Transcript Background Music Announcer: Welcome to The Podcast to be Named Later, where we explore the world a conversation at a time. Sit back and enjoy. Here are your hosts, Chris and Kelly. Kelly: Hello everyone, welcome back to the podcast to be named later. Once again I'm Kelly here with Chris and Chris, how you doing today? Chris: Doing great Kelly. Kelly: Glad to hear that and everything is going well here. Kelly: Well, last time we talked a little bit about the NFC and AFC West and I'm going to change gears a. Kelly: Little bit and kind of. Kelly: Go throughout the rest of the NFC, but just to recap. Kelly: Yeah we both. Kelly: Like the Chargers and you like the Rams and I like the 49ers and then we talked a lot about logos and so far the Raiders are kind of heading up the best logo contest. Chris: Yeah, they hate. Chris: We've gone through a uh, you know, it's close there's a the AFC West dominated the NFC. Chris: West and logos, though so far. Kelly: You know so. Kelly: Scroll east, go all the way to the other coast and pick up with the. Kelly: NFC East Chris: OK, yeah. Kelly: Not a lot happening in that division in my opinion, but what do you think? Chris: Oh, I think it's basically our. Chris: So I got I got my own. Chris: I don't like the NFC East buddy so that that just just going to put that out there right right from go I got a bone to pick with the NFL and I don't know if it's 'cause headquarters are located where they are or what. Chris: But I. Chris: I live in California and the. Chris: NFC East Chris: My television is absolutely forcefed down our throats so. Chris: Uh, that analysis is terrible. Chris: UM, arguably the the worst division in football over the last couple years, and somehow it manages onto primetime at about a 80% clip. And in the afternoon it's whoever the Cowboys or Giants are playing. That's who we get and. Chris: If they played better football, it wouldn't bother me so much. Chris: But anyway, I'm just just so you know for our listeners. Chris: I'm going into this, uh, already a little bitter towards this division, it's. Chris: It's a weak. Chris: Division from top to bottom and for whatever reason the NFL loves to force it down our throats on their televisions. Kelly: Yeah, I can't disagree with you too much. Kelly: There not a lot of excitement and, uh. Kelly: Really, some bad football teams just. Kelly: Playing back Kelly: So what do you think in offseason changes there was what was interesting to you of the four teams in that division. Chris: Uh boy, I'm trying to think off the top of my head some of the big moves that were made CD lamb should be moving into a more prominent role. Chris: With the departure of Amari Cooper. Chris: Uh, I think the Cowboys are probably still the most talented team. Chris: Uh, it's between obviously between them and the Eagles out there. Chris: Uh, as far as like top to bottom talent on roster Cowboys are probably the most fun to watch and got to be the favorite. Chris: To take the division, the Eagles made a move. Chris: Wouldn't got A.J. Chris: Looks like they're sticking with basically the core that they had last year. Chris: I like the way Eagles build. Chris: So of all the teams in this division. Chris: The commanders probably actually have the best defensive front, but the Eagles have always built. Chris: Uh, from the inside out and to me if you're building a franchise and it really holds true throughout sports, you just you started. Chris: You start at the at the middle and then you work your way away and that's what the Eagles do. Chris: They're going to be competitive, probably won't beat themselves too many times. Chris: So they'll be in the running. Chris: The commanders did more. Chris: Headline worthy activity off the field and lately they're making more knows about how they run and the culture of their franchise than than the actual. Chris: Play on the field, but. Kelly: Yeah, that that franchise is in disarray and then you have, you know coaches making times the owners and just. Kelly: That it has to. Kelly: Impact the play at some point when you. Kelly: Here I mean it's always interesting because you hear the players say it didn't bother us until they get off the team and they always hear about what a circus it was at that place and so. Chris: Yeah, it's not good for anybody, I mean it's. Chris: Not it's, you know. Kelly: Chaos is not good. Chris: It's not good for the league. Chris: It's not good for for for anybody. Chris: You know it's just that that's the bottom line. Kelly: Man, it's no, and some of the behavior. Chris: Past that. Kelly: As long as this plain disrespectfully if not. Kelly: More I mean. Chris: Yeah, and if you're gonna, if you're gonna take a positive from it, you know there's been a lot of this over the last few years. Chris: At least some things are being brought to light at least. Chris: Uh, there's conversations taking place. Chris: I mean, I think most reasonable people realize that a fair and and comfortable work environment. Chris: Should be provided for all and this. Chris: Is something that's you know part of the conversation, so at least there's that. Chris: There's that there is conversation taking place and dialogue that hey, this this type of behavior is unacceptable and we need to address it so you know if there is a positive, at least you know on a social front there's there's conversations taking place that hey, we don't want to do this in. Chris: Anymore and but everything else is basically bad coming out of there. Kelly: So walk us through them. Kelly: You know we got the four teams, the logos, what do you like? Kelly: Who's what are those? Kelly: Looking like and. Kelly: Where do they rank? Chris: Well, uh, you know this is funny. Chris: 'cause I've I've heard other. Chris: People talk about. Chris: Uh, you know some of the classic uniforms, right? Chris: And you know the the Dallas Star has been a staple for. Chris: I think forever. Chris: I mean, I don't even know if there's ever been a change. Chris: Maybe you would know better than I do. Chris: You're slightly older than I am. Chris: Uh, have you? Chris: Has it always been this star on the helmets? Kelly: As far as I know is is one of those that has really not changed. Kelly: I think you know there's a few teams and. Kelly: Sports throughout that have really not changed and I think Dallas is 1. Chris: Yeah, I mean it's, you know, it's pretty plain. Chris: It's I mean not quite like Penn State plane, but it's it's right there and yet it still works the the the Cowboys logo. Chris: I mean, you know what it is, right? Chris: So you see that blue and silver star you, you know who you're referring to when you see that, right? Chris: So, uhm. Chris: I I I don't think they're changing anytime soon and I don't think they need to. Chris: Uh Eagles with their uh. Chris: You know green and and silver. Chris: Color scheme they. Chris: They got a evil as you would expect eaglehead. Chris: I'm not following the theme of just a hair on the angry side. Chris: Very solid Washington couldn't be any blamer. Chris: They have a yellow W. Chris: With the maroon. Chris: Uh, you know coloring inside so yellow trim around at maroon WI. Chris: Actually wish so. Chris: They're the commanders now. Chris: Uh, formally known as the football team. Chris: And prior to that, the Redskins and uh. Chris: I really wish they would have just stuck with the Washington football team. Chris: I thought it worked. Chris: I mean, you know, originally I think Snyder and and the team there kind of used that as a. Chris: A middle finger to the league a little bit. Chris: You know and. Chris: They had to change their name. Chris: Uh, but I I I don't know. Chris: I just. Chris: Liked it, I liked it. Chris: You know it set him apart and. Kelly: As I said I, I thought it was, you know I, I agree. Kelly: I think in the beginning it was hey, OK I'm I'm going to be dragged kicking and screaming and this is. Kelly: My way to you know thumb my nose at you but for me it worked. Kelly: The Washington football team. Kelly: I liked it man. Kelly: I thought it was different you. Kelly: Know one of those. Kelly: Just rarities and I think. Kelly: They should have kept it now. Chris: Yeah I do. Chris: Too, I think they made a mistake by by picking a team name, but anyway, it's no, no, no one ringing the bell, you know. Chris: As we say now, so they're the commanders. Chris: Uhm, their logo is. Chris: Pretty simple man. Chris: They could just as easily be the Wisconsin Badgers or the Washington Huskies, UM? Chris: Same thing man they got. Chris: They got a W so and then the giants. Chris: That and. Chris: And the why? Chris: The blue and the red. Chris: Very simple. Chris: Uh, been their logo for a long time too. Chris: It's, you know, it works. Chris: It's simple. Chris: Nothing to to blow your mind here. Chris: As far as the logos are concerned, collectively the The thing is you know these teams have have issue they've been in. Chris: The league for a long time, right so. Kelly: So the the Giants have gotten Internet, why did they vergies somewhere 'cause they always call into German? Chris: Nope, just the end of the Y. Kelly: Interesting, yeah. Kelly: And who you picking? Chris: I'll stay with the Cowboys. Chris: So I records from last year Cowboys 12 and 5 Eagles nine and eight Commanders 10 and seven or seven and 10. Chris: Excuse me and the Giants were four and 13 I. Chris: I think that pretty much tells the story I. Chris: Don't think much has changed. Chris: I mean you know Marie Cooper is out. Chris: You know we'll see what happens. Chris: Or, you know, with some of the young guys, some of the changes that always happen in the offseason. Chris: Could be a little bit of movement, but if you're asking me to pick right now, I'm I'm taking the Cowboys to eke out the Eagles, and I, I think the Giants are still. Chris: Although the the one surprise team and if all the franchises, this is one of. Chris: Them the Giants are one of those teams that just for whatever reason, seem to put it. Chris: Together for no good reason. Chris: Every once in a while you know every five or six years, they just seem to be much better than they were supposed to be, and. Chris: You know, maybe think like Texas Rangers or something. Chris: You know they're just they. Chris: They shoot up. Chris: And play really well for a year. Chris: Or two and. Chris: Then they, you know, kind of fall back down into the lulls now. Chris: When I look at them, they actually have. Chris: They've they've had a ton of injuries and. Chris: Daniel Jones hasn't really. Chris: Looked like what I think they hoped he would, but man he shows flashes at times and I mean he looks like an NFL quarterback to me so. Chris: Well, you know if they could find a way. Chris: To put it. Chris: Together I I think. Chris: They do have some talent on that roster, so they could be a. Chris: Surprise team, but the. Chris: Forced to pick. Chris: I think the team that's closest and most likely to be able to continue where they left off last year would probably be the Cowboys go. Kelly: Daniel Jones to me is is one of these interesting things that happens with a lot of guys that play quarterback in the NFL. Kelly: Because you're right, every once in a while you see flashes of wow, you know, is this our lightning in the bottle? Kelly: But then you get a few more games and well, that bottle just breaks and shatters, and that consistency isn't there. Kelly: And I think the tough thing for. Kelly: A team then is. How long? Kelly: Do we you know, hold and I always say in life? Kelly: Hope isn't plan. Kelly: Uh, so it's it's a tough one, but I actually think in this division the Cowboys are going to run away with it again. Kelly: I don't see a lot of fall off for them. Kelly: I will say this. Kelly: It's interesting to see a another version of Mike McCarthy, you know, Packers Ball coach. Kelly: Down there in Dallas. Kelly: But I I just think. Kelly: Hands down, they're better than anybody else in that division. Kelly: And so. Chris: Yeah, I think they could do. Chris: I think they would be a real Super Bowl contender if they had. Chris: Almost anybody other than McCarthy coaching him, so I you know, I you know you and I are both Packer fans. Chris: We stated that before. Chris: We have a ton of history with McCarthy and he benefited a great deal from how having Hall of Fame caliber play at quarterback. Chris: And, uh, uh. Chris: A pretty solid staff around him, but man has there ever been? Chris: Another guy in that position that just mismanaged his basic game theory. Chris: Worse than McCarthy now you. Chris: Could think of. Kelly: No, I I mean I. Kelly: Look, I don't. Kelly: I mean, I'm not going. Kelly: To tell you I know what. Kelly: It's like to coach. Kelly: Football team and the. Kelly: The pressure at the moment, but. Kelly: I can go game after game and just say. Kelly: You know if if 100 people in football would, 99 of them will do it one way. Kelly: He'll do it the. Kelly: Opposite, or he'll make the mistake that it isn't there and. Kelly: The most when it happens, he's not the he's not the guy that the mistake works out man. Chris: No, some of it. Chris: I mean, you know so much. Chris: I mean, this is beyond sports, but just life in general is just just know your limitations. Chris: Understand that there's things you're not good at and you don't rely on when you have the resources that the Cowboys have or any NFL team. Chris: Have you know, man, just get somebody to come in and help with this one. Chris: Area I believe he's a great X is an honest guy. Chris: I think he's a reasonable leader of man. Chris: I think he's. Chris: A good leader of a football team actually, but so often games come down to just a critical decision and clock management and. Chris: He just fails miserably on those levels, and you know, especially on the highest level when you get into the playoffs a lot of times you know that that's what maybe hasn't belt Bill Belichick. Chris: Uh man, how many games do you think Bill Belichick has won by just outthinking the this down to the smaller? Chris: Like taking a safety for Vettel? Chris: Better build field position. Chris: Uhm, just random. Chris: You know things that, uh? Chris: Understanding the rules. Chris: Well, he's he's. Chris: He stretched the rules a little bit on a couple. Chris: Of occasions to like. Chris: But but he knows the rules at least. Chris: Right and and and. Chris: You know he's thinking of all the angles and it's almost like you know, you know, Mccarthys Chris: They're hanging out, drinking a coffee and they're like, hey, Mike, you wanna call it call? Chris: A timeout and. Chris: These mikes like oh it, what where we at what? Chris: How much time is left in this? I've been watching games where it's just like I'm screaming at my television. You know, saying, call the timeout, call the timeout and 15 seconds run off the clock, 17 seconds, run off the clock 22. Chris: Seconds are off the clock, and then he calls. Chris: Timeout it's like. Chris: What were you thinking about that whole time? Chris: Like everyone in their living room knew that you know after that play we needed to call a timeout and you had to think about it for 22 seconds before you came to the decision that it was the right play. Chris: And I've just seen that. Chris: Type of play over and over from him. Kelly: Yeah, and full clock management when guys don't. Kelly: Get it right. Kelly: They in that one. Kelly: I think, but it blows me away like. Kelly: And he is. Kelly: Probably one of the worst at it like. Kelly: You should know when you're going to call a timeout. Kelly: And always. Kelly: When you got 10. Kelly: 1520 seconds right off the clock and then call the time out like you said what? Kelly: Were you thinking too? Chris: I mean, you could pay a guy you know. Chris: I mean, a guy would probably volunteer. Chris: Honestly, you could get a 13 year old kid who's played a lot of Madden to to do that job. Chris: It's it's basic game concept game theory? Chris: Uh, it it's it's not challenging at all to understand, like hey, this is my best chance. Chris: For success, Analytics has has overtaken UH, sports, you know? Chris: You know at all levels and you know numbers and and probabilities have become much more important than they ever were in the past. Chris: There's plenty of people who could do this job for you. Chris: Just let just listen to him and put him on the staff and listen to him and anyway. Chris: Uh, right. Chris: We we. Chris: We veered off a little ways, but I had to get my little McCarthy rant in and and more stories. Chris: I think the Cowboys have the talent to to win a Super Bowl on the team right now currently. Chris: They just seem to. Chris: Find a way to mess it up. Chris: Man that you know a lot of franchises for whatever reason. Chris: The Clippers the Bengals for a lot of years, although they they made the Super Bowl last year, looks like. Chris: They've really changed from the page. Chris: The Cubs for a lot of years, it's. Chris: Like you know you've got the. Chris: Talent, you've got the. Chris: Team you're, you're as good as the other team or better, but somehow. Chris: You you bungle it at the. Chris: End of the season and and don't walk away with the title and the Cowboys have kind of turned into that recent. Kelly: Let's jump down South. Kelly: The division with the quarterback that I guess maybe like sealed class song, should I stay or should I go? Kelly: Who's that all? Kelly: About old Tom Brady. Kelly: I'm retired, I'm not. Chris: Handle is in her Favre baby like yeah. Kelly: Well, it's going to be one of the shorter retirements again in sports. Chris: Well, if you're top rated you get. Chris: To do whatever you want. Kelly: Yeah, I mean, yeah, that probably is true too you. Kelly: Know the old saying it's. Kelly: Since Rangers, I will say. Kelly: This the career the guys had is. Kelly: Warmer, not, uh? Kelly: I I can't remember. Kelly: It's something like. Kelly: I mean he's been in what? Kelly: 10 Super Bowls? Chris: Boy, uh Kelly: It's some. Chris: Like I feel like I should know this right off the top of my head, yeah? Chris: Uh, you know there, there's the sustained success that he's had. Chris: I'll tell you what man, if he's not the luckiest athlete in the history of sports, I don't know who it might be. Chris: But this dude is. I mean, he's. Chris: Good, OK, and I don't mind him getting the monitor of the goat. Chris: You know you went as many Super Bowls as this guy has and you mount as. Chris: As many comebacks as he has in the most clutch situations and and play at the highest level for for the duration of time that he has, he's earned every bit of it. Chris: He's earned my respect. Chris: I always disliked the Patriots. Chris: Uh, not being a Patriots fan, kind of like the Yankees. Chris: It's like look, I don't necessarily like. Chris: I'm not a Red Sox fan or anything. Chris: I just Chris: I just I'm tired you winning all the time and that's how I felt about the Patriots like. Chris: I'm just I don't hate you guys or anything. Chris: I I just don't, I just want to see. Kelly: Some other teams. Kelly: So yeah, it's amazing that run. Kelly: I I consider you know. Kelly: It's something like 1010 super. Kelly: Bowls, but then when you add in. Kelly: Playing in his divisional championship game. Kelly: It's something like. Kelly: All the three or four years of his. Kelly: Career the guys. Kelly: They need in the ultimate or of a, you know, penultimate game of the league. Kelly: That's just. Chris: Unheard of. Chris: Yeah, happy. Chris: He's he. Chris: You know he's he's. Chris: Unbelievable man and uh. Kelly: I like I. Chris: Said I have tremendous amount of respect for him, but you just gotta tip your cap and say, wow, that's what you've done is is about as impressive a thing as I've seen in sports over my lifetime. Kelly: I mean there. Kelly: Are four teams in the division so. Kelly: That's what they say. Chris: Oh, really. Kelly: What's what's your take on the offseason? Kelly: 4 sport teams? Chris: Well, let's tell you what the team that you know. Chris: I think a lot. Chris: Well, the Falcons are going. Chris: To be a full rebuild so they weren't good. Chris: And then with losing Matt Ryan. Chris: Uh, they're just not going to be good man, uh, I, I don't. Chris: I don't see it so it'd be. Chris: A miracle for them to be a 500 club in my mind. Panthers kind of the same thing I just think. Chris: There are still a ways. Chris: Away, uh, but the one team that I think might surprise is the Saints. Chris: And I think they have a path to being a very competitive winning team this year the the the core that that that team is is is solid a talent wise man. Chris: You know they have a good defense. Chris: They have a good offensive line. Chris: They have a good skill position, players they've reloaded. Chris: You know in areas it's basically just going to come down to the quarterback play. Chris: And I, I assume Winston. Chris: It is healthy and good to go. Chris: And you know they got a new coaching staff, right? Chris: But they're keeping the same scheme. Chris: The players don't have to start over from scratch. Chris: There's going to hear a different voice. Chris: Kind of saying a lot of the same things, so. Chris: That's the team that I. Chris: Think could surprise man and possibly be much better than. Chris: Maybe what on the surface we think they'll be, so we'll see. Chris: They're they're the wild card in that division, but I mean, the Buccaneers are just. Chris: Head and shoulders on paper better than everybody else. Chris: In that division they should. Chris: Uh, they should win that that deposition going away, unless like I said, the Saints can somehow take all the talent they have, put it all together magically and in. Chris: In that case I think they could give him a run for their money. Kelly: You know Atlanta? Kelly: Yeah, they're definitely full rebuilds in that. Kelly: Yeah, that team is really interesting to me and. Kelly: I still wonder, I think back. Kelly: To a few years ago. Kelly: You know when they were up in the Super. Kelly: Bowl and lost that. Kelly: I I nobody will admit it, but I believe that messed with people. Kelly: Psyches on that team to a level that. Kelly: They didn't recover from it for more than a a year for sure. Chris: I agree with you. Chris: 100%, that's. Chris: Uh, that was again. Chris: I mean, give Tom Brady credit. Chris: I mean, you know. Chris: How do you know? Chris: I just yeah, I just I don't. Chris: I'm not even. Chris: Sure what to say. Kelly: I watched a fair amount of sports across all different things that was. Kelly: I'm sure there's others, but right now off the top of my head that was one of the most. Kelly: Just changes I can think of. Kelly: A couple more, but that was. Kelly: Uh, just blew me away. Chris: Yeah, well and I had the I had the Falcons in the over in that game. Chris: And I was. Chris: Counting my money and, uh, everything was gold. Chris: I just, you know, I'm it's the only question was, am I? Chris: Going to get to the over and. Chris: And, uh, everything was just coasting right along? Chris: Falcons on the Moneylines Hopkins, uh, on a future bed you know the on and on man I I was just I was cashing the ticket baby. Chris: And then I don't know I don't. Chris: Know what happened I I. Chris: Actually have since watched that game again on the NFL Network and and you know the the way they put it together is really nice and it kind of slides through the game, you know and. Chris: Yeah, I watched it again and I'm like man, I I. Chris: Still don't know how they lost this game. Kelly: The yeah for me, the closest I can think of. Kelly: Is so painful, was a Packers lost to Seattle? Chris: In the NFC Championship game, up two scores and. Kelly: Yeah, 'cause I was sitting on my couch. Kelly: I don't know what it was like 4 minutes ago. Kelly: And I was in a position where I could have died and I'm like. Kelly: You know this would be the time. Kelly: In life, let's go to the Super Bowl. Kelly: So once in a lifetime thing, man. Kelly: I was about to start looking for airline tickets. Chris: Yeah, that was. Chris: As a fan, that was probably the most devastating loss that that I witnessed, you know, as a as a as a fan of a team. Chris: Uhm, that just was heartbreaking man. Chris: The fashion the the, the number of things that had to go wrong with that little time lapse of the Packers to lose that game was just hard to swallow. Kelly: So back in this division. Kelly: Let's talk about the logos. Kelly: What do you like about logos and give us a rundown of what the? Kelly: Yeah well, those look like the Buccaneers or hire our Pirate 2 right? Kelly: So who's who's virus better? Random numbers is an affair. Chris: The, uh, well actually I. Chris: I mean, if you're talking just pirates, the Buccaneers is probably a little better. Chris: Of all the logos in the NFL, I'd have to look through them all side by side. Chris: But the Buccaneers might have the most detail, so they have a lot going on. Chris: Man, they got a sword. Chris: Holding a flag. Chris: On the flag is the kind of classic skull and crossbones like you would, uh, you know. Chris: See in a movie or or you know, for for uh for like a pirate ship, right? Chris: A little different than the Raiders setup, but you know, conceptually you know. Chris: Obviously they're they're similar, right? Chris: Buccaneer integrators? Chris: You know similar, but the the Bucs kind of have a lot going on. Chris: Man, the sword holding the. Chris: Flag with the pirate on the flag. Chris: Uh, it's pretty solid man. Chris: I'll tell you what these guys would give the NFC West or run for their money man the Saints Classic. Chris: Uh, you know the the gold, the white, the blue. Chris: Back up. Chris: Falcons have a really clean they. Chris: They've changed their logo a couple times and. Kelly: Jump back a little more. Kelly: Give us a. Kelly: Little more in the Saints gold. Kelly: White and black what do? Kelly: They get so on. Chris: Man, I don't know what this is called. Chris: Kelly I I should. Kelly: Is that the Florida Lee? Chris: Is that what that is? Kelly: I think so, yeah. Kelly: I mean I think. Kelly: That's what they say. Chris: Uh, yeah I. Chris: I wish I had been I I should have done my research at a. Chris: Time, but I'm. Chris: I'm not sure what this what this is Kelly so, but. Chris: It's been on their helmets for my lifetime that I can remember. Chris: I don't remember what. Kelly: Does it look like it's like a square? Kelly: Or flowery thing, what? Chris: Yeah, kind of flowery. Chris: It's got a point on. Chris: The top up. Chris: Man I wish. Chris: I knew the name of this thing. Chris: Sorry buddy the uh. Kelly: It's OK, we'll give. Kelly: We'll give you a penalty. Chris: Yeah, thanks man. Chris: Let me take the. Chris: Pass on this one, Kelly. Chris: Uh, and then uh? Kelly: 5 yards insufficient information. Chris: Well, you heard me trying to brush over it dude and then you pulled me back so I, uh, I did the best I could. Chris: I knew I didn't know the name of it and it. Chris: Was one of those like laugh. Kelly: We're all about authentic authenticity here on. Chris: Let let's sweep it under the rug and. Kelly: The podcast to be. Kelly: Named later buddy. You got you got? Chris: Me on the on the replay review, but I I thought I I thought I could brush over it and I I give you. Chris: Props for not letting that slide so. Kelly: Right, well you got some homework for our next episode. Chris: Sounds good, I'll have an answer for you next time. Kelly: All right so. Kelly: What else we got going on, Caroline? Chris: Carolina is a Panther again. Chris: You know, pretty angry looking. Chris: It's got his mouth open. Chris: UM, the Panthers logo is pretty solid. Chris: Man has a little more of a. Chris: Like a like a. Chris: Canadian Football League or a or a? Chris: Uh, you know XFL type. Chris: You know it's it's a little more detailed has the like the head and shoulders of a Panther, black and blue, uh? Chris: White eyes white teeth got its mouth open. Chris: It's about to chomp down on something. Chris: Carolinas logo is pretty solid man and then Falcon. Chris: Same thing. Chris: They got a real solid kind of a. Chris: What's a Falcon? Chris: Not like the Cardinals though, where the Cardinals logo looks like. Chris: A cardinal, the Falcons uh? Chris: A little edgier, a little more straight lines. Chris: It doesn't actually look like the real bird, you know. Chris: It's it's kind of a. Chris: A little little sharper and and uh. Chris: Again, pretty angry man, it's it's it's on its way to go. Chris: Do something to somebody top to bottom. Chris: These four teams logo wise you know we've been on this logo kick and talking about the different divisions there, they're pretty solid man the the NFC South has got a good set of logos. Kelly: All right, so I think the Tampa. Kelly: Bay's the Kelly: A clear winner for me in that division two. Kelly: So let's close out the NFC. Kelly: Right 'cause we've done South. Chris: Yeah baby, let's get to the good one. Let's go to the. Kelly: Real home of the NFL is they like to call it the black and blue? Kelly: You know it. Kelly: We love it. Kelly: NFC north. Chris: Yeah, this is the lot. Kelly: Of changes in offseason though for the pack. It's my phone. Chris: Yeah, and you know there's been some turmoil with within the pack you want to serve with them or you you want to work from the bottom up? Chris: So lucid Devontay charts, obviously. Kelly: Well, I think. Kelly: There's I think I'm thinking you could. Kelly: Want to work? Kelly: From the bottom up dude, it's a tie. Chris: Uh, alright, well we can we can. Chris: Talk about the PAC man and and uh. Kelly: Then we. Kelly: Will come back to them. Kelly: Let's let's pick let's pick one. Kelly: Of their up when we got there. Kelly: Arch nemesis Long Time Team the Bears the Bears. Chris: Yeah, the Bears are interesting, so uhm. Chris: Yeah, I I think I I like Justin Fields and I think the Bears have always just found a way to be competitive. Chris: It seems like last year they were six and eleven. Chris: It felt like they were. Chris: Way worse than. Chris: That, and yet their record doesn't say so. Chris: The Bears are just a good franchise. Chris: Historically, they've always managed to stay competitive for the most part. Chris: I mean, everyone has down years from time to time, but. Chris: They, uh. Chris: Man, they got a lot of pieces though you know they lost Robinson in the offseason. Chris: And you know, I don't know how much they're going to lean on the the passing game anyway, but defense is pretty talented. Chris: They did lose Mack, which we talked about when we're talking about the Chargers. Chris: I still think he's one of the premier defensive players in the league and and so you know that that loss is going to be filled, but. Chris: Uh, you know, they're uh. Chris: They're they're not a playoff team at this point, but I don't think they're that far away, though I don't, I think. Chris: Getting rid of the people that they got. Chris: Rid of up. Chris: Uh, you know that Maggie was terrible, uh? Chris: I actually don't. Chris: Think Service Key is that bad either to be honest with you, but it just didn't work. Chris: When he was there and now. Chris: Feels should be the clear. Chris: Cut, you know, get all the reps in training camp. Chris: Get all the. Chris: Reps you know each week in practice, you know from the start of the season he's had a whole offseason to reflect on oh wow and it feels different. Chris: You know this isn't the Ohio State anymore. Chris: Boys stuff out here and you know probably going to settle into being a pro a little bit more. Chris: I I think he's got the. Chris: Talent though man, that's my feeling and so we'll see. Chris: Time will tell. Chris: And you know you have to catch some. Chris: Breaks along the way and just like everybody does, but I I think the bigger surprise still a year or so away, I think they might improve being that what would that be nowadays? Chris: Like 7 and 10 with that extra game in there, you know maybe 8-9. I think there's still a year or two away. Chris: But it wouldn't be surprising if they had a winning record. Chris: Man, I think they they're pretty talented team. Kelly: The thing that's always. Kelly: Perplexed me about the Bears, is I? Kelly: I do think what you said is true that. Kelly: You know they've been a pretty solid franchise. Kelly: I, I think again, they're an example of. Kelly: They show just how critical having a good quarterback is, and that consistency at that position. Kelly: 'cause I can. Kelly: And again, because they're in in the Division I probably watched the closest I'm pretty familiar with a lot that's gone on. Kelly: I could think of. Kelly: How many years of you know good players they've had with a quarterback? Kelly: And we could go down a list of names, but it's just not been consistent enough. Kelly: And then. Kelly: Again, finding that right. Kelly: Coach, I mean it. Kelly: Walks their way through a lot of those too. Chris: Yeah, and I mean these are all more recent sort of shortcomings. Chris: Though you know, and I think they've gone through, say, a decades worth of. Chris: Kind of struggling to find the right combo. Chris: Of, uh, you know. Chris: Front office and coaching and and like you said man, the quarterbacks huge you know it's tough to win in the NFL without one and they really haven't had one. Chris: They've taken some stabs and do various attempts. Chris: You know Cutler was there for a while and you know, looked like he had all the talent. Chris: But Wholescale face just didn't. Chris: The produce, you know, once he got there and and they took this shot. Chris: Gave up quite a bit actually and took a shot on the draft and for whatever reason that didn't work out for him. Chris: And you know. Kelly: I I think. Chris: They might have found their guy. We'll see. We'll see how it plays out over the next 3-4 years, but I I do think he's got a chance to to stabilize that position for them, you know? Kelly: Feature right there, Vikings what? Kelly: Do you? Kelly: What do you see about them? Chris: They're they're perplexing team man, so it's hard to believe that they're not on the downswing, right? Chris: I mean, Chris: Uh, they haven't been improving. Chris: They're a good football team just recently and you know they brought in Cousins. Chris: And what's weird is Cousins hasn't played bad. Chris: His numbers really haven't fallen off a. Chris: Well, they've gone up since since he went there, so I think they've gotten everything out of cousins that you could have reasonably expected. Chris: And yet they they're not winning, it's it's just that they're a weird team and that just doesn't make any sense to me, that, uh? Chris: It it's either the numbers just don't line up with the wins and the losses, and I I I don't know what to expect from them man, but I I mean they haven't made any significant improvements in a couple of years that that come to mind. Chris: I mean they they drafted well. Chris: Jefferson solid, you know. Chris: And and you know, Cook is **** He he. Chris: Might be the. Chris: The most talented running back in the league potentially, and he's he's in the conversation. Chris: Uhm, if he could just stay on the field, which I guess you could save a. Chris: Lot of people right? Chris: But I I I don't know, man, I I expect them them to actually take a step back though I just I feel like everyone that's on there has been. Chris: Getting older and and. Chris: They've been winning less games. Chris: Year after year, it just seems like they're on the wrong. Chris: Trajectory to me. Kelly: Yeah, I think they're an example of a. Kelly: I think they got the most out. Kelly: Of what they had. Kelly: But what they had just wasn't quite enough. Kelly: And now it's starting to go to the downside. Chris: Yeah, I think I think that's a real fair assessment. Kelly: So let's talk about well and what a trade this was. Kelly: There just the whole. Kelly: Changing quarterbacks Detroit. Chris: So you know, obviously Stafford went. Chris: He won a Super Bowl, uhm, you know, Jared Goff is just not a good NFL quarterback. Chris: He doesn't seem to process fast enough he has. Chris: He brings so a buddy of mine is a big ranch fan and him and I talk a lot of football usually. Chris: Starting around August, we start talking fantasy and and have some of these similar conversations that you and I are having and and. Chris: We had obviously a lot of discussions about the Rams and stuff and. Chris: You know prior to that trade him and I've been talking RAM, so Paul for the last 3-4 years and both of our take on golf is just he just brings nothing to to win you a football game. Now if the play goes perfectly. Chris: Well, and if everyone where they're supposed to be and everything, all the defensive guys reacted like they did on the practice field. Chris: That golf is. Chris: Great, you know. Chris: And he could throw an accurate ball. Chris: And he throws a real catchable ball. Chris: He's got good delivery skills in that capacity. Chris: His timing is solid, but man, if anything goes sideways at all then then he's he's got nothing for you and. Chris: You know at at this level, man, you expect to have, you know, maybe you're not. Chris: Getting Patrick my homes. Chris: Level of creativity out of things or or Aaron Rodgers. Chris: You know there's some guys in the league who really have a, uh, 99 out of 100 rating on those types of skills you know where they, uh, blade play breaks down and make and make something out of it. Chris: Still other guys do it with their legs. Chris: You know Lamar Jackson and yeah Josh Allen. Chris: And Kyler Murray. Chris: And, you know, there's a number of guys who can still get you something out of a busted play. Chris: Golf has just got to be the worst in the league at finding something. Chris: When the blade doesn't work as designed, it's it's a complete disaster. Kelly: But I think this is this is. Chris: So I don't. Kelly: One of those things where. Kelly: 'cause we talked about this a couple times, right? Kelly: OK, yeah. Kelly: 10 out of 10 times you know these guys are going to be in the same spot and all that and there's a lot of truth to that in the NFL. Kelly: But I think the other thing is that there's also on every play a. Kelly: Lot of chaos. Kelly: Just things happen and you get that you know you didn't practice that and. Kelly: Like to me, Jared Goff is a classic example of of great on the practice field great. Kelly: You know, if you take all the attributes that it takes to play quarterback, great there, but. Kelly: Just does not adapt to the chaos of the game day experience well at all. Chris: Exactly, that's 100% how I feel, and I think we're not the only ones. Chris: You know, I I don't know. Chris: That that they even believe that this is the long term solution. Chris: I think you know, I think Stafford wanted to change. Chris: I think the Lions knew that they had to rebuild. Chris: I think they accommodated it. Chris: You know? Chris: It was just one of those deals man where it was like OK, this kind of benefits us both. Chris: The Lions probably didn't feel like they were going to win a Super Bowl right away anyway. Chris: This gives them an opportunity to rebuild restock. Chris: And this, you know, golf is a reasonable stopgap, and I I I gotta believe you know that was kind of their plan from the beginning and and they're gonna, you know, find the answer elsewhere. And then. Kelly: You know? Kelly: The team. Kelly: We both love the pack. Chris: Yeah, I mean we. Chris: Could do a whole segment on these guys. Kelly: Well, we will so. Kelly: We won't go into much detail. Kelly: I can already, you know, we'll we'll give them, pack their own episode of our podcast at some point, but. Kelly: Probably more than one over the course. Kelly: Of the season. Chris: Go ahead, I'll let you take the lead on this one dude you you, you, you drive the ship and and you know what's your. Chris: Take on the pack Kelly. Kelly: Yeah, I think it's interesting and I actually have. Kelly: A few thoughts I've been thinking about this a little bit, especially as we've been putting together this podcast and you try to put a little more structure behind what you think. Kelly: And I'll say this, this is kind of my prevailing thought. Kelly: Again, having watched football for a while. Kelly: I used to wonder what it. Kelly: Was like to be a Buffalo Bills fan in the 90s. Kelly: Right? Kelly: 'cause their team got to the ultimate game four times in a row and fell short. Kelly: Didn't win one of them. Kelly: How did you as a fan or a player get up for that next year and at what point did you say, you know, I don't know what's going to happen again. Kelly: Now I know it hasn't been floor yet, but and it wasn't in the Super Bowl, but I mean. Kelly: The packs I. Kelly: Did all lined up they played at Lambeau in January. Kelly: An NFC championship game? Kelly: And they haven't done it so. Kelly: I don't like. Kelly: To say this, but I think they'll win. Kelly: The division and all again, but. Kelly: I don't know man I. Kelly: I don't know why, why? Kelly: Are they going to climb the mountain this time? Kelly: That they haven't been able to before. Kelly: Might not be what I as a Packer fan. Kelly: My heart wants to say but my head does and that's kind of how I feel. Kelly: What about you? Chris: Yeah, I'm in the same boat and I think most Packer fans you know? Chris: Yeah, you have two sides. Chris: You have your heart in your head. Chris: Obviously my my heart is hopeful. Chris: Uh, you know we're so close. Chris: The NFC is pretty light in comparison to the AFC. Chris: I'm not even sure if the Packers other than, well, I think I agree. Chris: I think they're going to find a way to win their division, but. Chris: So that gets them into the playoffs I guess. Chris: But you know, they wouldn't even compete in the AFC that now they blame the NFC and so that opens doors a little bit, a little less hurdles to have to to get over and. Chris: I I'm just as. Chris: Frustrated as you are man, I mean it's just you know. Chris: To to watch them. Chris: But repeatedly. Chris: Get to Divisional games, championship games and for a lot of years we lost the same way. Chris: You know we can't tackle the guy on the other team who's holding the ball and running. Chris: You know whether it's Kaepernick or moisture Raheem moisture or you know, it's just always a. Chris: There's a dude who has the ball and we can't get him on the ground. Chris: And and that's how we lose and don't don't advance through the playoffs. Chris: And to me it seems pretty simple. Chris: Well, hey, maybe we should go get some. Chris: Guys who are good at tackling the other guys, and, uh, yeah. Chris: Well I watched the drafts and I watched the offseason moves and it's like just doesn't seem to be a priority. Chris: But it's like how did you guys watch the games last year? Chris: Like seems like seems like we could use the middle linebacker. Chris: Seems like we could use some speed. Chris: On the edge. Chris: Uh, uh, no. Chris: All right, well, I guess maybe I were watching different games and, uh, so year after year. Chris: I just watch us not. Chris: Uh, fulfilled or or fill the the void that seems obvious to me. Chris: And the you know there's no reason to believe. Chris: I mean this, you know, we lost Devante Adams that I cannot tell you how many third downs are going to turn into punts now from just that loss alone, right? Chris: And what that translates to in terms of points? Chris: Time of possession, all you know, all the. Chris: Rest the defense that would have gotten had we completed that third down. Chris: That's another five minutes on the sidelines for those guys. Chris: I I I don't know what the effect is going to be. Chris: The number of touchdowns we're going to lose as a result of it. Chris: And you know, 4th and 4th and 6th and meeting meeting is to score touchdown or or third, third and four to go third and four on on the four. Chris: You know, in in to Adams and Rodgers to just find a way to complete those balls, and so that's going to be a heavy, heavy loss. Chris: Uh, you know, basically. Chris: You know I didn't like MVS much anyway. Chris: I mean, I I actually would be frustrated when he was even on the field. Chris: You know, the guy could make these circus catches. Chris: Just show this incredible athleticism speed. Chris: You know all the attributes you want out of a premier NFL receiver and then and then the ball hits him in the face on 2nd down. Chris: You know, you know, at the 50 it's like come on man, you know you got to put it together so his loss I don't think is going to be felt as bad. Chris: I think we can replace his. Chris: Overall production, but the atoms is going to be a big one. Chris: Uh, my hope is we transition into more of a running football team. Chris: I think we're geared for it. Chris: I think we've shown we can do that if the commitments just made to it. Chris: I think that that extends Aaron Rodgers keeps him healthy and upright. Chris: We're not going anywhere without Rodgers, so. Kelly: Yeah, that's for sure. Chris: How you've seen it? Chris: I mean in in a couple of times when he's had a broken collarbone or or another injury that's caused him to miss. Chris: Games is is. Chris: I I, I mean, we're lucky for a three or four one team without. Chris: That guy so. Kelly: I do hope that and I I really hope that. Kelly: You know, I think Jones has got a few more years as a elite. Kelly: All everything running back in him. Kelly: And, uh. Kelly: What I hope they do is that they recognize. Kelly: That pushing the Aaron Rodgers is going to save US button. Kelly: Isn't the way to? Kelly: Win games this year as much. Kelly: And that they can evolve. Kelly: I I think. Kelly: It's really interesting. Kelly: The mat, the floor, you know. Kelly: Well, this is his third year or 4th, but I mean I'm just 4th going into then kind of. Kelly: Oh well, I don't wanna, I'm kind. Kelly: Of curious a little bit with earlier in Rogers. Chris: Yeah, I mean I, you know we we got as a franchise. I mean I don't know if anyone got any luckier. You could compare the 49ers transitioning from Montana to Young. Chris: Uh, that that worked out pretty pretty well for them, but man, I I don't think anybody had it better than than us transitioning. Kelly: I I thought about this a lot myself too. Kelly: I mean, I mean, we're talking 30 years guy. Kelly: Of has any team? Kelly: Well, we're in a in really. Kelly: I guess football is probably the one that this would be more than anything, but I don't know that any team has had anything close to that long of a run at the Montana and Young. Kelly: Run wasn't nearly that long. Chris: No, no, I don't think anyone ever has. Chris: I mean, we've just been blessed with. Chris: VB MVP caliber play now they didn't win the MVP every year. Chris: Favre, I think finished with three and Rogers I think is that 2 right now. Chris: But these guys are are in the conversation every single year. Chris: We're getting, you know top five player at the position you're in, a year out for 30 years man and that's just. Kelly: But that's why I can't say. Kelly: I mean again, I'm sure there's other people that would you know, like even one or two, but. Kelly: That's why I say I really do. Kelly: I think it's and again I don't like to think this. Kelly: But I mean my heart. Kelly: It does feel a little bit like the Buffalo Bills did in the 90s, as I said, because. Kelly: If I think about that, we've had all these quarterbacks and we've only gotten the Super Bowls we've gotten. Kelly: You know? Kelly: Yeah, I I it's. Chris: It it was frustrating is and I mean it really. Chris: You know came all came out when Jordan Love was drafted and and you know we lose in the NFC Championship game. Chris: We're right there, man. Chris: I mean you can argue. Chris: You know six of the last 10 years we've been the best team in the NFC. Chris: And yet we're not representing the NFC in Super Bowl. Chris: And it's really just a player or two, and as a fan now I'm not in the front office and I I don't know all the workings man of of the business end of things and. This is everything. Chris: The Packers may be under different constraints, UM. Chris: You know, being public as opposed to a billionaire owner? Chris: Uh, you know, maybe the the large cash signing bonuses that the Rams are able to give away definitely assist in in them acquiring talent, you know? Chris: Nothing against Green Bay is beautiful, but. Chris: You know, as a 25 year old professional athlete I I don't know that it's the destination that you know, really, really gets your gets your eyes big. Chris: What do you compare it to? Chris: Miami Beach or Los Angeles, CA and stuff? Chris: But it just seems to me like we could have done. Chris: A better job of. Chris: Filling in the couple of voids that were there to to get us over the hump and it just feels like we haven't even tried. Chris: You know, Jarvis Landry just went to the Saints. Chris: You know if there's any quarterback in the league that's going to appreciate quality route running. Chris: Maybe Aaron Rodgers and what that guy could do with a precision route route runner like Jarvis Landry is I. Chris: I I just think it it it just be incredibly successful man. Chris: I mean you got a polished pro a guy is going to be where he where he's supposed to be. Chris: You know nine times out of 10 and you know just sort of been a great addition. Chris: And I I just don't understand. Chris: You know the the the business side of it that that that let's him know. Chris: We don't. Chris: We don't necessarily need a a Tyreek Hill type. Chris: You know you don't need that that flash, but man, there's there's just some simple moves that I I feel like we don't even try sometimes as a franchise to fill in some voids that could keep us, uh. Chris: You know? Chris: Fighting for that for for potentially under Super Bowl, and it's frustrating. Chris: As a fan. Chris: I mean, I think you you know people listening right here in our voices, we we sound melancholy when we're talking about our team. It's just you. Chris: Know part of his perspective though, right? Chris: Kelly, you know. Chris: I mean, we our expectations are high. Chris: We know how good we could be, and we know how close we've been. Chris: And so you know, if we were the the Browns or or the Lions, it's like yeah you kind of approach things from a different light and. Chris: I'm being a Packer fan for the last 30 years. Chris: It's like how we kind of expect to win and and and when you're well we are winning and we are winning divisions and we are going to the playoffs and we are, you know, riding that accept excitement all the way through January, you know? Chris: And and we all we have hope every year, but it is kind of disappointing when you realize. Chris: Man, we are so close. Chris: And it's. Chris: Like all we need is like just one little step in the right direction and we get there. Chris: And yeah, we don't make. Kelly: That step it is a different kind of disappointment. Kelly: I mean, I'm old enough to remember. Kelly: A lot O. Kelly: Rough seasons in the 70s and 80s. Kelly: So you know, we've really been spoiled. Kelly: And yeah, you know. Kelly: What I'd love. Kelly: To have a few more. Kelly: Super Bowls Kelly: Uh, but. Kelly: I can tell you the the journey every season has always been fun. Kelly: And so let's say about the logos of this division per minute. Kelly: As we get ready to close out this episode. Chris: Well, this is another one that I don't remember. Chris: I'm trying to. Chris: Remember what the Vikings look like? Chris: Uh, back in the the 70s and 80s. Chris: I don't think these, yeah, I know. Chris: The the the. Chris: C On the Bears hasn't changed. Chris: I don't think ever so. Chris: They have had a. Chris: You know, sometimes you get points just for, uh. Chris: You know? Chris: Nostalgia or whatever you want to call it, man, you know just because like these are classics, right? Chris: And Notre Dame golden domes type of just like hey man, don't don't if it ain't broken don't fix it and the. Chris: NFC North is a testament to that man. Chris: They they picked a logo a long time ago and they've rolled with them and they still work today. Chris: You know the Packers G is about as simple as it. Chris: Gets especially the same that the the Georgia Bulldogs use, just with different color scheme and. Chris: The berci about as simple as it gets, but it works. Chris: Man, you you see it, you know what it is? Chris: There's no confusion. Chris: And same thing with the Vikings and the Lions. Chris: Now the Lions is a blue lion. Chris: Outlined in white trim. Chris: About to pounce on somebody. Chris: Although you know in reality they don't pounce on much of anybody there. Chris: They seem like more of the prey in in on the field. Kelly: So how does that line compare to the Panther? Chris: Uh, either comparable man the like, the Panther is a little little deeper, little darker, a little angrier. Chris: The lion is. Chris: Uh, uh. Got it. Chris: Not as thick. Chris: I don't know how to say it. Chris: It's a not quite as early as the Panther is a little little thinner, but it's the the Lion matches up from what like a lion you would see in the wild. Chris: It's a really good representation of what an actual line would look like. Chris: Now, obviously in a bit of an aggressive stance. Chris: Kind of got a angry face. Chris: I don't think there's anyone who puts a smiling face on their logo in football. Chris: But yeah, the. Chris: Overall top to bottom. Chris: Uh, I think this is just a result of me being. Chris: Biased right so this this is the division that that our team resides in. Chris: Uh, this is division that. Chris: Yeah, I I tend to lean towards and and I give all the benefits too and so you. Kelly: Know what the Vikings, what's there? Kelly: What's there what? Kelly: They got going on. Chris: So they got. Chris: A Viking you know with the Horned helmet classic, like Viking, look right yellow helmet, a little little purple trim on it, some white horns coming out. Chris: He's got the Viking beard. Chris: And in the. Chris: The long flowing blonde locks, you know. Chris: So a combination of yellow and purple and white. Chris: And basically the the neck and head of of what? Chris: You would have picture a. Chris: Classifiying will look like. Kelly: So if we stack up the Raiders pirate, the Buccaneers pirate and the Vikings Viking, who's going to win? Chris: I guess it. Chris: Depends what you're trying to accomplish. Chris: Man, I'm I'm still leaning Raiders at this point, man. Chris: I mean, you know we've made it through both West and the remaining NFC, and I so far no one is overtaking the Raiders. Chris: To this point, we'll have to see when we get to the AFC on the on the next round and see if someone can somehow pass them up, but. Chris: I think they're gonna be a tough beat. Kelly: All right, well, I assume you're taking the pack for this last division in the NFC right now. Chris: Yeah, I, I think you said it when we very first started. Chris: You know when? Chris: When I was talking about you wanna start at the top of the bottom I I think it's gonna be a dogfight for the bottom up you know who's going to get that higher pick next year? Chris: It's going to be highly contested, and then I think the Packers have this thing wrapped up, barring injury and it's. Chris: You know all lots of things can happen, right that are. Kelly: That's why this is the preseason to the preseason. Chris: Yeah man, I mean you don't know man the you know. Chris: We lose Rogers and and and. Kelly: We're all bets are off then. Chris: Yeah, we're equal to everybody else, so I will say the Packers top to bottom talent wise are really no better than the maybe better than the lions, but they're going to stack up comparably to the bears and to the Vikings. Chris: What separates us is is we have a Hall of Fame caliber MVP caliber quarterback and that's that's worth a lot of separation. Kelly: Well, we've kind of gone through the NFC and. Kelly: Well, call it a wrap for another edition of the podcast to be named later. Kelly: Thanks a lot to my co-host, Chris and our listeners. Chris: Yeah, thank you Kelly. Chris: Always fun talking with you man and look forward to diving into the AFC, which I think a of the of the two conferences is the more interesting of the conferences. Chris: So obviously our team resides in the NFC and so we might be a little partial, but if we're being unbiased man, the AFC is going to. Chris: Be just a. Chris: Just an interesting interesting. Chris: Conference man a lot of. Chris: A lot of teams going to be fighting for. Chris: That one spot to represent. Kelly: The Super Bowl. Kelly: Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more and we'll we'll pick. Kelly: That up on the next episode. Kelly: So thanks again everyone for listening and we'll talk to you again soon. Chris: Hi thanks Kelly.