this podcast, but. I guess you know I'm a couple of things about me. I I root for underdogs, I guess and. Ultimately, I still root for the world, you know. To get along and. All that in. I'm not saying sports is perfect, but I think one of the things I do like about sports. And it's like I said it's got flaws, but is that? It brings people together in ways that a lot of things don't, and. Just people from a wide range of circumstances get behind rooting for something. So and it can be taken too far and and I get all that, but I think that feeling of of goodness and just I don't know when when you're when you're having that story that feeling it. It is one of those things that for me it really does kind of touch you at a core and emotional. Of you know if we can just figure this all out and get along. The world is a pretty cool place.  Chris:  Yeah, and it's too bad then because I think I think you hit it right on the head Kelly that the ports sports shows you that hey now we could we could have we could be pulling in different directions and and in a sporting event between you know two teams or two individuals or whatever. We could not be further from each other and what we want the outcome to be here I. Want you to lose? And you want to win, we are, we are. Clearly, on opposing sides, there's no overlap here. You know what I mean? Like we don't have some things we agree upon. You know, as far as like you. Know this is a a clear black and white scenario where one of us is going to lose and one of us is going to win and in politics you know it's just ugly man. Whoever wins you still. End up feeling icky and and. It was gross how you got there and by all accounts I mean for the most part, the world World Cup as a whole excellent sportsmanship. So obviously France wants to win. Obviously Argentina wants to win. Well, I can't win if you do so I need you to lose in order for me to. Achieve what I want. But we can still behave respectfully towards each other. You know, we could fight tooth and nail to try and accomplish our goal, but when it's over, we can respect each other. You know we can shake hands and and and tip our caps and say wow man that was good for you man. I gave it all I had and and you know you came out the better man or the better. Team and and you know everyone leaves it feeling good. Obviously you know France is disappointed and and the French fans are disappointed and stuff, but you can still leave feeling like man, I we did the best we could and I wish there was more of that.  Kelly:  In life, yeah, I think that. You know when they're in sports and maybe art or good music, I think about that same feeling I've been to a lot of concerts. When you have that kind of shared experience, it's just magical. I just I still remember going to a Tom Petty concert when I lived in Washington place. They called the Gorge Amphitheater and. You know whatever it was, I don't know if I said I don't know 10,000, fifteen, 20,000 people, whatever the venue. Old, just all kind of sitting back and singing and learning to fly. It's just one of those things that makes an electric feeling had that same thing with. An Eagles show or a Crosby, stills and Nash and young show, or a Bruce Springsteen show. I love that feeling. I really get that feeling at live music when it's good of just that connectedness and that just kind of reaching into your soul if you will, and. Pulling the best part out of you.  Chris:  Yeah, and and as humans man, we we need we need that connection. You know you need it. You know in the immediate with your your spouse or your children or your in your, in your family or friends or whatever your circle you know holds and and then you. But we need it. You know beyond that as well man. I mean, you know sometimes I think. We forget like hey, now we're all in this. Together, you know. This this is one planet. We got to share. It, or you know this is. One country or. Or, you know, we got to share it man. And and we're in this together we should be, you know, for the most part, pulling in the same direction and and pulling for each other.  Kelly:  Yeah, I mean, and I guess you know, hey we can have. We can have disagreements about how we should get to where we want to be. We can do all that, but again. There's exceptions to the rule, but by and large you know one of the one of the best feelings. Even if your team loses, like if you're at a place watching a game with a really a good crowd and your team loses or wins. Just when you really had that good experience and you know the crowd after the game goes up to each other and. You know you shake. Your hand or a high 5 or whatever and you just all recognize you as fans. You just were part of something exciting and magical. Whichever the outcome was, and you can all appreciate, I, I just think that is a a feeling. Just kind of that you want to look for. I know we're leaving a bit away from sports, but I I at one point I remember taking this class for work. Actually it was kind of A and. This this was a a great learning experience for me. It was a class. I don't remember the name of it but but they actually did it for one part of the class. You went rock climbing wall, wall, rock climbing. You know an indoor thing. So the whole point of it was to. Get you to recognize that feeling of confidence and trust that you had both in yourself, like climbing up this wall and then this might sound a little. Bit woo woo. But it actually worked. I enjoyed it getting in that trust in your the other people you know. People that do the. Laying on the rock climbing ropes and stuff and to get and then saying, hey. Remember that feeling of confidence that you had and just kind of whatever when you were on that wall? If you're in a stressful situation at work, think about physically how you felt when you were in that confidence zone and try and put those feelings in your body or in your thoughts. While you're going through this stressful thing and you know that that will your body will start to. Calm down and react. It was a really an interesting learning experience and I think I think not. I think I think I use that model for a good sports experience. I mean as well, like just yeah it's it's a bummer when your team loses, but think about the experience and enjoy it and those feelings. It is. And I, I guess I like I said I get that out of music and I myself also really enjoy life theater. That's all of those things. Anything that can kind of just pull you into that. That greater sense of humanity and recognition that. You know we are. We all are on one planet and it's spinning around and this is all we got, man. So let's just treat each other and the world with decency.  Chris:  Agreed wholeheartedly, man. And like I said, I think you can learn a lot. From sports and. That you know guaranteed on on any team sport. Not everyone agrees on what place should be called or who should shoot. The last shot. Or you know what? What picture should start today or whatever you want what whatever sport you want to use. But you know, once, once the decision is made, we're all pulling in the same direction and lifes like that too. Man, I mean you just, you know we might not agree on on you know where where we all want to go eat tonight, but once it's decided then that you know everyone's on board man it's all pulling the same direction and and I think that that. Can be spread out on. On larger scale you know 10,000 people. Yeah, we all have different opinions and stuff, but you know this is what's been decided and. So now let's all pull in the same direction from here.  Kelly:  Yeah, I, I guess I would close it up. This part of our our thing by saying you know. The thing that's interesting is and you see this with athletes a lot. And again I have a lot of respect for them. They can go really have one of the, you know, the hard fought competition and sometimes you know then whether it's hockey in the handshake line or whatever. Other sports are doing where you can tell, sometimes just from what you hear and probably see. But there's a genuine respect still for the competition that you each put each other through.  Chris:  And you see it all the time in in personal like MMA, two dudes that are literally trying to destroy the other person physically for. You know a period of time, however long you know the 1520 minutes that the fight lasts or whatever, right? And they could not have worse intentions towards the other person while they're in the competition. And then you know when it's done and one guys, one and the other guys lost all the respect, that's that's there. Between them And you know when you're thinking MMA or boxing or wrestling or whatever you know within the confines of the sport itself. Like I said, they could not be further apart right? And you know what they're doing to that other individual is. You know about about as rough as it gets right? And then? But yeah, when it's done OK, we're done now and it's time for us to have a a mutual respect man boy, you know you were tough and I, I applaud the effort that you put in. You know tonight and happy I won but got a lot of respect for you, you know. Don't know if I wanna do this again to be. Honest with you. Man, even though I won I I'm not sure that. I feel that way.  Kelly:  Yeah, so definitely lighten it up a little and not to make a trivialize. Anything that we just said, you know. I guess I hope that you're going to still have mutual respect for me. We talked a little bit off there. Why don't you feel the listeners in? How's our competition and what's happening for that dinner?  Chris:  Well, yeah, I mean I I I. Still respect you, Kelly?  Kelly:  Just remember, I'm your uncle.  Chris:  I and I respect my elders and. And yeah, it's it's not much hope is fading fast buddy. You're down 12. You're down 12 games with three weeks to go my friend so. Boy, you're really gonna have to shine to to overcome that kind of deficit. So I was sitting 140 to 128 with three weeks left. Season so. Good luck.  Kelly:  Gee, thanks Chris.  Chris:  Yeah, Speaking of three weeks left in the season and and you know not a lot of time left, the NFL is. It's coming together man we got. Well, we got 4.  Kelly:  We got six of the positions locked in in.  Chris:  Yeah, 666 playoff teams are locked. I think it's four division winners are locked. Let's see the AFC West is locked. The NFC North West.  Kelly:  For the playoff.  Chris:  Are both locked, so I guess 33 divisions are locked and then you got the bills we are going to be in the playoffs in some capacity and then the Eagles and Cowboys are both going to be in the playoffs and then the teams.  Kelly:  The Eagles have won that division, haven't they? I believe.  Chris:  No, they played the Cowboys this week. Actually, sounds like Hertz isn't gonna play man. I mean, all all accounts which is breeding on so we start. We actually have a a smaller league and so we played through week 15 and our play we don't have a that quarter final matchup like a lot of lead. To do so, our playoffs started this week and it's looking real heavy like I'm not going to have hurts who's been carrying my team all season. You know, as my quarterback and now I don't have him. It looks like, which is unfortunate. So and unfortunate for the Eagles, who are trying to on. You know not as important as my fantasy playoffs, but to them it's important they're trying to clinch that home field and the number one seed in the NFC. And I think that they may be without Jalen hurts. For this Cowboys game and are going to be starting with Gardner Minshew. Right now, as it sits, the entire NFC East is in the playoffs. Now they'll be playing each other and there's some some teams. I'll tell you what man the the Lions. I don't know man. They don't seem to be slowing down at all and.  Kelly:  I mean, I've been on the lines all year.  Chris:  Well, they're you're right, they they're they're coming and the giants. The Giants are are so the Buccaneers have the benefit of the division that they play in someone's gonna win that division. They'll be a terrible football team, whoever it is. Right now it's it's. It's up for grabs so.  Kelly:  That that that division that inner sea S is really the best of the that saying the best of the worst. I mean, any team that could have done anything reasonable. You know they. They could have a three or four-game lead and it's you're very likely going to end up with a. A non 500 under 500 team.  Chris:  Yeah, I mean someone's going to. Have to win out well if it and only the bug. Uh, the bucks are the only team who has a chance to finish above 500. The Panthers, Saints and Falcons already have 9 losses. Now they're all tied, so Carolina and New Orleans and and Atlanta. Are all sitting at 5:00 and 9:00 and the Bucks are sitting at 6:00 and 8:00. So if the Bucks can can win out, in fact, let me see what their schedule is they play. Where's your schedule at bucks at the Cardinals? Hold on standby.  Kelly:  While you're looking that up, maybe it's time for the NFL to consider a small change to playoff rules and adopt a little bit of the college football bowl concept that at minimum you got to have a 500 record to get in. And if you don't, we'll we'll go figure some way to get another team.  Chris:  Yeah, I mean I don't. Mind that I like the. So they're at the Cardinals, so I'll jump back real quick. I I pulled it up at the Cardinals home for the Panthers and at the Falcons so you know, all three of those are winnable. And all three of them are loosely based on what I've seen to this point. I I'm not opposed to that. Kelly, yeah I I I I I like that actually too.  Kelly:  I mean, I said it partly tongue in cheek. But no I.  Chris:  Mean then you know what?  Kelly:  There is.  Chris:  Dude, if you can't. If you can't finish above 500, you know there's an exemption. Yeah, I, I like I like the. The division winners. I like that the division winners get a home game. I'm OK with that. You know that are really, really, really good. 2nd place team has to go on the road. It adds a cool dynamic to like hey man, you know I I know the Cowboys you know finish second and the and AFC and I know they're a wild card which means they have to go on the road. You don't want to play the Cowboys. You know and. And you know, and that can be the case sometimes where you have a stronger, you know individual division and and that second place team could be the 2nd place team in all of football. You know, potentially and hey, you know what I, I like that dynamic. I like that hey, you know this team's got to go on the road it gives. More more value to the regular.  Kelly:  I I. Mean yeah.  Chris:  Season and and things like that.  Kelly:  In all seriousness, if I when I I you know like I said, I kind of made it slightly tongue in cheek, but not entirely because. I get it, you know you are your division, you know, because you play, you know a big chunk of your games within that division. But at some level, I mean, I would say just for competitive interest. If nobody in the in this I'd have to go back and do the calculations and probably won't, but if no to team in the division can rise above you know the. 500 level maybe for this thing that we call the playoffs we should not. Punish another team that could have a significantly better record. That's going to lose out. Only in those circumstances.  Chris:  Well, I just think it would add excitement buddy. You know what I mean? I just think that.  Kelly:  Like hey can you? Yeah I think it. Was but hey.  Chris:  So right now, like the Seahawks and the Lions and even the Packers, still mathematically are chasing for that you. Know those last couple spots right now if if they have another back door in where hey. You know, right now there's two. You know playoff spots available or three playoffs? What three wild cards available, right? Well, if the Bucks don't finish 500 man, there's there's four wild card spots available. One of us can get in it if. The Bucks don't. Beat Atlanta in that final game of the season or whatever, right? And I think you could add a new wrinkle to the final to the end of the season, like hey, you know the. The Seahawks are still alive if the. Bucks can lose to Atlanta. Then the NFC's gonna have four wild cards and only three division winners.  Kelly:  It would, it would make you know that week, week 17 games, sometimes more interesting. It would probably be the closest that we could have, to, you know what some soccer leagues have, where they have relegation, you know?  Chris:  And promotion yeah, so the so the Houston Texans are going to have to go play in the SEC next year.  Kelly:  Yeah, I mean I don't know, I I.  Chris:  The NFL's Minor league division.  Kelly:  Training, training, division. Something would be interesting. But so yeah, I mean gonna be interesting to see.  Chris:  George is gonna be in the NFL. George George is gonna. George is gonna find themselves in the AFC S next year.  Kelly:  You know there was that old saying about you know people always say you know, could a college team beat an NFL team and everyone says, well, no way I don't know about that. I don't know, man. I can see.  Chris:  The NFL team would be the favorite. But I don't know about.  Kelly:  Yeah I I would say that there are a few cases where I've seen some really weak teams that I think some of these college teams today. They could at least give them a run.  Chris:  For their money, I agree 100% I. I mean, I definitely can envision a scenario where a dominant college team, when in in a in a specific calendar year. May match up against what the worst the NFL has to offer and and they can beat them. So it's a team dude. It's a team sport and no I get that the the. Essentially, the NFL team would be made-up of All Star College players. You know, the best the college has to offer and you know a lot of times they have an extra 234 or five years of growth and age and strength and conditioning and and experience and all of that. But if a cohesive unit could show up. And and play against A-Team. That's disjointed. And and even if the you know on an individual basis they they maybe have more talent. I can see a college team beating an NFL team. That's my opinion, so I'd I'd again, the NFL team would be favored. You know, it wouldn't. It wouldn't happen every year, but it's not impossible.  Kelly:  Speaking of college teams. We're in this. Awkward thing and it is what it is. I guess my call it my complaint, session or whatever is. As we've said, get off my lawn. I find it kind of. Unique, interesting or whatever that again, you know the drama of the college season season ended a couple weeks ago. For right now we've had massive news with the transfer portal. Today is National College High School signing day, so a lot of. Colleges are touting who's coming coaches are bouncing around, you know, all lining up for next year, and then we're going to turn back. On the machine of. Uh, let's get excited about the bowls. I find it interesting. I don't know how many there's been of the 41 or 42 games, whatever it was already, but I know. There's been a bunch. I myself so far have not watched a single college bowl game and that didn't used to be the case.  Chris:  Well, you and I talked off Air band and I said the same thing. I just I. I also have not watch. An entire college bowl game, and. You know when? We were doing the podcast a couple weeks ago and talking. I just made the assumption that I would, yeah I'd be watching these. Man I love football. I watch. I watch high school football. I watch pop Pop Warner football. I'm certainly college. I watch the. FCS and and follow that and I I I like sports man and and football's my favorite. So of course I'm going to watch and. As you know, games have been happening. I find myself just not even interested in following it, and I would have never thought that to be the case, but that's how it's played out, man. And and that says a lot about the state of college football. The fact that I am your market man I am I am. They're core and I'm not alone. I mean, there's you know, thousands of people just like me, but I'm a huge sports fan. Football's my favorite of the sports and so almost any product you give me, I'll take it. And consume it, and the fact that I'm not I'm choosing not to. That says you guys are in some trouble with these bowl games man cause if you're losing guys like me, if you're losing my interest there's a lot of people behind me who who have even less interest than I do.  Kelly:  You know, and I I'm not, uh, I'm all for the changes. A lot of them like the transfer portal and things like that. I think it's. Look the the. The fact is that for a player to get to the next level, or whether you're going to go pro or you know colleges where your career ends if. If you're stacked 4. Deep you know at QB and say Alabama. Well, why not? Why not go to another place? If you got a shot to get on the field and showcase your talent. So I mean you just never know who's going to come out or where. I mean, we can go back to the pros and look at you know, everyone made a joke. Mr. Irrelevant was looking OK right now for the 49ers. So imagine if that was college. You know, wouldn't he want to get into a portal if he was third on the depth chart?  Chris:  Yeah, and and I and and the product on the field this year throughout the regular season was one of the best that I'd seen and and it was a riveting college football regular season all the way through the conference championships and. And now we get to this place. I mean, it's real simple in my mind, man, we there's just too many bowls. It's too watered down. You know, if you're. And teaspoon of sugar inside your 8 ounce cup of tea. It goes a long ways you put that same teaspoon of sugar into a gallon, and it's a band. Or you can't really feel the effect anymore, and I I think that's where we're at. There's just simply too many and you know, there's some good ones that you know once we start getting into New Year's Day. Closer to New Year's Day and and you know, even in the days leading up, there's a couple of like decent ones. You know, let's condense it, man. And if what you have to do to incentivize, and there's a lot of money is really there used to be a lot of money, and there can be again and. If what we need to do is incentivize some of these people to, you know, play this game monetarily, then so be it. You know you give him a $50,000 bonus for for winning the game, you know. Whatever, whatever you got to do, you know. Get get get these kids to play. I I don't fault them individually and I understand that you know they're moving on in their lives and they're doing what's best for them and their family and I'll never fault anybody for that. You know, if you're if you're making choices, as long as you're not negatively affecting somebody else, you know directly, then I'm. You know you're not playing as negatively affecting me, watching you on my TV, watching your team on my TV, but that.  Kelly:  Doesn't count, you know, Chris I I agree I got no problem with players trying to better themselves like I said. If you're buried on the depth chart or it's just not working or your team you know has had a coaching change as we've already seen, you know in several cases I, I think the sport is still evolving. The 12 team playoff will do some of this and maybe we will see the elimination of some of the bowl games. We'll, we'll figure out what happens. I think the sport has to continue to evolve and find a way to do some pieces of it more rapid. Actually, as it does college football that is kind of you know, picked back up a little bit. Once we get through these early bowl games, what are some of the games you're looking forward to in the next week, Chris?  Chris:  Well, there's there's some pretty interesting matchups that are more of the classic like hey, you know this conference against that conference, and you might not be the best team in your particular conference, but you're pretty good. You were fighting for a spot you know you might be. Might have been number two or three. You know you lost the championship game and and we'll start seeing. Some of these guys matched up with each other on next Wednesday, Oregon and North Carolina I think are two. You know, both really good teams. I'm interested in that game, you know. Same day, even Kansas and Arkansas. You know a little bit lesser teams in their conferences, but you know I'm I'm interested to see you know how those two teams match up to each other. And then as you continue to progress, you know with Texas and Washington looks interesting. The 30th has Clemson and Tennessee. All of those are are games I'm interested in. These are good teams. You know, not playoff teams and and and. You know not. Necessarily the the the best that their conference had to offer, but. You know, pretty good and you know we'll just see you know it's so tough man. I mean, I used to, you know I used to put a bunch of parley tickets together and and you know me and my Uncle Tim we we we chat before the Bulls started and you know you had a I understand there's a break. OK so they're going to get anywhere. From two to four weeks off in between games, you know, depending on on which game you're playing in and and when it's scheduled and and all that but. You generally had a sense of you know what the team was, what they were about, who they were, the capabilities of that team. And now with this new, you know age of of the Bulls and the timing of them relative to you know the. Stars, you know NFL future and the the coaching changes and all the stuff that's taking place. I just don't know what. I don't know a lot about this team anymore. You know, the the coach isn't there the the middle linebacker? 's not playing. They're all world left tackles not playing the starting quarterback's, not playing the tail box, not playing. It's like, well, man, I don't. I don't know enough about college football to tell you how good the backup left tackle is on. Teams you know and and so.  Speaker  I you know.  Chris:  We'll see what. They have to offer, but yeah, my interest level I I haven't made a single wager on a college football game. I haven't put any partly tickets together cause I'm gonna have to wait. Till like day of. In a lot of cases or I I need a full research assistant to let me know who's all playing and what the you know how good the backups are for me to make an educated choice so it's a little different, man, I mean. You know, once we get to the the. New Year's Eve games. The the semifinals. The two games. At that point, I think we're pretty full steam ahead, you know? And and we're going to have a really nice slate of games both on that day and then. And then the couple days to.  Kelly:  Follow you know you you. You just mentioned a bunch of different positions and. One of them that you talked. So it was tailback. It made me think jumping back to the NFL. Kind of one of my guys again that I've been a fan of. Just went on IR in the NFL and made me think you know Jonathan Taylor, former Badger Colts running back. We've talked about this a few times, but it really I. I wonder what is, you know? I know it's just his ankle. But you know. Just interesting to see how fleeting the NFL career is. You know he had a. I'm not saying his career is over by any stretch, but he just wonder with a guy like that you know where will he be and.  Chris:  Ohh, I think John Taylor's gonna be just fine. I mean it's just the timing of it. You know if they were in the playoff hunt.  Kelly:  A lot of.  Chris:  And this was. You know week 11 and you know they they fight to get him back. I think this is a situation. There's three weeks left. Generally, this is a two to four week injury. High ankle sprains you know, and they kind of linger. I you know Jonathan Taylor's going to be fine, but you're right, the the NFL career is leading and and I mean look at a guy like Odell Beckham. You know he don't have a home and you know by all counts, man. Pretty talented dude. When when he's right had an ACL got it fixed, came back, looked really good with the Rams, got another ACL you know and and may or may not have it fixed, but you know he went from being one of the best receivers in football. To now mind you, these are two pretty significant injuries, but but you know what I mean a a couple. Of injuries away from out. The league and yeah, man, it's it's not for long, you know.  Kelly:  Well, and I think about this and we don't. We never hear about this really that much, right? So the NFL, three weeks left to go in the regular seasons and then playoffs but. You know, I don't know what the number is. If I had to guess, I'd say at least 15% of the league. Is will be playing their last game in their NFL career? In three weeks.  Chris:  Yeah, you think? It's that high I I don't know. I wonder what that number is as well, but you're you're you're right. I mean there is a. Percentage there's definitely a a number of dudes that will either not have jobs or or will retire or whatever the case may be.  Kelly:  Well, every year you know it.  Chris:  And yeah.  Kelly:  You know it's. Maybe it's not that high, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was every year just do the math every year. Teams draft at least seven new players, 7 rounds.  Chris:  Well, not as they're the Rams.  Kelly:  Well, OK, but not seeing they all make the league. You know, yeah, no, you're  Chris:  Right, I mean 10%. Of a of of you know 50. Man would be 5 right? So I think they I think they dressed 53. I forget the numbers have changed so much.  Kelly:  It's 53 on a roster with a practice squad, you know, and I think that practice squad is actually pretty big now, bigger than. It yeah we would. You know, again, Michael.  Chris:  Yeah, your ******* 10% would be 5 dudes and you draft 7 every year.  Kelly:  You know so. And then, I just think about that. And most of those guys you know. Will you know they they come and they go? It's just interesting how fleeting that career is and how few of the people we know about you know. This just happens and then you know just kind of circle back to where we started there are, you know, those players that transcend and so they call them Hall of Famer. 's I guess you know guys like Frank O'harris or the other people, but just up and down a roster and I wonder what that's like. Or somebody. I don't know what you know, go back to your own career, Chris, I mean. You played, you must have known when you played your last high school game that it was your last. Competitive football game yeah I.  Chris:  Mean I I.  Kelly:  What was that like?  Chris:  Yes, it's sad. Well and I lost it so it was in my, you know, state playoffs and but we lost our last game and without you know that winning the title and and I had a really good team man. We were we were a good team. You know we were definitely we were the favorites to win and we didn't and yeah, it's devastating. It's heartbreaking, you know and. You know, for these guys who have. Uh, you know, made a life of this, uh? It is, yeah, I'm you. Do you see it all the time that guys? Well they retire and unretire and and come back and you know if you have the stature for that. If you're a Tom Brady or Brett Farve, you know you're you're gonna find a home, right? Someone, someone's gonna give you a job, right? A lot of these guys aren't those those. Guys and you know some some will get relegated right? And and maybe they were started last year, but you know they still have a spot on the team, but they're they're no longer a a starter anymore. You know they'll be there in case of of need. You know if someone gets hurt or whatever and some guys kind of slowly fade off, they don't just disappear overnight, but yeah, not. Tough man, I mean these guys you know they're leaving something that has been their life, many of them since they were probably 6 years old. Now they're you know 303135 whatever, and you can't everything you've learned at this point is now. You can go into broadcasting right or become an analyst or you know you could be. Like stink or. Or or Golic, or or something, right? There's lots of spots available. Tony Romo, you know. I mean, you could find a home. Where you still get to use some of your knowledge to some capacity, but the skill set that you've been making your living off of is useless at this point. Now the knowledge you have may not be but. The but the your ability to sack a quarterback does not matter at all anymore. You're never going to use that skill again, and. You know it's gotta be tough man. I mean it's a a forced life change. You know you could transition all you go sell insurance. You can open up a car dealership. I don't know, you know, find something to do with your time, dude, but you're not doing this.  Kelly:  So as a running back, what was the longest running yard that you gained on a?  Chris:  Play, oh man, that's a good question, Kelly. Actually, I don't know. I mean I broke a couple off, so I played defensive back. I returned punts and kickoffs and and so I mean, I've I've had to do a, you know, an 85 yard Sprint. Before in. In some capacity on a football field, you know I picked a pass off and you gotta weave through traffic going the other way. And and I've had to run a long distance man as far as like a a cold. You know, running play from the offensive end, but you think I know this off top of my head, but I don't actually I don't know what my longest play from scrimmage. It was, but I do know, I I've I. I picked off a ball as they were going in, you know, trying to go into score and and I ran the distance the other way whole holding their football and and scoring a defensive touchdown before.  Kelly:  Does that feeling that emotion, you know it's a long time and I'm not trying to be like the old Bruce Springsteen glory days tune, but do you remember that feeling? Do you miss it?  Chris:  And I wouldn't say I don't I? I mean, I've just kind of accepted my. It was a long time ago, dude. So you know, I mean, I. I mean, I can remember it. Yeah, I I can remember facial expressions, I remember. My uncle Tim and my father sitting on the sideline of the Laguna Hills game where you know I just ran a basic sweep sweep play, you know, just to the left side. And as I'm running down the sidelines with the ball I'm I'm I'm making faces at them out of my helmet and you know, you know. You know they were right there and you know and I can. I can. I can remember that, you know, I remember. Whom you know, he, he, him, and every both tail backs, but you know, depending on the formation we played, a lot of two running backs sets and you know it was supposed to be a 34 and it ended up being a 24, right? And and so the the quarterback, you know he turns and he pitches the ball. It was supposed to go to. Scott and and the quarterback gave me the ball. And Scott's like give me the ball. I was like no, I'll go block bro. We're having this. Conversation in the backfield. As you know the place you know everyone else is out there blocking and running and the defensive guys are coming and him and I are. Talking about who? You know who gets to take the ball. And and Scott went, and yeah, it was pretty. It was a pretty nice game. I mean we were, you know. We were running you. Know, I mean, we were kind of making our way to. You know towards the. Where the ball was supposed to go, but yeah, it was like a sweet play and and you know he he was supposed to get the ball and and and the quarterback tossed it to me instead. He's like give me the ball. Was like Nah bro. Go go go block I got.  Speaker  The ball yeah we.  Chris:  Had that whole conversation in the backfield ended up being a pretty nice game too. If I remember correct.  Kelly:  Great, I guess maybe you could read war and peace as you're running down the field.  Chris:  Good luck.  Kelly:  At some point.  Chris:  Yeah no, I I I do. I do remember the times I do remember the emotions I I remember the feelings of the losses I I I remember the the elation. I remember the bus rides home after after victories, you know, yeah, I remember it man, but and I wouldn't say at this point I'm I I miss it. You know what I mean? Like I'd. You know, I've accepted the fact that you know something in. The past I. Think in order to miss something. Well, maybe not. Then maybe that's not true actually. I mean, you can miss people when they've passed and and people from your life and and but. You know, if you miss it more, if there's a chance you could have it back, right? And so I would probably think about it more if I thought there. Dude, I'm lucky if I can make it down a flight of stairs without hurting myself at this point in my life, so. You know I don't have dreams or aspirations of of making a run at it. You know, I, I still got my eligibility man, I'm gonna I'm. Gonna go give it.  Kelly:  A run I live in over 50 Football League.  Chris:  And we'll say. I will say I did all the way up until probably close to 30 years old. I did have that on my mind as like hey man, you know I. I was a pretty good high school football player right? But as as things worked out I I just, you know, I I didn't give it a a run in college. And I was still pretty athletic. Dude all the way. Through my 20s, you know, and and you know in your mind you always think like hey, if I just hit the gym. If I just start training, if I just start, you know, going through some drills and and kind of get get some things back. I probably could still play and then I don't remember when I finally gave that that dream up. But you know, it's it would enter my head from time to time. Several years after, like hey man, I want you know I'd be old, right? And you know, I'm not going to the NFL or anything, but I think I could still play football and at some point it's just like, OK, yeah, no we ain't playing football no more.  Kelly:  We'll we'll, we'll dig up the. Old electric football for you Chris yeah.  Chris:  Where they where they shake it?  Kelly:  Across the board, turn it on, get a little vibration going on, you know hey man yeah new new new thing. It's electrical football antibody massager.  Chris:  No, if I find my competition on ******** boards, start boards, pool tables, you know things that require a a little less from me physically.  Kelly:  Well, Chris is always another entertaining week and. We'll see what shakes down between now and next week. As far as football want to say happy and Merry Christmas to you and all the family out in California. Hope Santa is good to you, gets you some NFL wins. Better bring me a bunch of them. Gotta figure that out. I'm 12 behind otherwise you're getting. A dinner out of me.  Chris:  Yeah, I we should have some some additional clarity. Hopefully we'll get a chance to talk next week and you know we should have some clarity and then we should be right on the on the cusp of the you know meaningful college games that will be coming and stuff. So I'm excited man we'll have. The first round of our fantasy under our belt, we'll see where we stand. You know we're both back to competing on that, and we should be able to have really a really fun conversation next week. Now we'll have some some Intel.  Kelly:  All right, thanks everyone for listening to this episode of the podcast to be named later.  Chris:  OK, thanks Kelly.